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Reds say NO to smoking ANYWHERE in the stadium

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I have smoked for years...however,when I go out to dinner,even where I can smoke I don't..because I know it bothers other people..

However,I KNOW LONGER AND NEVER WILL...have dinner anywhere in Lexington...just because they have banned it. I have not eaten at Applebeas since they banned it..WHY...because it is the principle of the matter. They have a choice to ban smoking...I have a choice where to spend my money!!! And it won't be anywhere in Lexington,Applebeas or anywhere else that legislates my actions!!

And I am perfectly capable of fixing a meal at home!!!

Love the Reds...won't be there anytime soon!!


Hopefully my dollars will more than offset yours.

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What's going to be banned next???


Milk, Peanuts, Dirt????


More probably trans fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, seats where foul balls are a threat, stairs, storms, or games past 8:00. So that big thing of chili nachos on the 3rd base line might be next. :jump:

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I say good for them. I'm a dipper not a smoker, but if it bothered someone I wouldn't do it. Alot of people have alergies that can very easily be irritated by smocking. I say you should be able to enjoy the game and not be bothered by others choices, excessive drinking, smoking, being rude. Whatever it may be.


I think this choice isn't a bad one at all.

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I say good for them. I'm a dipper not a smoker, but if it bothered someone I wouldn't do it. Alot of people have alergies that can very easily be irritated by smocking. I say you should be able to enjoy the game and not be bothered by others choices, excessive drinking, smoking, being rude. Whatever it may be.


I think this choice isn't a bad one at all.

While I agree with you and most of the posts about this issue, there is also the other side of the coin. The rude non-smokers and non-drinkers, prissies until the end. They relish in the fact that they somehow feel empowered by having smoking banned in public places, even outside on a public sidewalk in some cases. They would love to see drinking banned in a lot of public places such as GABP. I don't see the harm in letting there be a place in the ball park where someone could smoke, I understand not allowing it in the seats, but there could have been a concourse section where smokers could have gathered that non-smokers could have steered clear of so not to be bothered.
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I have sat at Reds' games before with my daughter who is allergic to smoke and the jerk two seats from her would smoke throughout the game while sitting in his seat.


I have sat at Reds games before with my son who is allergic to perfume and the fat lady who reaked of Chanel #5 made the entire section ill.

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