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BGP QOTD: What movie traumatized you as a kid?


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I don't really remember seeing it for the first time (the movie came out when I was 3) but my Dad took my two older brothers and me to see Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom in theaters when it came out. Dad's always said I was sitting on his lap through the movie and during the part where the cult priest reaches into the guy's chest and pulls out his beating heart, Dad could feel my heart start racing so fast that he thought I was going to stroke out and die right there in the theater. That scene never bothered me too much as I got later into childhood...but some others that come to mind:


-The dude in The Dark Crystal who could pop his eyeball out and look around with it.


-The scene in Return To Oz when Dorothy grabs the powder of life and wakes up all of the heads in the hall of heads.


-The Childcatcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.


-Some odds and ends scenes from Dune. That was one of the movies my oldest brother Jake liked to watch a lot.


-When I was 8 or 9 my oldest brother's buddy brought over a VHS of this crappy 80s horror movie called Ghost Town...I don't remember a lot about it, but I do remember having nightmares about it literally months later.


-Not a movie, but the music video for "Thriller" was kind of like a trainwreck...I was like 4 years old when it came out, and it scared me, but I couldn't look away. I remember watching it over at my aunt & uncle's house, because they actually had cable and MTV.


-Lol....the scene in Pee Wee's Big Adventure when Large Marge told Pee Wee about the worst accident she ever saw and her face wigs all out when she describes how the driver's body looked. :lol2: Even when I knew it was coming, I still closed my eyes.

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Without question, "Stranger In the House". While it was made in 1974 (I looked it up), the first time I saw it was 6 or so years later, I wasn't probably old enough to watch it, but it was the Saturday Night Movie on one of the networks and my whole family watched it. It occupied space in my dreams for more years than I care to mention after that. It was a virus that took years to shake.


I 100% wouldn't watch it now under any circumstance. I told my kids this story once and they both said, "let's watch it this weekend!" As I told them, there is NO CHANCE I'd do that to you, I'm not playing with that movie. :notworthy:

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This is going to sound silly, but there was a movie called Sasquatch, and it came out when I 6 or 7 years old. The trailer absolutely terrified me. There was a scene where Bigfoot punches through a window. My bed was right next to a window, and I couldn’t sleep facing or even look at that window at night for a long time.

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Without question, "Stranger In the House". While it was made in 1974 (I looked it up), the first time I saw it was 6 or so years later, I wasn't probably old enough to watch it, but it was the Saturday Night Movie on one of the networks and my whole family watched it. It occupied space in my dreams for more years than I care to mention after that. It was a virus that took years to shake.


I 100% wouldn't watch it now under any circumstance. I told my kids this story once and they both said, "let's watch it this weekend!" As I told them, there is NO CHANCE I'd do that to you, I'm not playing with that movie. :notworthy:


Yep. I saw it around 1980 as well. I was 21. But it creeped me out. I saw it again around 3 years ago I believe on TCM. It now goes by “Black Christmas”.

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“The House On Haunted Hill” (1963)

Saw it when I was probably 7 or 8. Black and White, Vincent Price, a floating skeleton, a vat of acid, screaming females. It had it all.

Also, “The Ghost And Mr. Chicken” Yes, it’s a comedy, but to a 10 year old every scene in the Simmons mansion was frightening as heck.

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The Exorcist creeped me out in 1973, even though I was 19 and in college. I saw the movie after I had bought a magazine that had an article and a picture of Linda Blair rising up in the bed just before her head twisted around.

Well, I was taking a nap in my dorm room at EKU and I had one of those sleep paralysis episodes where you can’t move your body but are aware of what’s going on in the room. I could feel the face of Linda rising right out of the magazine coming toward me and I was making all kinds of strange noises and body movements when my roommate finally shook me awake!

Whew!! That was one heck of a relief to be awake and away from Linda’s wrath!

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This goes way back. I was 5 and my parents took me to the drive-in to see The Seven Voyages of Sinbad ( Not 100% about the title) circa 1960. There was a giant cyclops monster with hooved feet in the movie and it scared me pretty bad. I called it the "high-heeled giant". Hid my face every time it appeared.

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