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I am 59. I have no piercings or tattoos. But I have a few scars (knee, ankle) that make me interesting. :lol2:


I am ok with a woman having her ears pierced, but anythings else not really necessary, but to each his/her own. A small tattoo, again, to each his/her own....except excessive piercings, tattoos, sleeves, etc. are disgusting to me. Also, I inwardly laugh when it is 15 degrees out and someone is wearing shorts or a tank top, and I know it is only to show off their tatt. If i were to get one, it would be something personal to me that I would not feel I had to show off. Also, My dad and two uncles were WW2 Marines in the South Pacific. My uncle had a tattoo on his forearm, of an anchor I believe, and knowing his past, I thought it was cool.

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Age: 49




Don't have one. Will never have one because I don't want one, and also I am Psoriac so if I did it would likely turn into a crusty disturbing ugly mess that I would horribly regret from having brought trauma to my skin.


To each their own about having them.


Personal feeling is that the trend has become WAY overdone and terribly unoriginal. For some, especially one who has many, it to me can look filthy and trashy and unattractive and "oh boy", when those folks become wrinkly seniors I'm envisioning them to look even more God awful, however for some if well placed and well thought out it could be interesting and attractive.




A vivacious lady friend of mine has an angel placed on the upper part on one of her large bosoms that when she wears a low cut garment revealing her cleavage it can look rather appealing.


I don't know if this still holds true at all, but about 15 years ago I was told during a conversation I had with the internationally touring music artist "Hayden" that he had never seen more tattoos on people than he had seen with his stop in Cincinnati. With Cincinnati being considered one of the more conservative cities in the nation, I found that to be quite an interesting and surprising assessment.




Again... to each their own about having them.


As a product of the MTV era I pierced one ear in 1985 at the age of 21. I have for years worn a small gold hoop that I never take out and mostly forget that it's even there. I believe that it's only noticed by extremely ultra conservative folks that I come in contact with, for at times I become conscious that they are zooming in on it.


As a teen around the late 70's I spotted an Indian woman with a small diamond in her nose while I was waiting to get on a roller coaster ride at Kings Island, and thought that it looked pretty on her.


When first seeing George Michael and Simon Lebon get both their ears pierced in the 80's it initially looked overly feminine to me seeing guys do that. Then in a few short years the trend got butched up by every thuggy looking guy in the world and soon just started looking threatening by the thuggy looking guys who wore them. It amazed me that the trend went from being a sissy sorta thing to do for men to a butch bad boy tough guy thing to do.


I do recall in the early 70's when the trend went for woman to wear clip-ons to the real deal piercing and my teen sisters had a huge fight with my parents about doing it. My parents weren't too thrilled either when I came home with one in the mid-80's when having to swallow much more than just their daughters having it done. The horror.


When the trend gravitated to tongues, and all kinds of other body, face, ears etc... destruction and mutilation, I started thinking that it was getting a bit overboard, and still do. I'll never understand permanently messing with one's tongue or genitals. You really wouldn't want to lose either by taking the chance of infection by being stupid enough follow the trend, and be such a product of your time.


I recently spotted an extremely nerdy, well behaved, and clean looking super conservative looking teen girl, who by every indication of her demeanor, non-hip hair style, super conservative clothing, had a huge plug in her ear. I thought, "What's wrong with this picture?" Being a product of her time it appeared to me that this otherwise most likely unpopular but high excelling high school student was making some attempt to be radical to fit in with the present day teens. Poor sister, she's gonna regret it because I've no doubt that she'll one day want to hold a professional position, and I'm thinking that her most likely non-hip stylish field of choice would not coincide with a giant hole in her ear.


To be perfectly honest without sounding like I'm discriminating, this girl had very nun-like potential, and I couldn't help but envision her one day leading a bunch of 2nd graders during their First Communion with her ear mutilated. Mother Superior is not gonna be happy. :eek:

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I'm 26. Piercings are very attractive as long as they don't go overboard. Too many looks trashy IMO.... Also don't mess with that eyebrow, nose, lip etc... Those people are trying too hard for attention IMO.


I'm not into tattoos. But if you have one I will respect it a whole lot more if it has meaning... Can't tell you how many friends through high school/college would come in with some crap on their arm and when asked what it was they'd say "it's a tribal".... Please... What tribe are you from exactly?

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I'm not into tattoos. But if you have one I will respect it a whole lot more if it has meaning... Can't tell you how many friends through high school/college would come in with some crap on their arm and when asked what it was they'd say "it's a tribal".... Please... What tribe are you from exactly?


What if you have a deceased relative that was part of a tribe?

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43 (44 next week)


I don't mind piercings, but hate eyebrow, lip and ears with more than a couple piercings. I do find belly button piercings on fit women very hot.


Tattoos are ok, as long they are small. Don't like huge tats or full sleeves etc on women. And please, please, no neck tattoo's. And tramp stamps are decidedly unsexy.

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No big on either when overdone. As stated, belly button piercing can be classy. But the fell-face-first-into-a-tackle-box look - not so much.


Tatoos above the shoulder blades, below the elbow or knee - no.



And if younger woman gets a 'tramp stamp' - at least make it functional....



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