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Confederate flag


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I'm only for "banning" state endorsement from the capitols. Just my opinion.


As to Rebels in Arlington, are there any? It began as a Federal cemetery in the war so that RE Lee could never return to his home again.


Not only is there a Confederate section in Arlington there's also a Confederate Memorial. LINK


I guess that will have to go as well.

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Not only is there a Confederate section in Arlington there's also a Confederate Memorial. LINK


I guess that will have to go as well.


I see Memorials and Flags as two different things. A flag is easily taken down. It's the flag that is the problem much more than the memorials. The memorials were not waved up and down at the students trying to integrate and go to school.


The memorials were not raised at the State Capitol at the height of the Segregation Crisis as a statement vs the Federal Government imposing desegregation and justice.

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So if we ban the flag what do we ban next? I'm no fan of the stars and bars but this is getting way too close to Orwellian and thought police for me.


As I said in another thread the books Mein Kampf and The Turner Diaries are still available for sale at Amazon. If the flag that represented the ideals of the South should be banned then surely those books (which are basically Holy Writ for Neo-Nazis and Skinheads) should be as well, correct?


Should all of the Confederate soldiers that are buried at Arlington National Cemetery be exhumed and re-buried somewhere else?


How far down the slope should we slide/


Amazon is being hypocritical. You can no longer buy a Confederate flag, however, look at a few of the items that you can still purchased from Amazon.com. It goes way beyond just books.







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Amazon isn't being hypocritical. They are interested in one thing: making money. They've been in a number of news stories lately about the surge in sales of Confederate flags and I'm sure they don't wan to be seen as tied to that cause, however tangentially, and find the possible negative publicity worse than the hit on flag sales.

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Amazon isn't being hypocritical. They are interested in one thing: making money. They've been in a number of news stories lately about the surge in sales of Confederate flags and I'm sure they don't wan to be seen as tied to that cause, however tangentially, and find the possible negative publicity worse than the hit on flag sales.


Sure it's hypocritical...but that's their right. They can ban Confederate Flags, Dukes of Hazzard Posters what ever they want...the consumer will decide if they are right or wrong. Yes it's about money, but it is also hypocritical if you can still buy Nazi paraphernalia there.


FYI nearly all racist groups are more into Swastikas than they are into Confederate Flags.

Edited by Jumper_Dad
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I see Memorials and Flags as two different things. A flag is easily taken down. It's the flag that is the problem much more than the memorials. The memorials were not waved up and down at the students trying to integrate and go to school.


The memorials were not raised at the State Capitol at the height of the Segregation Crisis as a statement vs the Federal Government imposing desegregation and justice.


That's what I don't see anyone addressing. How can anyone defend the flag that was not up prior to the Civil Rights era? How is it "heritage" now, but wasn't needed as the symbol prior to that?

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Ive always wonders something. Why was the American Flag rendered with the same colors as the British Flag?


Totally spitballing here...


When the Continental Congress got together in 1775, a large number of the representatives were not looking for independence from Britain, rather they hoped for reconciliation and a grant of full English rights to the colonies. So when they made the first flag of the "United Colonies", the first variant actually still had the union jack in it:




Once that had become the national flag, it was pretty easy to turn the union jack into the field of stars when independence was achieved.

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According to colonial records, the first slave owner in the United States was a black man, Anthony Johnson, a Negro from modern-day Angola who sued to keep his indentured servant as a slave and the court awarded him the servant thus becoming the first slave in America. At this time in 1655 it was illegal for whites to own slaves. Eventually some black slave owners owned white slaves though this was rare.


By 1830 there were 3,775 black families living in the South who owned black slaves. By 1860 there were about 3,000 slaves owned by black households in the city of New Orleans alone. New Orleans was a hotbed for black slave owners as was South Carolina.


Black slave owners paled in comparison numbers wise to white slave owners but there were black slave owners and there were some free blacks that fought for the CSA.

To me this clouds the meaning of the stars and bars.


As for treason, the southern states ceded from the Union and the Union refused the request of South Carolina to leave Ft. Sumpter which in South Carolina and no longer part of the Union.


That flag is a part of the Southern states history. I have Southern roots and may have had some who fought for the CSA. I support the flag, my roots would not allow me to do otherwise but understand why it may be offensive to some, particularly African Americans. As much as it pains me, it maybe time to remove it from government property except for places like battle fields. As for Wal-Mart and other retailers, I totally do not support it but that is their right

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#1 reason

Money and trade


#2 reason

States Rights


It wasn't really over slavery until it become an issue for the North to gain support.


While I don't see the flag as a racist symbol, I do see how others do.

It's more of a pride of rhe south thing for me.


The flag didn't make that guy shoot up the church

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