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Lebron James signs with the Miami Heat!

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Haven't read the entire thread but here are a few things.


1) LeBron owes Cleveland and their fans NOTHING. He gave them 7 years of better basketball than they've ever seen. He made them relevant when Cleveland hasn't had a relevant sports team in a long time. Get over it.


2) While LeBron could've called the Cavs owner prior to his decision, he could stop acting like an 8 year old. Again, LeBron owes him nothing. He made him look like a competent owner because of his talents.


3) Can't wait to see what he does against Cleveland after being called out by the owner for, "Quitting in the Eastern Conference Finals". Weak.


4) We always get the athlete that takes the most amount of money as possible and runs with it, even if that hinders the team's ability to pick up better talent. LeBron, Wade, and Bosh take LESS money to attempt to win a championship. Simply unheard of in this day and age.

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Some of you guys are comical, really good for a nice laugh. :thumb:



Just because Lebron can't win with Mo Williams, Anderson Varejao, 34 year old Antwan Jamison, and Delonte West, he sucks and can't be the man and be the hero and get a ring. Even though he made a Finals appearance almost single handedly with Eric Snow and like said type players. Mark it down, the Cavs team as is equals a lottery team next year and you put Kobe, anyone one it, they would not achieve no where near the success they have had with Lebron there. But all because he is tired of Gilbert surrounding him with average players and actually wanted to go somewhere with other talent he sucks and cant do it on his own. You guys are great. Its perfectly acceptable for all other players to have a good team around them, but lord forbid Lebron actually play with someone that can make an All-Star game. I mean its not like those three are teaming up with Dwight Howard and Deron Williams. The rest of the roster will more than likely be filled with Ronny Turiaf specials, what makes that a cake walk to a championship? This will still be a challenge, but will be a fun ride with three great players.


You guys stay bitter all you wan't the only reason for that is jealousy or sour grapes. So continue to hate, I will continue to laugh while other grown men act this way and use those kind of excuses as to why.


As I have been and as I certainly will be next year (Lord Willing),........... I AM A WITNESS!


This is JMO, but there is a difference in wanting to play with All-Star teammates, and the supposed best player in the game running to play with two guys who are top 7 or so players in the league. DWade is at worst the 4th best wing in the league, it's his team and he will take the last shots. LeBron must want that, and for a guy who is labeled as the best or at least Kobe's rival that is pathetic.


LeBron gave his seal of approval to every player that came through.(Ben Wallace, Shaq, Mo Williams, Jamison, re-sign Daniel Gibson, Big Z and Varejao). His fingers were on every deal that was made to try to make Cleveland better. Gilbert did everything LeBron asked of him so in that respect Cleveland's failures are partly LeBron's fault at the very least.


:thumb: He didn't mention that :lol:.

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I too am a witness and I like the fact that 3 of the games biggest stars can put aside egos, money, & stats and try to become something bigger. I never heard anyone complain that Magic, Kareem, & Worthy were bad for the NBA, or that they did not "EARN" their titles. I thought when Lebron was in Clevland he was the best basketball player in the world and now that he is in South Beach I feel the same way. It did not hurt Magic's legacy that he played with other superstars.


Don't you think it would have hurt Magic's legacy if he had left to play with Larry Bird? I mean he was drafted by the Lakers, can't really change anything unless you run guys out of town.

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Don't you think it would have hurt Magic's legacy if he had left to play with Larry Bird? I mean he was drafted by the Lakers, can't really change anything unless you run guys out of town.


Are we going to compare getting drafted by the Lakers, Celtics, or Bulls the same as being drafted by Cleveland? The only superstar who stayed in a really small market and dominated over the last few decades is Tim Duncan. If Robinson wasn't injured the year before they wouldn't have had that pick. He got extremely lucky to go w/ Robinson and he was even luckier that they drafted Parker and Ginobili late in drafts. Kone was unhappy as a Laker and demanded a trade from a team that has competed for half of all of the tiltes. I understand your frustration, but the NBA like any other sport has their stars want to play in big cities and win.

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It's a business. Many many athletes have found out they were traded or released through media outlets. LeBron didn't owe anyone anything. Especially the owners.


And all other free agent signings / trades are bylines or quick press conferences, not an hour plus special on ESPN with all of Cleveland sitting on pins and needles. Truly classless on Lebron and ESPNs part IMO

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I could care less where LBJ signed or what kind of path that will lead him on in defining his legacy. That is his decision and right of his as a free agent. I would have liked for him to stay in Cleveland, but to each his own. If he wins many titles, will any of this any matter? Possibly watered down on some level, but winning speaks volumes.


What I have taken objection to is the dangling of this entire Free Agency signing period for the past few years. Always hinting New York and pretty much throwing it back in the face of Cleveland. I disagree with those who have defended him over the years as being a Cleveland native. He has let it be known that Akron is his home, not Cleveland. He has never had this strong loyalty to the Cavs or the City of Cleveland which many witnesses were duped in believing this whole time. Whether he knew of the destination or not, I feel that this was a calculated move he decided over 2 years ago.

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Are we going to compare getting drafted by the Lakers, Celtics, or Bulls the same as being drafted by Cleveland? The only superstar who stayed in a really small market and dominated over the last few decades is Tim Duncan. If Robinson wasn't injured the year before they wouldn't have had that pick. He got extremely lucky to go w/ Robinson and he was even luckier that they drafted Parker and Ginobili late in drafts. Kone was unhappy as a Laker and demanded a trade from a team that has competed for half of all of the tiltes. I understand your frustration, but the NBA like any other sport has their stars want to play in big cities and win.


No we aren't going to compare Cleveland to any of them. But, I don't think we should compare Magic, Kareem, and Worthy to James running to Miami as fast as he can either. I would have actually had respect for LeBron if he'd taken the NY challenge because it would have actually been a challenge.

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I could care less where LBJ signed or what kind of path that will lead him on in defining his legacy. That is his decision and right of his as a free agent. I would have liked for him to stay in Cleveland, but to each his own. If he wins many titles, will any of this any matter? Possibly watered down on some level, but winning speaks volumes.


What I have taken objection to is the dangling of this entire Free Agency signing period for the past few years. Always hinting New York and pretty much throwing it back in the face of Cleveland. I disagree with those who have defended him over the years as being a Cleveland native. He has let it be known that Akron is his home, not Cleveland. He has never had this strong loyalty to the Cavs or the City of Cleveland which many witnesses were duped in believing this whole time. Whether he knew of the destination or not, I feel that this was a calculated move he decided over 2 years ago.

I really don't see what is wrong with what you posted. Don't people who work a regular job do the same thing? I mean they will dangle another place of employment to try and get more from their present job.

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I feel that this was a calculated move he decided over 2 years ago.



Yep, I believe this was LBJ, Wade, and Bosh's plan since the Olympics. He completely sidestepped the question last night when asked. So if that was the case, does Gilbert maybe have a point and LBJ laid down against the Celtics?

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I really don't see what is wrong with what you posted. Don't people who work a regular job do the same thing? I mean they will dangle another place of employment to try and get more from their present job.

To their employer they will. It was all a big game to James, imo, to dangle in front of the fans... all the way up through the one hour special. While James owes nothing to the fans of Cleveland, I really believe he feels like they (Cleveland) owe him for what he did.

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I really don't see what is wrong with what you posted. Don't people who work a regular job do the same thing? I mean they will dangle another place of employment to try and get more from their present job.


Agreed. Generally speaking in the business world the boss and owners have the power. LBJ had the powere here. Gilbert said he quit on his team last year. Why did he want him back so bad then?

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