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Heroin - NKY


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Most of the overdoses that hospital receives in patients are going to be treated with naloxone as it helps antagonize the effects of heroin. As I'm currently in pharmacy school there has been discussion about possibly allowing known drug users to carry some naloxone around or have their family members have it just because the fact it could mean the difference in saving their lives if they are quick enough. However its a big issue of debate because some argue that it could promote more usage of drugs because the abuser knows he has a "fallback" if he/she screws up. Its a slippery slope although I'd say I'm in favor of patients or families having that on hand.


Most have to steal to support their heroin habits, who is going to pay to give them the drug that saves them?

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I'm still kind of surprised by all this. Then again, I've been moved away from the area for more than 10 years, so I'll allow that much has changed.


I had an old friend die this past weekend from an OD. I was not told what he OD'd on, but given the fact that he showed up in the Enquirer nearly two years ago for passing out at a stoplight on Dorchester Ave. with a needle in his arm, it's not hard to put 2 and 2 together.


This song by Todd Snider might as well have been written about him and another of my buddies, who died back in 2001 of complications from having a skinhead bash his head in with a baseball bat.


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I'm still kind of surprised by all this. Then again, I've been moved away from the area for more than 10 years, so I'll allow that much has changed.


I had an old friend die this past weekend from an OD. I was not told what he OD'd on, but given the fact that he showed up in the Enquirer nearly two years ago for passing out at a stoplight on Dorchester Ave. with a needle in his arm, it's not hard to put 2 and 2 together.


This song by Todd Snider might as well have been written about him and another of my buddies, who died back in 2001 of complications from having a skinhead bash his head in with a baseball bat.


I have a couple of friends that song reminds me of.


Sorry to hear about your friend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another death in NKY of a young girl in her 20's this week due to this horrid addiction. Burlington to be exact. Yet, I've seen nothing on it in the news. This epidemic needs to stop and the young adults need to see proof that indeed, you can die! Stop protecting how you want the community to look and get honest. We have people of all ages and in all communities in serious trouble.

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  • 3 months later...
Why is so much trouble? What is the reason all these people use it? I hear sex is great on it, but I'm sure they could find other things if that is someone's reason for using it.


It's popular because the high you get from heroin is similar to the highs you get from drugs like oxycontin and oxycodone, but it's easier to get and its cheaper. Oxys have been a plague on society for nearly a decade with over-prescribing and dependency running rampant, as well as straight up abuse of the drugs. With the reigns on prescription pain killers finally (slowly) being pulled back on, those drugs are getting more difficult to come by, and thereby more expensive.


As any good capitalists would do, drug traffickers have looked to find another product for their clients that they can get more readily and sell for less - heroin. Heroin is an opiate just like the oxys are, thereby providing a similar and less expensive high to oxy addicts. However, its addictive qualities are worse, and it apparently proves much more deadly.

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Why is so much trouble? What is the reason all these people use it? I hear sex is great on it, but I'm sure they could find other things if that is someone's reason for using it.


If that's a reason behind it I'm sure STD's will be on the increase as well.

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If that's a reason behind it I'm sure STD's will be on the increase as well.


I think the poster was thinking of methamphetamine. Meth is a stimulant and makes activities, including sex, more intense, last longer, etc.


Heroin has the complete opposite effect...users have no interest in sex once they use for awhile. Injecting heroin has been often described as 'the best orgasm ever' so maybe that is where the confusion came in.

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I've been told by very reliable sources that Ft. Thomas residents need to stay focused on house and vehicle security due to the increase in drug usage. A specific drug was not mentioned though. Lots of people out there looking to get their hands on something they can sell to get ahold of drugs.

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