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  1. Nothing scandalous. Membership had kind of plateaued and there was a small conflict amongst some people about a year ago. I should have been able to squash it but it drug on a little bit, then this spring weekly attendance was up and down despite my teachings and appeals. Then I found myself kind of going through the motions a little bit. This led me to believe that I probably stayed two years too long. Not many Christian preachers stay at the same church for 13 years. Catholic priests do, but not typical evangelicals. I just prayed about it and thought it was time.
  2. After 13 years I decided to leave the ministry. Not sure where God wants me to go, but am hoping I hear the call.
  3. You Guys may want to give this one a try. It’s a very intriguing case for theism. Only about nine dollars on Amazon.
  4. Perhaps I missed it, but why are people talking about math?
  5. One of the kids on my son's baseball team told him he was moving to the trailer park in Newport. I grew up in Bellevue and know the northern Campbell County area very well. I cannot think of any trailers in Newport. Anyone have any ideas?
  6. I think this is the last open job in northern Kentucky area. Curious to see if this creates a Domino effect.
  7. I’ve really been getting into sparkling water the past five years. Today I tried a can of simple truth, organic sparkling water. Out of curiosity, what can they do to water to make it organic?
  8. Curious, where would you all rather be in a tornado? The basement of a big office building or the basement of your house?
  9. While sitting on the outside patio at Starbucks I saw a gentleman, wearing a tan fedora, take the lid off of his black coffee, pull a bottle of tabasco sauce out of his pocket, and add four drops. I moved to a different table.
  10. I'd rather have Tyler over Noah Robinson. If it was down to those 2, then GC made the right call going for Jones.
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