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  1. Thanks for the correction. For some reason I thought they did.
  2. Winning the EKU 7 on 7 last year didn’t help them beat Cooper when it mattered in the playoffs last year. As I have said all off season I do think while Highlands is young, they are extremely talented and will be a top 5 team in the state who is capable of beating anyone in 5A.
  3. Any idea who the main QB was for them down there?
  4. Apparently the new court with a new design that they put down last year wasn’t working as well as they liked and head a dead spots. So the new court only lasted one game, before they had to switch back to the old court with the old design. They now either fixed the court that has issues, or put a brand new court together with the new design that was suppose to have been used last year. Here is a pic of the design that was used for one game last year and should now be permanent for this year it looks like.
  5. I will say Ludlow is also going through a major multi million dollar renovation at their school. Once that renovation is done, it also will be one of the nicest ones around. To go along with all the upgrades they have done to their football, baseball, and softball fields. At the end of the day it is great seeing a lot of schools starting to put money into upgrades into both the school buildings and sport facilities.
  6. Agreed. I think Nate has a higher ceiling than his brother, even though his career stats won’t beat his brothers. Since Logan started for three years, and Nate only gets to start at QB for two. Nate is a very good QB and would have started for most NKY schools last year as a sophomore. I think he will be the third best QB in NKY this year behind O’Hara for Cooper and Hayden for Beechwood.
  7. The funny thing is a varsity scrimmage from last year is still is a lot more telling than a freshman game three years ago that barely involved any current players🤣 Other than that I agree with the rest of your post lol.
  8. Haha ok man. I will say that scrimmage last year with many of the same players that will be on this years teams for both. Gives a ten times better indicator than a freshman game 3 years ago where literally basically maybe 3 players actually played in it lol. I'm literally not even sure what you are trying to do with this. I know I wasn’t putting Beechwood down at all, and even acknowledged that Beechwood is definitely a top 3 team in NKY. I’m not sure what your comments about teams being happy Beechwood is not on their schedule. I know for a fact Cooper was disappointed that Beechwood no longer wanted to even scrimmage. It would have been a good scrimmage for both teams. Instead Cooper now will be making the trip down to Cal.
  9. The original question was simply just asking who did Beechwood replace Cooper with and SPKY17 answered that.
  10. Cooper handled Beechwood pretty easily last year in the scrimmage and only lost 3 seniors that started. You referencing a freshman game from 3 years ago is not much of an indicator of anything. Considering in that Freshman game Cooper didn’t really have any of its top players that currently play. Such as Austin Alexander, Isaiah Johnson who was out with a broken collarbone for that game, Mason Stanton who was only playing varsity by the time of that freshman game and didn’t play. Then these guys also didn’t play in that game. Cam O’Hara one of the top QBs in the state, Keagan Maher, Ryker Campbell, Mike Mulvihill, Josiah Pouncy, Jaiden Combs. I think only 3 players that played in that freshman game you mention actually play and contribute much. Isaac Brown, Malachi Ewell, and Austin Perriman. Which Isaac Brown I believe was in his first year playing football that year. Not to mention Cooper was down to their 4th string QB for that freshman game if I remember correctly. So bringing up a freshman game from 3 years ago really doesn’t support what you are saying at all. With that said, Cooper and Beechwood should be three of the top teams in NKY this year. If they were to play it would have been a good game, but I think Cooper would have eventually won by around two touchdowns.
  11. I'm not sure why Beechwood dropped the Cooper scrimmage, as I think it would have been a good scrimmage for both. I assume Beechwood at least added another good team to scrimmage instead.
  12. Unless I missed it in this thread. What two teams are Beechwood scrimmaging this year? I know Beechwood decided to drop the Cooper scrimmage that they played in the second scrimmage last year. So I wasn’t sure who they picked up for their scrimmages this year? Beechwood will be absolutely loaded this year and no doubt one of the top 3 teams in NKY.
  13. Didn’t NCC stop playing games at Newport even before the field issues the last two years?
  14. That is definitely a very interesting and crazy stat that two top 10 picks only started a combine 6 games. Another crazy stat though to go along with that, is UK lost 4 of those 6 games in those starts. For the record looking back on it. I do agree now both should have been starting all year. It is still crazy what the record was though in those 6 games.
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