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Where were you during the 9/11 attacks?

Pile Driver

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In grade school Social Studies class. I saw a teacher come in and whisper something to my SS teacher. Later an assembly was called and our principle explained that planes had hit the World Trade centers.


I'll always remember I was studying in the UK library when I found out Osama had been killed.

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Freshman year Health class. I still remember sitting there with the TV on watching until the bell rang. Then the teacher walked over to the TV and said and I quote, "This isn't important." and turned the TV off. Every other teacher in the school thought it was important enough as we watched in every other class that day. Never seen a high school lunchroom so quiet as it was that day.

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I was in my 6th grade Communications class and there was an announcement over the intercom that all planes in U.S. airspace had been grounded. At that time I thought it was a pretty random announcement. They they subsequently called a fire drill and we went outside for almost 30 minutes. All the teachers got in a big group with the Principal and a bunch of us noticed a very large discussion going on. We went back inside after awhile and the first thing our teacher did was turn on the TV and we all sat their in utter silence of what we saw... The World Trade Center's were on fire. The rest of the day parents were calling and coming non-stop to pick up their kids from school as they were worried about the safety of their kids and weren't sure what to do with themselves. I could've gone into more depth of what exactly happened in that time span as it was truly an extremely memorable moment. I even know exactly what we were discussing at that moment in class and what I was thinking of. Thats a memory and an experience I will NEVER forget...

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When the tv announcement came on, I called my wife to tell her a random plane had hit the towers. At that moment, the second plane hit. I couldnt beleive that it could happen twice. I had a sick feeling in my stomach.

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I was in a Production meeting at work, when a co-worker came in and told us about the 1st one. We went to the front office and saw the 2nd plane on the TV. I just started calling my wife and my kids. I had to know they were okay and I remember my body just feeling so heavy and my head so confused and angry at the same time.

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I was a senior in high school, and not yet at school when the first tower had been hit, but I wasn't aware of it. It wasn't until my first period class European History that I heard and we watched as the first tower fell.


Subsequently, administrators told all the teachers to turn off their televisions and resume their classes. My second period teacher (AP English) ignored that and we watched further coverage, but my other two classes they did listen and kept their televisions off. That always struck a chord with me. I think that many would complain that youth don't take any interest in history or current events, and yet here was history in progress that they were trying to supress.

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