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  1. I believe this season will be Cooper’s best yet to get it done. With saying that, Bowling Green obviously can’t be counted out along with others. I believe Cooper may be the best, but you have to beat the best to do it, which is why I would keep BG #1 until they are beaten. South Warren, Owensboro, and Highlands will likely be good contenders too. I think Highlands is the biggest question mark with losing all the seniors that they did from last season and especially with losing Benke.
  2. Dayton and Bellevue will be fun as usual, would have been nice for this one to be home at Davis Field with this likely being the last season.
  3. I don’t know a lot about what’s going on administratively or in other ways, but I do hope things get better. Regardless, I believe that Paul Wiggins becoming head coach officially has been a positive thing and a move in the right direction. He is a good football coach and alumni of Newport, which is good from the familiarity point with the school, its culture, and more.
  4. They are actively working on it, feel for them in this heat we are currently having.
  5. That would totally be awesome! I’m happy they are getting the new complex and all, but as old as Davis Field is it’s going to be like a big loss too. More than enough memories inside and around Davis Field for me alone. I’m sure there’s more from plenty others.
  6. A couple more pictures recently posted too.
  7. Greendevil Lane is officially closed, they are about to begin digging it up.
  8. Rest in peace Coach Yeagle. He was an amazing football coach and it showed with all of the teams he coached. Condolences to all involved with Coach Yeagle however you were.
  9. My guess would be that he will be the next coach, unless he wouldn’t want to.
  10. Usually not a good thing this late in. Hopefully Newport continues improving as they have.
  11. I heard today that 35-40 players are expected to be on the football team this season. If so, that’s good for numbers. They graduated 15 players from last season’s team, which was more than I remembered. I believe Nickell will be back at quarterback and on defense and that some of the OL will be back Jimenez will be a big replacement to fill from last season in the backfield and defense too. It’s going to be a younger team for the most part. As I find out more, I’ll post.
  12. And maybe the most beneficial thing of all about this, Dayton could very well do better with retaining students/families who leave and with gaining. People have been buying in Dayton more again and the newer rentals behind the flood wall are gaining people too.
  13. No doubt, I don’t know if the majority of the development that’s happened down since it began would have happened without him.
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