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What Movie Do You Hate That Everyone Else Loves?

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I never realized there was this much invective toward Will Ferrell.


I love him doing improv. He's great in most interviews. The guy is sharp, naturally funny.


However, I don't care for when he takes something that is already funny and goes over the top with it. Robin Williams could do that and make the moment funnier. Ferrell, on the other hand, makes it look stupid. That describes most every movie he has been in.

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Regarding horror movies, there are A LOT more REALLY bad horror movies than there are watchable horror movies. But when done well they can be really good. Scream is an excellent example. The first one was fantastic.


I think the problem is it's very easy for them to be formulaic and there is a definite audience waiting for them each fall.


Back a few years ago, when the remake of Friday the 13th was out, the family went to the theater to see it. My daughter loves horror movies and was sitting in front of me.


Right at the end you knew what was going to happen. About the time Jason popped up out of the water, I was in position to grab her around the waist. Mrs. S grabbed my arms stopping me.


Shorty still screamed bloody murder.


"She would have pee'd her pants had you done that.", Mrs. S chided me.


That was the point. :D

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I HATE the Meet the Parents movies.


The first one more then the second but I refuse to even try the 3rd.


I've watched all of these, but only because I went to high school with Teri Polo (Stiller's wife in the series).

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To answer the thread question in reverse, I like a movie I bet others don't care for (if you have even seen it). I like the movie Battleship. It has some really cool action scenes and a decent plot given it is science fiction.


Put be on board (no pun intended). Saw it in theatre and I was a fan, but that was also do in large part because I am a fan of Taylor Kitsch.

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She may be the only redeeming quality those movies have.


I've followed her career pretty closely (especially the Playboy pictorial she did!!), again, because I somewhat know her (we weren't friends, more acquaintances, and she dropped out of school to pursue modeling after he junior year). Sadly, the "Focker's" series is probably the highest profile role she's had. Mostly done some TV stuff (she was on the "West Wing" for a while, and had her own series, "I'm With Her" for a year). And to answer the obvious questions, yes she was really hot in high school as well, way, way out of my league.

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I've followed her career pretty closely (especially the Playboy pictorial she did!!), again, because I somewhat know her (we weren't friends, more acquaintances, and she dropped out of school to pursue modeling after he junior year). Sadly, the "Focker's" series is probably the highest profile role she's had. Mostly done some TV stuff (she was on the "West Wing" for a while, and had her own series, "I'm With Her" for a year). And to answer the obvious questions, yes she was really hot in high school as well, way, way out of my league.


Yeah she's gorgeous. She was great in all the Sorkin stuff she was in. Fantastic in The West Wing and maybe even better on Sports Night, a series that was way ahead of its time.

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Dumb and Dumber six times over.


But, any Jim Carey movie would make my list.


Any Will Ferrell movie as well.


Come to think of it, you could toss Ben Stiller right in there with them. he's been in a few movies (Something About Mary) I like. But, he's been in a lot of really bad movies.


Never got the obsession with A Christmas Story, nor do I understand how people enjoy watching Christmas Vacation (love the first Vacation though).

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Napoleon Dynamite is worse movie ever made.


Napoleon Dynamite is likely the worst for me that many liked; didn't think anything was funny/good about it whatsoever. I'm also in agreement with some about Anchorman. One other movie that I didn't like and wished to have the time back for was Spring Breakers.

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