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Here comes the recount protest.


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You guys are good. You can twist any statement into an outrageous complaint. I have to do a better job choosing my words because you all are experts at turning any statement into an attack or support for Hillary. I am trying to present an unbiased viewpoint and ask a general unbiased question. So let me try this again.



Here we go ...


My point is a vote in Montana equals a vote in New York City when looking at the popular vote. Why does it matter that one candidate got a lot more votes in the cities and the other candidate got a lot more votes in rural areas? If we are only looking at the total popular vote, what point is made by saying ... look, she won huge in a few cities/states - OR - look, he won by a huge amount in the rural areas?


I understand your point. I will try again. In a popular vote system, Trump spends way more time in California and New York to engage the millions of voters that do not vote in those states because they think it does not matter. HRC won California by 3.5 Million votes, New York by 1.5 Million votes. No other states are even close to that lopsided. The lopsided nature of the vote in California and New York is why they are brought up. It is far easier than saying, if you add up Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Minnesota, Virginia, New Mexico, Nevada, Vermont, Colorado, Oregon and Washington. Those states had reasonable margins.


The popular vote is irrelevant in an election based upon the Electoral College.

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This is a fact. IMO, it is also why Trump wouldn't say he would just accept the results.


If he meant he would request a recount and that's why he wouldn't say he'd accept the results, he did a remarkably poor job conveying that. His attitude of "I'll only accept it if I win" is just a poor attitude, and not one of a good leader. His supporters didn't call him on that, yet now want to rake people over the coals who don't criticize Stein.

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If he meant he would request a recount and that's why he wouldn't say he'd accept the results, he did a remarkably poor job conveying that. His attitude of "I'll only accept it if I win" is just a poor attitude, and not one of a good leader. His supporters didn't call him on that, yet now want to rake people over the coals who don't criticize Stein.


If we are being fair I think what he said was we will wait and see what happens or something to that affect. He never said he would only accept if he won.


My main reason for being upset on this issue is the dishonesty behind. No one believes Jill Stein is behind this recount.

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I was referring to what he said in the debate. I'd have to see video of this event to see in what manner itncame across. Trump said a lot of things at rallies to mock the media and then the media reported it as fact.


But if he meant it seriously obviously it was irresponsible or he was just overconfident. Both probably apply.

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If we are being fair I think what he said was we will wait and see what happens or something to that affect. He never said he would only accept if he won.


My main reason for being upset on this issue is the dishonesty behind. No one believes Jill Stein is behind this recount.


I do. I saw somewhere that Jill Stein has raised more money with this recount than she did in her campaign. She gets more name recognition and raises a lot of money.

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If he meant he would request a recount and that's why he wouldn't say he'd accept the results, he did a remarkably poor job conveying that. His attitude of "I'll only accept it if I win" is just a poor attitude, and not one of a good leader. His supporters didn't call him on that, yet now want to rake people over the coals who don't criticize Stein.


You may be right. I think it is naive to take everything that was said in that election as unequivocal fact. It really didn't matter what he said, the media spun it and tried to make it worse. He said whatever it would take to rile up his supporters. Many, many Trump supporters appreciated his lack of political correctness. I personally am tired of the politically correct nature of our country where politicians have a public stance, which will get them elected, and a private stance, which is what they will actually do.


As for the recount, I am fine with it. I think the timing of it is suspect. I don't fault HRC for observing the recount. My complaint is if Jill Stein is filling her coffers with recount money. There is an ulterior motive to this recount.

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I do. I saw somewhere that Jill Stein has raised more money with this recount than she did in her campaign. She gets more name recognition and raises a lot of money.


She has no benefit of doing this. Where did these donors come from ? If she cared about Hillary winning why did she run in the first place. It's naive to think there isn't someone else pulling the strings. I will be interested to see where Jill Stein is working in a few months.

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Same goofs , sorry BGP intellectuals , joking and knee slapping at Trump saying he wouldnt accept the results are the same ones using verbal gymnastics to now state why its perfectly excusable . But continue on, its adding amusement to my day.


Similar to the gymnastics used by people who didn't care that Trump said he'd only accept if he won that are now making a big deal about a recount. :lol2:

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Then you weren't paying attention 8 years ago.


Sure I was.


Let's see, protests in the streets in 2016, 2008- Nope. College kids asking to be exempt from tests due to "trauma" of Obama winning- Nope. High school kids protesting and not going to class because Obama won- Nope.


You were saying.......................

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