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This may change a few things for Beechwood....


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If Rash and the BW administration really wanted to make a principled stand, they would forfeit tonight's game. This is not simply a matter of teenage football players being caught drinking. The possibility that the alcohol was supplied by a BW football parent looms large. If I am the principal of BW, I get all the parties in my office and the whole truth on the table before this game is played. If the parent in question did not supply the alcohol, I go ahead and play the game. If I don't feel like I'm getting the whole truth, I forfeit the game. If the BW parent supplied the alcohol I forfeit the game.


The integrity of the institution is on the line here. It has already been harmed by one football alumni that hailed the drug and alcohol culture as promoting team building.


Do you just start typing or do you actually think about this stuff before it spews from your fingers?


Even if the parent did supply it, it doesn't change anything. They are simply a stupid parent doing an asinine thing. Why should the entire team of Fifty Plus kids --that were not involved, be punished because of this parent. None of it has anything to do with the Football being played on the field. There was no cheating, no cover-up by the school. There wasn't even a KHSAA violation, so why would we forfeit.


The integrity of the school and the program have been shown. They handled it very well IMO. As an Alumni, I am proud of the handling of the situation. Quick and Decisive! Done!.

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And how is that fair to the other 50 kids doing the right thing? Not one person has questioned the handling of this or the integrity of Beechwood in how they handled this except you in this post. Sometimes you let your vendetta against Beechwood cloud your judgment. This post is one of your worst.


If you are not willing to hold your parents accountable, then VOR, you are not part of the solution! Your priorities have been established!

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If you have a kid in high school and think they haven't at least experimented with alcohol by now, I have a bridge to sell you. I have already caught my daughter and she is a sophomore. Did your teenager go to any concerts at Riverbend this summer? If they were on the lawn, they were probably drinking.

Originallly she told me she couldn't take me seriously when I preached about the dangers of alcohol because I was such a "goody two-shoes" in high school. My mom and sisters had a really good laugh about that comment! If she only knew!

Now, we have discussions about why it's not a good idea besides the old, "you aren't old enough" talk. I have talked to her about the importance of keeping your wits about you because some boys will take advantage of a drunk girl without batting an eye. I not only talk to her, but to her friends regarding the same thing. I tell them to always look out for each other and never let one of them get separated from the herd. I tell them to never, ever get into a car with someone who has been drinking and told each one of them to call me, no matter what time, no matter where they are, and I will come get them. I know who her friends are and have made her drop some friends who were not good influences (thankfully, those girls left NCC and are not in the picture anymore). Do I think she will drink again? Yes. I can't be there 24/7 to stop her. Hopefully, she will remember all the advice I give her and make the right decisions though.

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If you are not willing to hold your parents accountable, then VOR, you are not part of the solution! Your priorities have been established!


The parents are being held accountable....How is what you proposed fair to the 40-50+ kids on the team that either weren't at the party or weren't drinking?

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If you have a kid in high school and think they haven't at least experimented with alcohol by now, I have a bridge to sell you. I have already caught my daughter and she is a sophomore. Did your teenager go to any concerts at Riverbend this summer? If they were on the lawn, they were probably drinking.

Originallly she told me she couldn't take me seriously when I preached about the dangers of alcohol because I was such a "goody two-shoes" in high school. My mom and sisters had a really good laugh about that comment! If she only knew!

Now, we have discussions about why it's not a good idea besides the old, "you aren't old enough" talk. I have talked to her about the importance of keeping your wits about you because some boys will take advantage of a drunk girl without batting an eye. I not only talk to her, but to her friends regarding the same thing. I tell them to always look out for each other and never let one of them get separated from the herd. I tell them to never, ever get into a car with someone who has been drinking and told each one of them to call me, no matter what time, no matter where they are, and I will come get them. I know who her friends are and have made her drop some friends who were not good influences (thankfully, those girls left NCC and are not in the picture anymore). Do I think she will drink again? Yes. I can't be there 24/7 to stop her. Hopefully, she will remember all the advice I give her and make the right decisions though.


Sounds like you've taken the correct approach. :thumb:


Anyone who thinks that them "forbiding" their child from drinking is going to keep them from doing it is clueless. Your approach is the one that will be met with the least amount of resistence IMO. Discussions about the perils and the dangers are much better than the "because I said so" arguments. Also, as you said, it's not going to stop them (most likely) from doing so, but it will allow them to be better prepared and aware of their actions and hopefully allow for them to do so responsibly.

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Hopefully some transfers go back to the school they should be going to because of this. I guess the grass is not always greener?


May want to wait for the names before you go making assumptions. May not have been a "Grass is Greener" thing, but rather "Beer is Colder"

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Yes but now police and schools are trying to crack down on it!


Will never happen. 1) Schools can't do anything about something that happens away from school grounds (except suspension from sports/clubs (big whoop)). 2) Cops have a lot more better things to do than try to track down the high school parties on the weekends.

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If Rash and the BW administration really wanted to make a principled stand, they would forfeit tonight's game. This is not simply a matter of teenage football players being caught drinking. The possibility that the alcohol was supplied by a BW football parent looms large. If I am the principal of BW, I get all the parties in my office and the whole truth on the table before this game is played. If the parent in question did not supply the alcohol, I go ahead and play the game. If I don't feel like I'm getting the whole truth, I forfeit the game. If the BW parent supplied the alcohol I forfeit the game.


The integrity of the institution is on the line here. It has already been harmed by one football alumni that hailed the drug and alcohol culture as promoting team building.


Can we agree that the following did nothing wrong:



Players other than the 19

Parents of the players who will dress


If so, then the thought that BW should punish them for actions of others is not something I can support.

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19 kids get suspended weekly? That's the story. Plus not all coaches would take the stand that Noel did. That's the story as well.


The fact that is was Beechwood football and happened in pleasantville is also part of the story. I see why people are interesting in the story. I just think people are making it out to be more than it should be.

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Will never happen. 1) Schools can't do anything about something that happens away from school grounds (except suspension from sports/clubs (big whoop)). 2) Cops have a lot more better things to do than try to track down the high school parties on the weekends.


Next time you go in a high school you will probably find a poster about parents having parties for their kids trust me they are trying to crack down on it.

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The fact that is was Beechwood football and happened in pleasantville is also a big part of the story.



The crazy part is not one parent has went after the Richmond guy. If my son was 14 and got handed a beer. I would be dragging that guy out in his front yard and making an example of him.

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