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Vick Accepts Plea Deal

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Did anyone else just hear that idiot Ray Buchannan? He was on ESPN, basically saying that Vick was in the situation he was in because of his high profile name, and that it was only a he said, she said case against him.



I hate when people take up for someone who is obviously guilty. If he's taking a plea bargain...he's guilty. Why take up for him and make excuses?

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What a year for Bobby to finally jump ship.........


Vick might star in Longest Yard 2


This may have been a blessing in disguise for Petrino. You have to think Atlanta could very well be one of the worst teams in the league for starters...secondly, many of the teams who will be competing with them for that distinction have young QB's that they are planning on building around. Bottom line, this does two things for Petrino, IMO...


1) It buys him some time to build. Now, if things go bad, he can point to his franchise player (Vick) suddenly being gone and having to start from scratch in a lot of ways. Most people felt the Falcon roster had some holes even before Vick departed, now they're in a world of hurt with no real game-changer on the field.


2) It puts him in a great position to draft Brian Brohm next year.


They're going to have a great shot at Brohm, IMO. Let's make a list of the teams that could be in the bottom with Atlanta.


Miami - They'd be a likely candidate to take Brohm if they're in that position. But, they're also likely, IMO, to have a better record than Atlanta. They still have a good defense, and Trent Green should give them better QB play.


Buffalo - J. P. Losman...they aren't taking a QB.


Cleveland - Brady Quinn


Tennessee - Vince Young


Houston - Matt Schaub...it's unlikely they'd pull the plug on him after one season, but it's possible if it becomes obvious he can't cut it.


Oakland - JaMarcus Russell...along with a slew of other QB's.


Kansas City - Not likely they'll finish that low, but if they do, they could be a possibility. But, again, not likely because they are high on Croyle. They'd likely go elsewhere.


Washington - Jason Campbell


NYGiants - Eli Manning, and again, not likely they'll be that bad.


Detroit - Possibly.


Minnesota - NO DOUBT


Tampa Bay - Possibly




That's about it to me....I think Brian Brohm is likely looking at three teams - Atlanta, Detroit or Minnesota. I honestly expect Atlanta to be worse than the other two. Detroit should be slightly better than Atlanta, and Minnesota has a very good defense, which may be enough to keep them ahead of Atlanta, unless Tavaris Jackson and Brooks Bollinger turn into a complete disaster, which is possible.

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Everything has already been said on this topic in this thread, BUT how SHOCKING was this news. As if we didn't see this coming.


Just disgusting that he will serve a minimal amount of time and because everyone deserves a second chance, he will likely be back in the NFL in a few years.

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Goodell has shown that he isn't playing around thus far. I think he has done an outsanding job since he's been in.

Vick might go down as the biggest waste of talent in sports history if he doesn't make it back. In the past his teammates and coaches have seemed to all love him. That's usually how I decide what guys are like behind closed doors. I'm not really suprised that he was in on it and it's too bad he made the bad decisions he did. I also think there is a lot of worse things that have gone on in the NFL that we don't know about that would make this case look like Candyland. You give that many guys that have never had anything in their life as much money as these guys are getting at a young age and it's a recipie for disaster a lot of times.

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WOW! I thought he could get out of it! This is a definite eye-opener!

With the Feds involved I knew that he wouldn't get out of it. That is not like state or local. Feds are serious and if they indicte then they are sure of it, they do not lose those.

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Everything has already been said on this topic in this thread, BUT how SHOCKING was this news. As if we didn't see this coming.


Just disgusting that he will serve a minimal amount of time and because everyone deserves a second chance, he will likely be back in the NFL in a few years.

The sentencing is supposed to be Monday, it had been said that the judge is a tough one and usually sentence as such. I don't think that Vick will do the 5yr. max sentence but he may get more than we are expecting, I hope so anyway. The NFL has a chance now to really make a statement, we will see what they do.




It sure is a a Dogs life isn't it :D

(o.k., know that was bad :walk::lol: )

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