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Should you have to pass a basic civics test to be able to vote?


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I know that this goes against EVERY THING this country stood for, but I just can't take uneducated voters anymore. The right to vote is very important (perhaps our most important right), but at what point does a citizen's duty to educate one's self about candidates and issues override that right?

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I know that this goes against EVERY THING this country stood for, but I just can't take uneducated voters anymore. The right to vote is very important (perhaps our most important right), but at what point does a citizen's duty to educate one's self about candidates and issues override that right?


I'm with you on this one. I do not think there is a clear answer and for that reason there will never be a test.


One thing I adopted from a gentleman at an inservice, maybe the only thing found worthwhile at an inservice, was a weekly current event assignment. Every Friday we discussed current events to give students a chance to understand what was going on locally, nationally and world wide. Then attempted to tie in historical context. My hope would be they would stay current on the issues after they left my class.

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I know that this goes against EVERY THING this country stood for, but I just can't take uneducated voters anymore. The right to vote is very important (perhaps our most important right), but at what point does a citizen's duty to educate one's self about candidates and issues override that right?
Sounds great in theory. But it also goes against everything this country stands for to try and force people in to doing things they do not want to do or learn.


Would it be like a driver's license in which you are responsible for renewing every election to make sure you know the basics of that election? A lot of educated people that can pass a basic civic's exam have no clue about what is going on outside of their own bubble.

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I've mentioned this before, but I wish they'd do something similar, but not be something that if not "passed" would not allow one to vote. I wish they'd require them to fill out a quick survey of their positions on the issues, and then receive results measuring that voter's stances against those of the candidates. Something that would really tell them who agrees with their viewpoints. If they want to go vote straight ticket or for whoever after that, so be it, but I think that might be an eye opening experience for some.

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Who is the current POTUS?


Who is the current Vice President?


What are the names of the three branches of the Federal Government?


What are the names of the two bodies of the Legislative Branch?


If both the President and Vice President are incapacitated, who is next in line for Commander-in-Chief?


Simple, easy, would take all of 2 minutes.

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I've mentioned this before, but I wish they'd do something similar, but not be something that if not "passed" would not allow one to vote. I wish they'd require them to fill out a quick survey of their positions on the issues, and then receive results measuring that voter's stances against those of the candidates. Something that would really tell them who agrees with their viewpoints. If they want to go vote straight ticket or for whoever after that, so be it, but I think that might be an eye opening experience for some.

That's interesting and something I could be in favor of.

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No, per the constitution.


I would be interested in the questions each of you would include and why you feel those questions make someone a better voter.

I agree. There are thousands of people that can answer the questions UKMustangfan posted (for example) and not tell you a thing about the candidates or what they stand for on topics. Again, it sounds great in theory.

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Who is the current POTUS?


Who is the current Vice President?


What are the names of the three branches of the Federal Government?


What are the names of the two bodies of the Legislative Branch?


If both the President and Vice President are incapacitated, who is next in line for Commander-in-Chief?


Simple, easy, would take all of 2 minutes.

Aren't civics classes mandated in Kentucky schools? Doesn't matter. We still have right-wing AM radio.

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