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Vick Accepts Plea Deal

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If Goodell is smart, he'll make an example out of Vick. Yes, the thought of what he did to innocent dogs is disgusting and sickening.


However, that's nothing compared to the fact that one of your league's top players has plead guilty to running a gambling ring. Especially with the Donaghey (sp?) situation. IMO, Vick needs to be done for good because the NFL doesn't need the question mark that will be left on every close NBA game for the next few years...

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If Goodell is smart, he'll make an example out of Vick. Yes, the thought of what he did to innocent dogs is disgusting and sickening.


However, that's nothing compared to the fact that one of your league's top players has plead guilty to running a gambling ring. Especially with the Donaghey (sp?) situation. IMO, Vick needs to be done for good because the NFL doesn't need the question mark that will be left on every close NBA game for the next few years...


IMO that will be the thing that the NFL will come down hard on, really hard on. I agree with you that he may be done for good.

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Word is that they accepted the deal when they found out that the grand jury was looking at piling on additional charges. The plea agreement effectively quashes that.


It effectively quashes his NFL career, as well. I jsut can't understand making millions of dollars to play a sport and still feeling the need to be involved in something that would only make thousands at most. Craziness!

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You're not right...


I'm not sure anyone wants any part of 'Ron Mexico', if you know what I mean...;)


I just meant he is a good athlete. Muscular. Soft hands probably. I'm sure he'll be an attractive option for someone who is looking for a stud.

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