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This may change a few things for Beechwood....


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(Fort Mitchell) Beechwood School Administrators say two sets of parents told them they witnessed students drinking outside the home of Ludlow City Administrator Brian Richmond when they went to drop off their teens at a party there. They then took their kids home and alerted administrators. Eighteen Beechwood High School football players confessed to attending the party where underage drinking occured and that's a violation of team rules. They told administrators cases of Keystone Light were available for the taking outside the home. Fifteen players were suspended for their first violation and three were kicked off the team after having multiple violations. Fort Mitchell police say no witnesses have reported the incident to the police and until that happens an investigation won't be started.




Read more: Beechwood Football Players Suspended | Bill Cunningham - Cincinnati Reds - 700WLW - THE BIG ONE


Doesn't say front porch. There is a big difference in having beer available and having it sit on the front porch for everyone to see. You like to embellish the facts.

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Kicking these kids off the football team or suspending them is really going to teach them a life lesson:confused: Kids will be kids. Kids will continue to drink. Football is not going to deter them from that. About half of our team in high school went out and drank Friday and Saturday night every weekend. I graduated in 2009, so times really aren't that different. I don't condone it, but give these kids some slack, its not the end of the world.

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Also, did anyone think maybe Richmond's son could have just been put in a tough spot? Had some of his friends over for a party and then all of the upper classmen show up with alcohol. Do you want to tell all these kids that they have to leave, or do you want to get along with these kids and have them think your cool? In my opinion, this kid may have been thrown under the bus a bit. He may have been the most drunk kid there, I have no idea.

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Guest Birdflu
Kicking these kids off the football team or suspending them is really going to teach them a life lesson:confused: Kids will be kids. Kids will continue to drink. Football is not going to deter them from that. About half of our team in high school went out and drank Friday and Saturday night every weekend. I graduated in 2009, so times really aren't that different. I don't condone it, but give these kids some slack, its not the end of the world.


This is a terrible way to look at the situation. Obviuosly, you would not have punished them at all. Or maybe just taken away their beer for a week. I hope you do not procreate. It's parents that think like you that cause a lot of the problems. You say you don't condone the actions of these kids, but everything else in your post says you do. By saying "give these kids some slack, it's not the end of the world" you are showing your immaturely and disdain for rules and laws. PLEASE do not reproduce.

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Interesting that law enforcement does not feel the need to investigate. Facilitating consumption of alcohol by minors can be a pretty serious offense in some communities.


Grow some Ft. Mitchell police, Newport went after Jim and Helen Hesch and destroyed their lives, she never really emotionally or physically recovered from that public display of "know what is going on in your house and on your property when it involves illegal underage activities" it cost them dearly. Helen passed away last year, still down.


Your house, Your Property, plain and simple......You are responsible for what happens there....

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Grow some Ft. Mitchell police, Newport went after Jim and Helen Hesch and destroyed their lives, she never really emotionally or physically recovered from that public display of "know what is going on in your house and on your property when it involves illegal underage activities" it cost them dearly. Helen passed away last year, still down.


Your house, Your Property, plain and simple......You are responsible for what happens there....


I generally agree, but if you are away and your kids are using your property without your consent, making his friends trespassers, I don't see there being accountability for property owner there. However, in this case, being at home stuck to the tube definitely does not get you off the hook.

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All the kids need to be kicked off the team and the home owner needs to be punished. Its like if you get pulled over and someone has drugs on them in your car. Its your car you are held responsible as well. It was his house he needs to be held responsible.


Kicking off kids from the team for a first offense is a little extreme. There may be mitigating circumstances. Some kids may have been there not knowing alcohol was being served and may have been at the wrong place at the wrong time. What needs to be determined though, and the specific reason this needs to be investigates, is who supplied the alcohol? If kids brought the alcohol with them to the party, then yes suspensions and even expulsions by those who brought it are merited. If the alcohol was supplied by the property owner, then there is the possibility of a criiminal liability here.


If this gets swept under the rug, I for one, would be inclined to bring this matter to an organization like MADD.

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You have to be the uncool parent.

Supervise, stay alert, grab their red solo cup and take a whiff, and take sip.

All kids must come through the front door of your house and pass by you, even if the party is outside.

If a group shows up that you have never seen, ask them if they even know your kid. If not, send them away.

Girls with purses and bags....you take them from them before they head to the gathering.

If a kid needs to "get something from his/her car", you go with them and say it's for safety reasons because it's dark.

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