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  • Location
    Vetustior Humo!


  • Interests
    Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry -- St. Padre Pio


  • Occupation
    Writer & Chaplain-to-be


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  1. Yesterday, on day 30 of my extended engagment at Cincinnati's lovely Christ Hospital, I was lifted up from the (comfy-though zoolike) confines of the MICU to a much more sedate accommodation on 4S. My new room number is 4019. Yeah Team 4019! :-)
  2. Happy belated birthday Rockmom!!! Hope you had a good day!
  3. They've gotten a total of 14 liters of fluid off of me during this trip and 25 during the first trip, for a total of 39 liters of fluid!
  4. Cardiac Cath over. Still too early and FTP many doctors with too many opinions to say what will happen long term. Basically, I think it boils down to my own conviction to take the course I want to take.
  5. Lord willing. This dawn brings the beginning of the end. Back to the Cath lab.
  6. Thanks for keeping me lifted up in prayer. They have worked! When I'm better and able to talk, I will share some examples. I've been pleading with Christ to explain what it it is he wants me to find in all of this sudden reversal of what I thought was a blessed new life and a calling for my future. I think he wants me to find....Him.
  7. May God grant you peace and strength as he lifts iup your dad into his loving arms.
  8. I am abou to leave the confines of Christ hospital!!!t
  9. Jus learned that my nurse, Tricia. Is a BGP reader. She actually recognized me by my BGP name. Also, she said her father is a big time BGPer Should I be worried? ;-)
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