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Race plays a factor when you are missing

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Decided to start this tread as sadly the Dulle thread has turned to "why did he receive do much attention".


Besides the fact he had many friends, and those friends had many friends, they were people who wanted to get involved and very quickly became very well organized. I feel the same would happen if a BGP member or their kid went missing, we would have a lot of people involved very quickly, as out of all of us, many know others who could help with such things as money and media attention. Sadly, many missing persons do not have a network of people to help, that is how society is these days.


But one other fact stands out. If you are white, young, and nice looking, you will get more attention, including media attention. About the same day that Dulle went missing, there was a young teen girl from FT Thomas that went missing. She is black, or at least mixed. And we hardly heard anything about her. And we are just now hearing about a girl, who is black, in the area who had been missing over two weeks.


Why does race factor into media attention?

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Nobody cares when non-whites go missing. It's not news like when the girl-next-door mysteriously disappears. Where did Jennifer go plays a whole lot better than has anyone seen Tameka.


Sad but true. The murders of the young black children in Atlanta comes to mind.

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Apples and oranges. One kid, who happens to be white, went missing without a clue. No logical reason, no clues, nothing. The police were alarmed at the circumstance and joined in a public plea for help and made it clear that foul play was not out of the question. The other, who happens to be black and is a juvenile, had a history of running away. The police made a public appeal to help find her, because she was 'missing' and without her medication. Both stories were covered by the newspaper and television news. One case ended very badly, as the police and everyone following suspected that it would (and prayed against hope that it wouldn't). The other case the young lady was located safely, just as the police suspected she would be, and just as she had before.


In that same time span and within our same geographic region dozens of other people....yes I said dozens, have been reported to the police as missing persons. Men & women, adults & kids, black & white. Nearly all have or will be safely located. Few will ever make the news. Some people, sadly, can find racism in every situation. Never let facts get in the way of a good allegation. Throw the race card at everything and wonder why nobody hears you when it's justified.

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Also, the family and friends HAVE to start the process of getting things going, and as soon as possible! Race does play a big factor, but so does the organizing from the first moments. I was surprised just 2 days after Dulle went missing that they have 100's of T-shirts printed up, and a couple days later his picture was on billboards. Class plays a factor as well as intelligence.

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Apples and oranges. One kid, who happens to be white, went missing without a clue. No logical reason, no clues, nothing. The police were alarmed at the circumstance and joined in a public plea for help and made it clear that foul play was not out of the question. The other, who happens to be black and is a juvenile, had a history of running away. The police made a public appeal to help find her, because she was 'missing' and without her medication. Both stories were covered by the newspaper and television news. One case ended very badly, as the police and everyone following suspected that it would (and prayed against hope that it wouldn't). The other case the young lady was located safely, just as the police suspected she would be, and just as she had before.


In that same time span and within our same geographic region dozens of other people....yes I said dozens, have been reported to the police as missing persons. Men & women, adults & kids, black & white. Nearly all have or will be safely located. Few will ever make the news. Some people, sadly, can find racism in every situation. Never let facts get in the way of a good allegation. Throw the race card at everything and wonder why nobody hears you when it's justified.


So this is the case every single white little girl that Nancy Grace foams at the mouth about, but not for every single little black girl that Ms. Grace never mentions? Got it. Thanks for clearing that up.

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Apples and oranges. One kid, who happens to be white, went missing without a clue. No logical reason, no clues, nothing. The police were alarmed at the circumstance and joined in a public plea for help and made it clear that foul play was not out of the question. The other, who happens to be black and is a juvenile, had a history of running away. The police made a public appeal to help find her, because she was 'missing' and without her medication. Both stories were covered by the newspaper and television news. One case ended very badly, as the police and everyone following suspected that it would (and prayed against hope that it wouldn't). The other case the young lady was located safely, just as the police suspected she would be, and just as she had before.


In that same time span and within our same geographic region dozens of other people....yes I said dozens, have been reported to the police as missing persons. Men & women, adults & kids, black & white. Nearly all have or will be safely located. Few will ever make the news. Some people, sadly, can find racism in every situation. Never let facts get in the way of a good allegation. Throw the race card at everything and wonder why nobody hears you when it's justified.



I thought the race card is never justified. It's 2014. Obama has been elected twice. I thought racism is non existent now.

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Also, the family and friends HAVE to start the process of getting things going, and as soon as possible! Race does play a big factor, but so does the organizing from the first moments. I was surprised just 2 days after Dulle went missing that they have 100's of T-shirts printed up, and a couple days later his picture was on billboards. Class plays a factor as well as intelligence.


Weren't these actions taken by Dulle's family? Private effort by the family.

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Without question it does.


Young white male from a well-off background goes missing and it's impossible to watch the news for 5 minutes without hearing about it. Young black woman from Colerain Township goes missing and it's crickets (until said missing male is found).

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I thought the race card is never justified. It's 2014. Obama has been elected twice. I thought racism is non existent now.


As the great Kenny Rogers once sang in a song:


"Well, the last ten years, look at the hills we've climbed, the best golfer's black, the best rapper's white an' it's about damn time."


Don't know why, but what you said reminded me of that.

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I'm sure race plays somewhat of a factor with the media attention, I'm not sure how much.


However, I think what also played a big factor is that Dulle was a college student. I'd imagine that there were a lot of volunteers who maybe never even met Dulle but were friends of friends and were out spreading the news, handing out flyers at the Taste or Reds game and etc. College students are pretty good about rallying around a cause and helping out. I think this was a good example of that.

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So this is the case every single white little girl that Nancy Grace foams at the mouth about, but not for every single little black girl that Ms. Grace never mentions? Got it. Thanks for clearing that up.


I searched "Nancy grace missing girl" on Google under "news"...


This was the first link.



Naked body of missing 9-year-old girl washes ashore | HLNtv.com

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Family/friends matter way more than race. According to an article I just read, the family has not organized any search party's. Her Find Kendra Facebook page was created on May 27, which is 10 days after she went missing. If her family and friends do not care enough to get out and look, why should anybody else. I have a very hard time believing the news channels and newspapers were notified, but didn't cover it because she was black.

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