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BGP QOTD: What movie traumatized you as a kid?


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The Exorcist creeped me out in 1973, even though I was 19 and in college. I saw the movie after I had bought a magazine that had an article and a picture of Linda Blair rising up in the bed just before her head twisted around.

Well, I was taking a nap in my dorm room at EKU and I had one of those sleep paralysis episodes where you can’t move your body but are aware of what’s going on in the room. I could feel the face of Linda rising right out of the magazine coming toward me and I was making all kinds of strange noises and body movements when my roommate finally shook me awake!

Whew!! That was one heck of a relief to be awake and away from Linda’s wrath!


My younger brother somehow got into the movie theater to see the Exorcist (he was under age at the time) when it came out in '73. To this day he won't watch it.


When I was very young I always watched the Wizard of Oz every time it came on TV but the flying monkeys did bother me.

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The Fly (1958). I've had a "thing" about spiders ever since.


Decades after I saw The Excorcist, I walked past the top of the steps from the "Falling Father" scene. Twilight in Georgetown, DC, next to the old Car Barn. Creeped me out. Big time.

Edited by Runcible Owl
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It seems odd in today that this was the case, but a network TV 2 part move, or maybe it was a mini series from Stephen King scared me to death. Salem's Lot.


Early 80's and I was a youngster, but I still remember a lot of nights sleep being disturbed by this movie.


Poltergeist was rough on me.


Not a fan of slashers, but the first time I saw Halloween...

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When I was about 5 I saw “The Blob” at the local theater. The scene where the mechanic is under a car working, laying on one of those roller things and all you can see is from his knees to his feet.....then the Blob of alien super slime wobbles in from the side facing is head. You can’t see what the Blob is doing but it shows his legs kicking on the other side of the car. I had trouble falling asleep for several months after that. Every sound outside my window I thought might be the Blob trying to find a crack to ooze into the bedroom.

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It seems odd in today that this was the case, but a network TV 2 part move, or maybe it was a mini series from Stephen King scared me to death. Salem's Lot.


Early 80's and I was a youngster, but I still remember a lot of nights sleep being disturbed by this movie.


Poltergeist was rough on me.


Not a fan of slashers, but the first time I saw Halloween...


Salem’s Lot with the kid scratching on the window. The Nosferatu killing the parents. It was great for a TV movie.

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