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One of the big questions in my mind is the Romney/Ryan proposal to drop rates by 20% across the board and using the closing of tax loopholes to pay for it. I get it in concept but the details are missing. In both debates it's been said that there are six studies to support it yet I can't find them.


Anyone have links to those?

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Biden won or at least did what he needed to do. Unlike Obama he challenged all of the inaccuarcies of Ryan and I thought he really outpaced him in the foreign policy areas. Ryan held his own, as much as you can when you repeat the same untruths about your medicare and tax plan that were already ruled to be untrue by fact checkers after the last debate. I don't think it matters much in the end as the only people who watched it are highly engaged people who have had their minds made up for months.

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One of the big questions in my mind is the Romney/Ryan proposal to drop rates by 20% across the board and using the closing of tax loopholes to pay for it. I get it in concept but the details are missing. In both debates it's been said that there are six studies to support it yet I can't find them.


Anyone have links to those?


I keep seeing on Twitter that they are editorials with more than half written by the same guy. I'll see if I can find a link.

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One of the big questions in my mind is the Romney/Ryan proposal to drop rates by 20% across the board and using the closing of tax loopholes to pay for it. I get it in concept but the details are missing. In both debates it's been said that there are six studies to support it yet I can't find them.


Anyone have links to those?


The Obama-Romney debate fact-check: Who told the biggest whoppers? - The Week

Romney: Six studies prove that Obama's charge about him raising taxes is "completely wrong"

The verdict: "Mostly False"

The "studies" Romney cites include two Wall Street Journal editorials, an article in the same paper by one of his own economic advisers, and two analyses by conservative think tanks. And even those studies, says Glenn Kessler at The Washington Post, "do not provide much evidence that Romney's proposal — as sketchy as it is — would be revenue neutral without making unrealistic assumptions."


Heres the link to the two editorials.


Review & Outlook: Mathematically Possible - WSJ.com


Review & Outlook: The Romney Hood Fairy Tale - WSJ.com


Romney: President Obama brought up a nonpartisan Tax Policy Center Study (which has been declared mostly true) that says Mitt Romney’s “revenue-neutral” plan to cut taxes for all Americans by 20 percent is impossible without raising taxes on the middle class.


In response to this, Romney claimed five other studies prove the legitimacy of his plan.


The Washington Post, Salon, and Politifact all say this claim is false because these so-called studies are not exactly studies. “One was a Wall Street Journal article from Martin Feldstein, a Harvard economist and an adviser to the Romney campaign; one was from Harvey Rosen, an economist at the Griswold Center for Economic Policy Studies at Princeton University; one was by Matt Jensen, an economist with the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank; and two were Wall Street Journal editorials,” Politifact explains.


Obama vs. Romney Presidential Debate Fact-Check: Who Lied? - The Daily Beast


This is probably the best article


PolitiFact | Romney claims five studies back up his tax plan

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I agree with Habib that for better or worse this debate was about Biden. Someone had a great quote last night. If you went strictly by the transcripts, it was a draw; if you just heard the debate Biden won; if you just watched the debate, Ryan won. Biden was amped for the first 50 minutes of the debate. Looked like he chugged a gallon of 5 Hour Energy before the festivities. When he settled down, he came across a lot less rude and connecting.


Charles Katzenjammer or whatever his name is on Fox.

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Was anyone else bothered by the fact that Biden kept referring to the Prime Minister of Israel as BiBi? Yeah, I know he's known the guy for 35 years but still, you are national television talking about the leader of another country - show some respect and cut out the nicknames.

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Was anyone else bothered by the fact that Biden kept referring to the Prime Minister of Israel as BiBi? Yeah, I know he's known the guy for 35 years but still, you are national television talking about the leader of another country - show some respect and cut out the nicknames.


I didn't like, "My friend". I started to wonder if Biden forgot his name.

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Was anyone else bothered by the fact that Biden kept referring to the Prime Minister of Israel as BiBi? Yeah, I know he's known the guy for 35 years but still, you are national television talking about the leader of another country - show some respect and cut out the nicknames.


I didn't like, "My friend". I started to wonder if Biden forgot his name.


I think the thing that bothered me the most was that both of them said "Look" in front of just about every statement they made.

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Biden was condescending and rude last night. No other way to put it. And he's being burned by his actions on the news channels today. One of them had a split screen of him laughing uncontrollably, and one with Dr. Evil doing the same from one of the Austin Powers movies. Very funny stuff. Saturday Night Live should have as much fun with this one as they did Al Gore's lock box.

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Was anyone else bothered by the fact that Biden kept referring to the Prime Minister of Israel as BiBi? Yeah, I know he's known the guy for 35 years but still, you are national television talking about the leader of another country - show some respect and cut out the nicknames.


Biden was condescending and rude last night. .....laughing uncontrollably,


Makes you wonder what he is like when he meets leaders of other countries.

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