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Race plays a factor when you are missing

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Without question it does.


Young white male from a well-off background goes missing and it's impossible to watch the news for 5 minutes without hearing about it. Young black woman from Colerain Township goes missing and it's crickets (until said missing male is found).


How did the news find out about it? It has nothing to do with the race of the person.

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I thought the race card is never justified. It's 2014. Obama has been elected twice. I thought racism is non existent now.


No, no. Racism is as alive as ever, it's just that white people are the true victims. We'd live in a just and equitable society if it weren't for minorities constantly maligning the history of white benevolence in this country. If you bring up the recent and lingering effects of legal segregation on things like the creation and plight of inner cities, discriminatory housing policies, economic opportunities, or bring up the pervasiveness of prejudicial racial stereotypes that negatively impact minorities, then you're the real racist. Racism ended in 1865 (or 1964, depending on how liberal you are) and anyone who mentions race since then is obsessed with it and just playing the race card.

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Nobody cares when non-whites go missing. It's not news like when the girl-next-door mysteriously disappears. Where did Jennifer go plays a whole lot better than has anyone seen Tameka.


Sad but true. The murders of the young black children in Atlanta comes to mind.


What murders?

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I think the fact that the Dulle kid was a student at UC was a major factor in the press he received. UC gave $10,000 towards a reward and talked to the press because a missing kid in the neighborhood is bad business for UC.

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Forgive me if I don't absolve Nancy from her single-minded focus on the return of young, white and preferably blond girls. Ever heard of "tokenism?"


You said the word never. I searched and that's what the first hit was.


I'm not a Nancy Grace fan. I can't stand her, but what you said wasn't really true. Only reason I googled what I did was out of curiosity.

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You said the word never. I searched and that's what the first hit was.


I'm not a Nancy Grace fan. I can't stand her, but what you said wasn't really true. Only reason I googled what I did was out of curiosity.


You've been on this board longer than I have, and I've been on here a long time. I occasionally use hyperbole to illustrate a point. You should know this and not use this as an excuse to defend someone as deplorable as Nancy Grace.

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You've been on this board longer than I have, and I've been on here a long time. I occasionally use hyperbole to illustrate a point. You should know this and not use this as an excuse to defend someone as deplorable as Nancy Grace.


Ididn't defend anyone. I used Google.

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If you are missing, race plays no role in your chances of being found. Poverty and parental concern does.


Nancy Grace is one TV host who selects the topics to discuss on her show based on potential ratings. Obviously, if you are a young, little white girl with affluent, articulate and photogenic parents, being selected as one of Grace's relatively tiny number of story lines is going to improve your chances of being recovered.


However, if you are a young girl born to a single mother meth addict in eastern Kentucky, the color of your skin and hair is not going to matter much. Nancy Grace is not going to be interested in interviewing your mom repeatedly on her TV show to improve your chances of being found.


I despise shows like Nancy Grace's. Obviously, she selects the topics that she covers to improve her ratings in the "demographic." But how is that any different than how the Black Entertainment Television (BET) network selects what it airs?


Is there a TV show like Nancy Graces on BET that showcases missing black children? If there is/were, does/would it focus on children born into two parent households with photogenic parents or the children of poor drug addicts who claim that somebody kidnapped their child?


I don't watch Nancy Grace and I don't watch BET but if you are looking for an accurate reflection of society's concern about missing children, you won't find it either place.


Very few missing children stories are showcased in the national media, so if you are missing, be happy if your photo appears on a milk carton.

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