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Tigerpride94 last won the day on October 2

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  1. I see their freshman teams each year since St. X plays them and I don't see any indication of them falling off anytime soon.
  2. Tigers get early season district win. Play Moore on Wednesday.
  3. It's hard enough to rank football teams in one class so basketball way harder.
  4. Very happy to hear this new feature since will help me enter team scores into power ratings faster.
  5. Calpreps updated and Trinity replaces Cooper as #1 in the state.
  6. Congrats to Bowling Green on state championship and Cooper for being state runner up! 🎉
  7. Congrats to Trinity on state championship and to Ryle as state runner up! 🎉
  8. Trinity sideline reporter said the kids body went one way and leg went the other so bad leg injury sounds like. Hope he makes speedy recovery.
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