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I just did a google search:. Is Valerie Jarret Living with the Obama's


The sources that come up with stories saying she is include the Daily Mail, Newsmax.com, and a blog chicksontheright.Com, the Daily Caller and The Right Scoop. Is there a story out there in the fake media?

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I just did a google search:. Is Valerie Jarret Living with the Obama's


The sources that come up with stories saying she is include the Daily Mail, Newsmax.com, and a blog chicksontheright.Com, the Daily Caller and The Right Scoop. Is there a story out there in the fake media?


You could be right. Maybe the story is fake. Easy to find out though. Someone can just ask them. Or Obama could tweet out that it is not true. We will know soon.

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I just did a google search:. Is Valerie Jarret Living with the Obama's


The sources that come up with stories saying she is include the Daily Mail, Newsmax.com, and a blog chicksontheright.Com, the Daily Caller and The Right Scoop. Is there a story out there in the fake media?

If CNN and Yahoo! report that the story is true, will it bother you that the Obamas and Jarrett plan to actively continue to undermine Trump's administration while operating from under the same roof? Or will you shift into defense mode?
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If CNN and Yahoo! report that the story is true, will it bother you that the Obamas and Jarrett plan to actively continue to undermine Trump's administration while operating from under the same roof? Or will you shift into defense mode?


I guess what you would consider defense. I don't think the Obama family is trying to undermine President Trump, with or without Ms. Jarrett living with them. I also don't think the Bush family are, nor the Carter's, Kennedy's or any other.

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Why aren't the folks that are so concerned about his Russian Ambassador contact not concerned about all the other Ambassadors from other countries he has contacted, which is his job


That seems obvious. Are the intelligence agencies looking into other countries potential role in the election ?

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You could be right. Maybe the story is fake. Easy to find out though. Someone can just ask them. Or Obama could tweet out that it is not true. We will know soon.


I agree the story will be verified or debunked eventually. I disagree President Obama should tweet out answers to random rumors or questions. If he chooses to, so be it. But people shouldn't be expected to owe the public anything, even if they are famous. People say Facebook is the downfall of society, I say it's Twitter. :D

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I've read that it was expected that he would talk to Russian ambassadors as part of being on the Armed Services Committee.


There are 26 senators on that committee. Reports say that 25 of them never met with any Russian officials last year.


Could be completely innocent but combined with all of the other smoke....

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I've read that it was expected that he would talk to Russian ambassadors as part of being on the Armed Services Committee.


There are 26 senators on that committee. Reports say that 25 of them never met with any Russian officials last year.


Could be completely innocent but combined with all of the other smoke....

The "reports" may be a total fabrication. ABC News says that Claire McCaskill lied when she claimed that she has never met with the Russian Ambassador in the 10 years that she has been a member of the Armed Services Committee. How many of the 24 remaining members might have lied?


How did you not stumble across the "reports" about McCaskill lying while you were Googling to find the "reports" that you decided to report here?

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I just did a google search:. Is Valerie Jarret Living with the Obama's


The sources that come up with stories saying she is include the Daily Mail, Newsmax.com, and a blog chicksontheright.Com, the Daily Caller and The Right Scoop. Is there a story out there in the fake media?


You could be right. Maybe the story is fake. Easy to find out though. Someone can just ask them. Or Obama could tweet out that it is not true. We will know soon.


If CNN and Yahoo! report that the story is true, will it bother you that the Obamas and Jarrett plan to actively continue to undermine Trump's administration while operating from under the same roof? Or will you shift into defense mode?


I guess what you would consider defense. I don't think the Obama family is trying to undermine President Trump, with or without Ms. Jarrett living with them. I also don't think the Bush family are, nor the Carter's, Kennedy's or any other.


I have read the same stuff. It doesn't shock me one bit that it's not true. Jarrett is full fledge Muslim Brotherhood as is Obama. Their goal,is to bring Trump down and try to get voting gerrymandering fixed for the Dems.

All 3, Jarett, Holder, Obama should be tried for treason if they try to undermine the President in ways they want to. I wish Obama would go back home to Kenya and live forever.

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The Russians did not put the longest lines of people I have seen voting in 10 years at the same location back in November. This fake story has gone on long enough.


Did the Russians make the people of Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida vote for Trump. No, Hillary did.

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Have no idea nor care about Senator McCaskill. Read what I wrote. When someone says they can't recall that are lying when it is that many times. You would recall whether you talked about the election. If you didn't you say that was never discussed or we never talked about that. When you did talk about it you say I don' recall. Pretty difficult to prove I don't recall. Done all the time.

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Why didn't Loretta Lynch take herself off the Clinton case after meeting with Bill at Airport.

I know why. Hypocrite Dems.


Bill Clinton lied on the stand.

Hypocrite Dems.


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