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Some thoughts about Highlands' season...


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What was so wise?


Mitchell went into the backfield against Bell, because nobody else could do what he could. Highlands doesn't win the game without him on both sides of the ball.


And no, I'm not a Bell fan, as if that should matter.

Can you name any of the other backs on the team that year? I'm asking because I'm wondering how much you really knew about the team vs what you've heard.
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Every school has a coach that coach's the backs including QB's. What I was referring to whether they had a QB only coach. I do not think many schools have someone who coach's only QB's.


Beechwood has a QB's only coach. That is all he coaches during practice and is the offensive coord.

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You mean nobody else could receive a hand off? I remember them doing it ok in the state game against Boyle, without him on both sides of the ball :thumb:


Didn't mean to make a big deal out of what should be a simple fact, HHS doesn't win that night against Bell without Mitchell going both ways. The Boyle game was on a different day, in a different place, against a different team. Maybe playing Bell on that day, they roll without Mitchell, but the night they did play them you can't convince me they get a win without him.


Frankly, I think it's a discredit to Mitchell to act like anyone on the team could have done what he did that night. No one else did. Mitchell spent most of the year out of the backfield, there's a reason he was in that night.


It's the same reason Nevels carried the ball the entire fourth quarter the year before against Mason County. If he hadn't gone back there nearly the first time all year, HHS doesn't win that night.


Obviously, I've bruised some egos with what started as an innocent one line post. Can't imagine why so many people would be touchy about anything to do with the 2004 season?

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Can you name any of the other backs on the team that year? I'm asking because I'm wondering how much you really knew about the team vs what you've heard.


Didn't know I had to take a quiz from you in order to post. If you read my posts, you'll see I'm not very quick to talk about things I've only "heard."


I didn't know it was such a big deal to state the obvious, Mitchell carried HHS to a win that night. Can't help it if that hurts someone's feelings.


I can name four or five, but I was just wondering, why would I have to prove what I know to you?

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Back to the topic of this thread: thoughts on this year's Highlands team.


Having had some time to "recover" from the loss to CovCath, I'll now reply to this thread. For those of you who don't like long posts, stop reading:jump:.


I disagree totally about any negative effect the tough schedule had on this year's team. If anything, it had a positive effect on the team. It convinced the boys they could play with some very tough competition. It no doubt exposed some weaknesses on the team; some of those weaknesses were corrected and unfortunately some were not. Out of respect to the players and coaches, I won't go into detail about the weaknesses not corrected. All the kids out there worked their tails off and were trying to the best of their abilities and that's all I or any fan could ask of them.


While the record and the loss to CovCath was not what was expected of this year's team, I still consider it a very successful year. Records are not always a true reflection on a team. While the kids feel that they let the school and the community down, nothing could be farther from the truth.


On offense, for most of the year, playing against some extremely good defenses, we had a very productive offense. This in spite of the fact that we were, as Ru and many others pointed out, very, very one dimensional and predictable on offense. When on those infrequent times that we did pass the ball, it was usually when we had to pass it and people expected it or we threw passes that were low percentage passes. People knew what we were going to do when we ran the ball, but we did it anyway and most of the time, very successfully. Its obvious when you watch the tape of the CovCath game that the CovCath D often knew what play we were running before we snapped the ball. Whether it was because they realized we only ran certain plays in certain formations or they were able to ascertain the play that we called at the line of scrimmage, I don't know. But when you see defensive players moving to where the ball's going before, or right at, the the snap, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.


Our success running the ball speaks volumes to the strength of our offensive line and running backs. As some know, my eldest son was one of those starting offensive linemen, so forgive me if I gush a bit about him and them. I watched my son and his teammates on the line transform themselves from weak, slow and overweight as frosh and sophomores to one of the best offensive lines in the state. And that only happened through hard work and committment. This year's line was probably one of the best if not the best overall offensive lines that ever played at Highlands in my opinion, and as a former All State offensive lineman at Highlands whom has watched closely every offensive line that has played at Highlands since I graduated from high school, except for my years in the Corps, I think I'm as qualified as anyone to make that assessment. Against dang good defenses (like Elder, St. X, DeSales and CovCath) stacked to stop the run, Highlands continued to run the ball extremely well, which is no easy task. While I realize CovCath did a much better job the second game stopping the run, in the first game we rushed for over 300 yards against them and they have probably the best over all defense we faced all year. I fully credit the CovCath d coordinator for doing some things in the second game to slow down Highlands running ability. Good job coach. This year's offensive line was not only quick, but very strong and powerful. To Messrs. Schlosser, Roller, Egan, Wise, Hempling and Ashton, a sincere and genuine tip of my hat to you. You are collectively the best o line that I've ever seen at Highlands. All of that hard work did not pay off with the state championship you wanted and expected, but it still made you the best. Don't ever second guess whether all the hard work you did was "worth it". It definitely was and I'm proud to say I played at the same high school and the same position as you all did.


Kramer, well what more can be said about him that has not already been said. This young man has talent and desire that is almost indescribable. If this kid was 3 inches taller, he'd go anywhere he wanted in the country in my opinion. Someone mentioned in another post the size of Kramer's calves. They didn't get that way be accident or pure genetics. This young man knew that while undersized, he was going to get the bulk of the carries not only outside but inside. He worked his tail off to put on more muscle to be able to take the pounding, while at the same time making sure he did not lose a ounce of quickness. Some of his amazing carries will be forever etched in my memories and will be talked about by Highlands fans for decades.


On defense, we played pretty well this season I thought. No doubt we had some weaknesses that talented teams exploited however. Ashton deserves particular kudo's for making the move from a returning offensive line starter (at which he would have received numerous awards this year) to the defensive line, at which he played very well all season. Kidwell played his usual extremely tough nose guard. Owens, while always way smaller than the o lineman he was matched up against, had one of those motors that wouldn't stop that people often talk about. And I also have to give particular kudos to Spencer Head. This young man, also way undersized, was given the assignment week in and week out to shut down the opposition's best receiver. And let me tell you, he was a gamer. He played most of the second half in the second game against CovCath clutching his ribs. I heard he had a rib cracked in the game, and was hurting bad, but he refused to come out. His coverage on Bovard on the game winning pass in the first game was as good as anyone could ask. Unfortunately when you're 4 inches shorter than the receiver, the qb throws the perfect pass and the receiver makes an extremely difficult catch, there's nothing more any db could do than Spencer did on that play.


Throughout the off season and during the season, these and the other seniors did a fantastic job leading this team. Never once was there a problem with chemistry. Never once did I hear those seniors not getting playing time complaining about it. Never once did I hear any grumbling about whom was chosen to play qb. All personal glory was put aside for the team. And that's what being a part of a team is all about. Great job seniors.


If I was the head coach, would I have done some things differently: of course I would. I would have played some players in different positions and would have thrown more short passes over the middle. I would have ran a 4 man front against CovCath in the second game. Perhaps some of the things I would have done would have resulted in the Birds still playing this week. Perhaps we would gave gotten worse. But at the end of the day, there is only one head coach and that's Mueller. And I'm fine with it. To the extent he has "deficiencies" in his coaching decisions, there is still no other head coach that I would have wanted my son to play for. He's a first class gentlemen whose actions on and off the field have taught my son lessons that I hope, no make that pray, stay with him for the rest of his life.


I'm sure Mueller will take some time this off season to assess what happened this year. I know he felt he had the talent to win state this year, so I'm sure he will critically assess all aspects of his program to try and figure out "what went wrong".




As for next year, the to be seniors will be the start of three consequetive classes that were undefeated as frosh. While that's encouraging, it won't win the games next year. There are a whole lot of holes that will need to be filled. We will only have a chance of winning state next year if the to be seniors provide solid leadership and every player totally commits themself to the task at hand. No one is going to hand it to them. I think the talent is there next year to compete for a state championship, but talent in and of itself isn't going to get it done. It takes a lot more than that. But I'm

confident that Simons, Cecil, Stine, Ball, Hurt, Fitzgerald, Jurgens, Bathiany, Hempling, Draper, Conner and the other returning starters will provide the necessary leadership to get everyone ready to go get no. 17.


Finally, I again want to take the opportunity to thank each of the seniors, starters and non starters, for all their hard work and leadership this year and years past. I and many other Highlands fans are extremely proud of you and appreciate your efforts to continue to make Highlands football one of the best programs in the state. Great job young men. Now go forth into the world, whether its at college or in the work force, and continue to make us proud of each of you. You've passed your first test in a glowing manner. Continue to do so for the rest of you lives. I know that each of you will. Don't prove me wrong. LN

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Didn't know I had to take a quiz from you in order to post. If you read my posts, you'll see I'm not very quick to talk about things I've only "heard."


I didn't know it was such a big deal to state the obvious, Mitchell carried HHS to a win that night. Can't help it if that hurts someone's feelings.


I can name four or five, but I was just wondering, why would I have to prove what I know to you?

Quiz? :confused:

I simply asked to see if you were familiar with all of the Bird's running backs that year, sorry if I struck a nerve. Honestly, it's a legit question. There was a lot of speculation about that game and the truth of the matter is your opinion is merely that, your opinion.

Another reason I asked if you could name them is you’ve repeated a lot of what was said by many Bell fans, and I know they’re not familiar with the Birds or their other backs.

Since you brought up that you could name five of their other backs, I would like to see if you could. Just for curiosity reasons alone. ;)

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This is my opinion on Highlands season.

Draper should of been the QB Cecil,Kramer and Conner should of been the RBs

Run a full house back field.

Highlands are to predictable all they did was run Kramer than Cecil OVER AND OVER AND OVER did i say OVER.

This team had no passing game.

Running the ball against nky teams works but you have to mix it up

to win against the top teams in KY or OH you have to pass the ball.

Dale does't make adjustments to the team he's playing.

Thats why he will never beat am OHIO school our the top KY schools.

Dale needs to use all the talent that he has not just a few.

Yes there is more talent on that team than he used.

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