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  1. Is this for next week, like in a couple of days, or is this for the last weekend in February?
  2. Been a long time since the Damron family has been mentioned on bluegrasspreps. This is a diamond hire for Paris.
  3. I live in Florence and I was just on the road, it’s pretty slick out there. If it freezes overnight, it could be a rough morning.
  4. Its hard to find any Boone County High School sports teams that have tasted success recently.
  5. 4-point play for Conner. 59-54 with 35 seconds left
  6. 38-35 Cooper with 2 left in the 3rd. Place is getting a little loud, I like it.
  7. 16-14 Jags after one. Good crowd tonight.
  8. The boy and I are going to a game tonight. I want to go to the Conner at Cooper game and he wants to go to Cov Cath. I really just want to see a competitive and emotional game. Where would you go?
  9. Lloyd by 20 with three minutes left. I’m heading out.
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