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Heroin - NKY


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I've been told by very reliable sources that Ft. Thomas residents need to stay focused on house and vehicle security due to the increase in drug usage. A specific drug was not mentioned though. Lots of people out there looking to get their hands on something they can sell to get ahold of drugs.


There have been a 3 break ins in my street in the past 3 months. That's 3 more than there have been in the past 5 years I've lived here that I know of. Also my neighbors car was stolen in the middle of the day last year. They are getting more bold to get there money, they don't seem to care if they get caught either.

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It's popular because the high you get from heroin is similar to the highs you get from drugs like oxycontin and oxycodone, but it's easier to get and its cheaper. Oxys have been a plague on society for nearly a decade with over-prescribing and dependency running rampant, as well as straight up abuse of the drugs. With the reigns on prescription pain killers finally (slowly) being pulled back on, those drugs are getting more difficult to come by, and thereby more expensive.


As any good capitalists would do, drug traffickers have looked to find another product for their clients that they can get more readily and sell for less - heroin. Heroin is an opiate just like the oxys are, thereby providing a similar and less expensive high to oxy addicts. However, its addictive qualities are worse, and it apparently proves much more deadly.


Well said. :thumb:

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This short video could help us understand why the uprising of heroin in the U.S. all of the sudden...


Not sure we're doing ourselves any favors...


Ultimately our communities suffer, and the local dealers/users take the heat...


Our priorities our screwed...


US Military Helps Terrorist's Grow Heroin - US Funding Taliban - YouTube


Back in March when this thread began I tried to draw attention to this, but I'm guessing that it got overlooked considering that not one response was made regarding it. I realize that no one wants to believe this, but not believing, or ignoring it will not change it from being the truth.

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Interesting National Geographic documentary on Heroin:


Afghan Heroin - The Lost War - Nat Geo (FULL DOCU) - YouTube


This particular documentary doesn't go into the CIA's connection to the global drug trade, or how the US Military helps protect Afghan poppy fields, but it is interesting nonetheless. For information about the CIA and the US Military's relationship to the World's, and the United State's increasing Heroin problem, there's a decent amount of information available on youtube.


Bottom line: It needs to stop getting into the country.

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I think the poster was thinking of methamphetamine. Meth is a stimulant and makes activities, including sex, more intense, last longer, etc.


Heroin has the complete opposite effect...users have no interest in sex once they use for awhile. Injecting heroin has been often described as 'the best orgasm ever' so maybe that is where the confusion came in.


STD's could be on the rise as sex is used to raise drug money?

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Interesting National Geographic documentary on Heroin:


Afghan Heroin - The Lost War - Nat Geo (FULL DOCU) - YouTube


This particular documentary doesn't go into the CIA's connection to the global drug trade, or how the US Military helps protect Afghan poppy fields, but it is interesting nonetheless. For information about the CIA and the US Military's relationship to the World's, and the United State's increasing Heroin problem, there's a decent amount of information available on youtube.


Bottom line: It needs to stop getting into the country.


Do you really think Afghan heroin is making into the US? And if so, do you think the military/gov't is assisting? I have no reason to judge otherwise...just an honest question. I hope the answer is no. And, NO I didn't watch the video yet, but I will.

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I've skimmed through the thread and didn't see it posted anywhere so I apologize if it was already stated. But one of the biggest reasons heroin is such a factor in NKY now is its direct proximity to Cincinnati. Cinci for a while has been one of the major drug hubs in the United States thanks to its proximity to I-75 and other interstates leading to major cities. Places like Miami, Atlanta, Cinci, Detroit, Dallas, etc. are major regional centers for a lot of drug distribution. Cinci just so happens to be a leading force in the heroin trade here in the United States so that definitely doesn't help Kentucky due to its location, especially NKY. Its just going to continue to spread. I remember when I was in college around the Lexington/Richmond area around the mid to late 2000's it was already starting to come around there, and the main reason was people were driving to Cinci and bringing it back and re selling it to college kids for major profit. A lot of my friends were born and raised in Cinci so they were telling me about all of this, I had no idea it was such a problem up there but apparently you can get anything you want for relatively cheap.


You add in the proximity with the fact that the state of Kentucky and primarily EKY in general have cracked down on access to prescription pain meds, there is still a demand for the opiates that people aren't getting from the pharmacy any more. Thus heroin has a theater to thrive in. You take all these people addicted to opiates, you take their pills away, they are going to go for whatever else they can get. Dealers are taking advantage, the same ones who used to go to Florida for oxy are now going to make the shorter trip to Cinci to buy Heroin instead. Where theres a demand there is going to be a supply, thats why there is always going to be some sort of drug problem in this country, in this state.

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Do you really think Afghan heroin is making into the US? And if so, do you think the military/gov't is assisting? I have no reason to judge otherwise...just an honest question. I hope the answer is no. And, NO I didn't watch the video yet, but I will.


I do. Afghan heroin production is up almost 50% from the time the US has occupied the area, coincidence?


Keep in mind the poppy plant is also used to make a lot of pharmaceutical drugs so its not like its all being used for heroin. Technically a lot of these pharmaceutical companies can get their product for much cheaper than they ever have, maximizing profits for them as well as the heroin dealers.

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There was a huge expose about this in the Enquirer. Newport Kroger's parking lot has to be patrolled big time, b/c guys buy in Cincy and cross over and stop there to do their thing. I haven't heard about that being the place where sales take place.


Just heard this again today. A friend of mine was recently hit by a Clemont County driver on Memorial parkway over 471. The driver was coming from Fort Thomas area to do his thing at the Kroger parking lot. Already had the drug but was getting ready to get his fix.

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“I would estimate that at least 80 percent, maybe as high as 90 percent of all the felony cases we have come through Kenton County are either heroin possession cases, heroin trafficking cases or cases tied to heroin addiction,” said Sanders.


Sanders says there is not a day that goes by in Kenton County without a heroin-related arrest and he believes it’s only going to get worse.


“It is going to continue to grow and pretty soon you are going to have it all up and down the Northern Kentucky exits as people get across the interstate and shoot as soon as they can, but if you look at the cluster of the arrests, they are all in business parking lots less than a mile off the interstate.”


Sanders said it’s also moving down the interstate into the suburbs because Covington officers have done a great job policing the gas stations right off the interstate and they are going elsewhere to get high.




Read more: NKY officials see increase in heroin crimes along I-75 | Northern Kentucky - WLWT Home

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Communities across the US are scrambling to try to understand why all of the sudden their kids are addicted to Heroin, and how they can put a stop to it. Use of it and overdose deaths are on the rise. Folks are discussing it from every angle and how there's a changing demographic now of white suburban teens becoming addicted.


In the multitudes of information that exist online related to this topic, I have noticed that one of the least things discussed is where this Heroin is coming from.


It's my logical guess that if you can stop the drug from entering the country and becoming so readily available, then you can stop people from using and becoming addicted to it.


Simple logic:


When it wasn't so cheap and readily available, our communities did not have the problem that it is having now.


Now that it is cheap and readily available, our communities are suffering its effects.


If you had a leak in your roof and water was getting into your home, would you scurry around and spend all your efforts trying to repair the damage that the water has done, and keep letting the water leak in, and in essence just keep chasing your tail, or would you concentrate your efforts on finding the crack in roof and seal it up thereby eliminating the problem all together?


The link that I am providing is to an article that hits the nail on the head as to why we are experiencing this heroin problem to begin with. The author presents it in a sarcastic and cynical manor, but all the while exposes the ugly truth about who is gaining in the long run.


Our lack of peripheral vision tends to make us only see the small time local dealers and the users, and forget that there's a pyramid here of folks making money hand over fists at the expense of the end user.


If you happen not to trust the source of this article, then google about and you will likely find other sources that sing the same song and perhaps one that you do trust. This information is echoed by an assortment of various sources, and the ugly truth is all the same.


I personally don't know how to correct the problem, as it is apparent that it means going up against some serious heavy hitters. Ignoring it though is the first step in letting this problem continue, and having these guys laugh themselves silly all the way to the bank.


Look on the bright side: There?s a roaring heroin trade in Afghanistan, and it's all thanks to us - Comment - Voices - The Independent

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