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  1. It's absolutely amazing! The kids love it too!
  2. Thank you sir! I'm cheering you on as well. We both know it's a tough battle and we just have to be consistent in our pursuit.
  3. If the Flyers figure out the QB spot they should be poised for a run to the semi's. Team speed and skill players are plentiful. A few new coaching changes will be involved this year but should still be in great hands with this qualified staff. Go Flyers!!
  4. I made it through our 1 week at the Beach on vacation in Murrells Inlet and to my amazement I only gained .4 lbs. We did skip lunch most days after a nice breakfast at Dead Dog Saloon. I did eat a lot of salads along with grilled salmon or steak. Very minimal bread, but I did taste the delicious hush puppies at dinner a couple of times. Oh, and I only had 2 beers (Yuengling Flight) once. Only 1 beer per day on the others. I'm back at it now and riding the recumbent bike and eating smaller portions. I'm at 187.4 now. Down 72.6 lbs since late November 2023.
  5. I'm at 191 as of Sunday morning. Down 69 lbs. I can't wait to be under 190 here in a couple of weeks.
  6. Thank you! I'm getting after it.
  7. I weighed in at 198 Saturday morning! First time under 200 in over 20 years. I've lost a total of 62 lbs since late November 2023. Staying focused is the key. Even celebrated my youngest son's birthday yesterday at Rolling Oven in Versailles.
  8. I'm down to 204 as of last Saturday. Pounds are getting tougher as I expected they would. 56 total lbs since Nov 2023. I'm in it for the long haul. Warmer weather will help even more.
  9. Thank you Sir! Some heart issues at 64 will wake you up.
  10. I actually just saw this thread. I started in Nov 2023 and weighed 260 lbs. I weigh in every 2 weeks and I'll be weighing in this Saturday morning. Last weigh in I was down to 207 lbs. It's all about staying focused for me. I rarely have any type of bread and have way down on sugars. Trying to just eat good carbs only and I cut back to 1 beer per day. I ride the recumbent bike 4 days a week.
  11. Hope the Cats get Mitchell back for this one. I'll say Cats by 9 at home. Need to keep improving defensively and with the overall rebounding. Go Cats!!
  12. Bush Hamdan. Sounds like a solid hire to me. As long as Stoops let's him do his thing. Go Cats!
  13. Congratulations Coach Chandler! The Flyer program will miss you and your family! You got a good one Hazard!
  14. Sounds like they should have kept Coach Shipley.
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