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Do you believe in the Paranormal??

calm like a bomb

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Yes I believe because I have seen ghosts (spirits) before. None of them to harm me or in any haunted houses but yes I have seen. I seen a man one night, solid white, standing over my grandmothers bed when I was younger and i wanted to scream but couldn't get my breath to do so. When I was older I also seen one at my other house at the foot of my bed.


As for demon spirits I'm not sure about because I've never seen one but I am open minded because I do believe there are things that are unexplainable on this Earth.

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BC imo angels come from and are sent by God. Some of these stories about ghost and hauntings and the like are nothing from God. JMO and I am not looking to "preach" a sermon here.


Most people are scared of ghosts because it's something they're not used to seeing. And most stories of ghosts I've read — and I've read a lot of them — have painted them as harmless. And they had to be sent by someone, right?

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A friend of mine told me a story about an experience her parent's had soon after they were married. They were in bed asleep one night when they were awakened by what sounded like several people stomping and dancing in the kitchen. They were afraid to move, much less check it out. They could hear dishes rattling and breaking, and pots and pans moving around. The next morning when they went into the kitchen they saw broken dishes, broken glasses, etc, and pots and pans scattered around the floor. Also a small bucket of lard which was full the night before, was empty. They checked the locks on the doors and they were secure. No person or animal could have gotten in the house. Whatever happened that night did not occur again. I think they moved shortly afterwards, however.


I have my doubts about this, but my friend says her parents swear by it.

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As I stated earlier in this thread I never believed in any of this before last year when a good friend of mine died.


I've never seen a ghostly figure or anything like that. Basically the day my friend died I had everyone over to my house, all of our buddies. We sat around out in my garage and listened to the radio and threw some darts. I figured having everyone together like that was the best comfort for the situation we were all in. Getting to what happened that night that changed the way I think about the after life.Like I was saying, the day my friend died I had everyone over to my house, we were listening to a rock station, X106.3. My friends favorite band was Old Crow Medicine Show (by no means are they a rock group) and his favorite song by the band was called "CC Rider". The radio guy came on and said "Up next we've got CC Rider by Old Crow on X106.3."Everyone in the room heard it. As soon as that was said we lost signal of the station, complete white noise. I went out to my car that was right outside my garage, turned on the radio and picked up the station fine. I brought another radio I had inside my garage, couldnt pick it up.


Try all you want to disprove that, its fine. I'll always believe that it was my buddy that night telling all of his close friends that he was still around and doing fine.


Im not so sure I believe in seeing ghostly figures or things like that. I do believe that we can communicate in different ways with the after life.

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My sisters house in Southgate Ky. is haunted . It was built in 1920's and the expansive basement is still filled with the original owners possessions . Its like going to an antique mall .Ive been in the basement when all of a sudden there is cigar smoke in the air .You can see it and smell it then just as fast it disapates . No one I repeat no one in our family smokes.

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  • 6 months later...

We had a store in Corbin for years and were always hearing creepy things and footsteps, every now and then you'd catch something in the corner of your eye, but, by far the weirdest things were the smells of food cooking and old lady-like lilac perfume when there was no reason for them to be there. A lot of cold spots, also. Weird.

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Yes, I do believe there is something going on that we don't know about that can, at times, interact with us.


I have been to too many places and seen too many things to not believe.


Another good show is the Anything Ghost podcast. You can find it on iTunes, it's user's submitted stories. Some of them are pretty freaky.


BTW, Jason and Grant from Ghost Hunters also have a podcast that's really good.

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I truly believe...my best friend's fiancee passed away during his sleep at 35 years old on my living room floor on my daughter's 9th birthday. My daughter found him not breathing in the morning. My daughter and "Randy" were best buds. Uncle Randy, as she called him, was idolized by her at this young age, he always laughed at her stupid nine year old jokes, etc...

About 2 months after he died, my daughter started talking about Uncle Randy standing at her bedside at night. He told her he was there to protect her and keep her safe. After about a month of her not wanting to go to bed, it kind of scared her a bit, my best friend came down and spent the night and "talked" to Randy and told him he was scarring her and if he wanted to protect her he would have to do it from afar. He has never returned to my daughters room...she is now 17 years old.

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I really don't know what I believe. I know that sounds strange after I tell you what happened to me. But, my dad always told me that once you "crossed the valley of death, you never return."....Well, this is what happened.


My grandfather passed away when I was 10 years old. My dad was given his truck and camper, which was my grandfather's baby....oh, how he loved that truck and camper...infact, my dad still has them. Anyway, we took an airplane to Wenatchee Washington for the funeral and we were going to drive the truck and camper back home. So, that is what we did.....it was a little bit of a drive, so, we decided to stop at the Seattle Coast and camp there that night and finish the trip the next day. In the camper, there was a bed that was up and a bed that is down. They were on the separate sides of the camper. My hair was really long and I used to put my hair on the side of my pillow and sleep like that. When we were all asleep, I felt someone sitting on the edge of my bed and actually sat on my hair. It was so tight that I could not move my head. At the same time, the lights inside the camper came on. I yelled out at the same time my dad did...What I was saying was....dad, you are sitting on my hair and it hurts and my dad was saying, why did you turn on the lights?....My mom noticed that both of us were in bed and she saw the indent on my bed and hair like someone was sitting there. She was in a panic and got my dad to come and help me. As my dad was coming towards me, the lights went off and I was free. My dad told my grandfather that he was dead and we would take care of his truck and camper. We did not have anything like that happen again.


I really don't know what to think, I really don't know what I believe.

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Coast to Coast AM is nothing more than a "conspiracy theory" show. Most pictures on their website are a joke.


I do believe, since I have had my own experience.


Most noises can be explained away. Other things can't. There is a DVD that has come out that was done by the Booth Brothers. The "ghost hunter" is Keith Age from Louisville. The DVD is called "Children of the Grave". It's a well done investigation done across 6 states. Be something to watch on Halloween night. In fact, TAPS, the guys on ScFi's "Ghost Hunters" will be doing a live show from Waverly Hills on Halloween night.

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