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I Hope Sarah Palin Runs

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No secret that I am one of the leading BGP critics of Mrs. Palin. However, I'm not going to use any of her's or any candidate's lack of history knowledge as a determining factor when I get in the ballot box.

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I wonder if she is going to visit all 57 states on her tour like Obama did during his campaign.. :D


"I think you have to pay double for that kind of action Cotton." :D


(Dodgeball moment)

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I wonder if she is going to visit all 57 states on her tour like Obama did during his campaign.. :D


No comparison IMO. Every kid from 3rd grade knows there are 50 states so it's not a case of not knowing. He just said the wrong number as one's brain will occasionally do that and I'm guessing you add in fatigue and you get a wild off-the-wall stumper like that.


This was more of a "I'll wing it and keep talking my folksy you're not going to take my guns away because Paul Revere didn't want......" crap that she always says when it's obvious she's stumped. To say she's not good off-the-cuff is an understatement. It's not her game. However, I will say that the cumulative effect or snowball that's building with her misstatements does make her look weak mentally. That's why you see her try to appeal with "folksy" and "I love guns" and "I love America" because she's lacking in the areas that require details.

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No comparison IMO. Every kid from 3rd grade knows there are 50 states so it's not a case of not knowing. He just said the wrong number as one's brain will occasionally do that and I'm guessing you add in fatigue and you get a wild off-the-wall stumper like that.


This was more of a "I'll wing it and keep talking my folksy you're not going to take my guns away because Paul Revere didn't want......" crap that she always says when it's obvious she's stumped. To say she's not good off-the-cuff is an understatement. It's not her game. However, I will say that the cumulative effect or snowball that's building with her misstatements does make her look weak mentally. That's why you see her try to appeal with "folksy" and "I love guns" and "I love America" because she's lacking in the areas that require details.

I agree.. Folks misspeak... But she should have just dropped it and said she made a mistake..
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The positive of this is that many of us who have read about this and then read some more about it have learned more about Paul Revere than we learned (or remembered ) in school.


Hand raised.

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Everyone misspeaks. You can go back and back and back and find gaffes by many.


The thing about Ms. P., though, is that instead of admitting she messed up, she tries to prove she was right, and gets herself in worse....then it's the media's fault for posing a 'gotcha' question. She can never just admit she messed up, or just say nothing. She always has to say something, and when it's wrong she sets her sights on revisionist history.

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No secret that I am one of the leading BGP critics of Mrs. Palin. However, I'm not going to use any of her's or any candidate's lack of history knowledge as a determining factor when I get in the ballot box.


I agree in part. Anyone whose every utterance is recorded or who spends months on the road speaking is probably going to say something wrong or slip up at some point. I'm sure I wouldn't have produced a particularly sophisticated explanation of Revere's ride outside of the "one if by land, two if by sea" or another part of Longfellow's romanticization (though, she wasn't asked to). Frankly, I don’t care what she thinks Paul Revere did. I’m sure she thinks all of the Founders would vote Republican too. I think her opinions on things like the debt ceiling and Israel are far more alarming and in need of being exposed than this. Especially when she’s polling behind only Romney now.


But, Palin has doubled down here and said her barely coherent rambling about Revere ringing bells and warning the British not to take away guns is factually correct, that she's merely been the victim of "gotcha" questions and the media. This is what she does. Palin's modus operandi is to play the victim and go after those she considers her enemies. This is a theme that has been evident since she's emerged on the national stage and can be traced back even further.


When she first emerged on the scene I found her to be terribly unprepared – she didn’t appear to know much about much of what was going on in the world or be particularly curious about it. I thought it spoke poorly of McCain. Now that she’s a force in her own right with her own rabid following I feel she’s more deceptive and manipulative than she is simply unprepared, though she is still that. She continues to speak in conservative platitudes with no real substance or facts. She does interviews exclusively with Fox News, her employer, and thus avoids any difficult questions or criticism. But, she drapes herself in victimhood and assaults anyone who dares question the preceding points. That was the case with her Couric interview. That was the case with her resignation of the governorship. That was the case with the attempted assassination of Gabrielle Giffords. That is the case here – she’s always the victim. She shoehorned in some Tea Party rhetoric into the story of a revolutionary, and now she is claiming that she was the victim of a “gotcha” question (“What have you seen so far today and what are you going to take away from your visit?”), unjustly smeared (had her answer reported verbatim across the news and internet), and that her propagandist view of Paul Revere was the uncontested truth (so much so that her followers are now editing Paul Revere’s Wikipedia page to bring it in line with Palin’s account).

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