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Bill Maher is a bigot and like Don Imus he should be fired

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It's a free-speech society, everyone. Live with it.

Tell that to everyone that 's been fired for saying something negative towards someone of color.

This cretin gets by with garbage like claiming dogs and mentally retarded children were cut from the same mold, or Jesus is a 2,000 year-old space God, or the sacrament is like gay oral sex, or the Catholic Church is a child-abusing religious cult, or the Catholic Church is the Bear-Stearns of organized pedophilia, or our military campaigns and tactics are cowardly, or if you have a few hundred followers and you let some of them molest children, they call you a cult leader. If you have a billion, they call you Pope, or that Mormons believe that the only way a black person can go to heaven is as a slave.



This guy isn't a comedian at all, he's nothing but a wimpy little cheap shot artist. There is nothing funny about this guy, he's a disgusting, pathetic little weasel.


Honestly, if he had said the things about gays or blacks that he says about Catholics he wouldn't be on HBO any longer.

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Bill Maher is a comedian. You may not think he is funny, which is your right. You certainly don't have to watch his show.


Frankly, I don't consider the Imus and Maher situations to be competely comparable. Imus' show was on MSNBC and was billed as a serious, issue-driven show. Maher's show is billed as comedy. Yes, the program does have serious discussion of issues, as well.


I like Maher, personally, and watch his show regularly. It doesn't mean I always agree with everything he says, and there are times he goes a lot farther in criticism of some people than I would. That is his right, as it is mine to feel that way about his comments.


Maher fully admits that he is anti-religion, and makes it clear pretty much every week. So it amuses me when people get so outraged over things he says ... what did you expect, really?


I've watched Maher since his "Politically Incorrect" days ... frankly, he's a lot more outspoken on his current show, and he has license to be that way, given the fact that he's on HBO and not on network television.


I didn't advocate for Don Imus to be fired. In fact, it rather amused me the way his removal went down ... he wasn't fired because of his remark, but only after the advertisers threatened to pull their sponsorship of his show. Money makes the world go round ...


I learned something a long time ago ... those that squawk the most about bias in the media or bias in Hollywood, etc., are themselves biased on the other side.


One of the biggest problems we have in politics and society today is that too many people on one side or the other are all too eager to jump on any perceived insult from the other side and milk it for what it's worth. It simply adds very little to political discourse, and it's one reason I'm getting really tired of the current political climate.


It's a free-speech society, everyone. Live with it.


I'm not sure how MSNBC billed the Imus in the morning show, but as far as I am concerned Imus's show has always contained a lot of comedy and satire. Sure they do discuss serious issues, but when you have fake phone calls where a staff member is impersonating various politicans, I think most people realize that most of what is said shouldn't be taken seriously in the Imus show.

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Ted can be somewhat looney at times but he is definitely someone I wouldn't want to go against in a debate. Ted is very intelligent and very passionate about his beliefs. And right or wrong he stands by them. I would love to see a clip of him going against Maher. Better yet Al Franken


Maher was "intelligent " enough to have him on a show with the animal rights people.They were ripping Ted for the annual hunt he sponsors for terminally ill kids. Maher got what he deserved.

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Tell that to everyone that 's been fired for saying something negative towards someone of color.

This cretin gets by with garbage like claiming dogs and mentally retarded children were cut from the same mold, or Jesus is a 2,000 year-old space God, or the sacrament is like gay oral sex, or the Catholic Church is a child-abusing religious cult, or the Catholic Church is the Bear-Stearns of organized pedophilia, or our military campaigns and tactics are cowardly, or if you have a few hundred followers and you let some of them molest children, they call you a cult leader. If you have a billion, they call you Pope, or that Mormons believe that the only way a black person can go to heaven is as a slave.



This guy isn't a comedian at all, he's nothing but a wimpy little cheap shot artist. There is nothing funny about this guy, he's a disgusting, pathetic little weasel.


Honestly, if he had said the things about gays or blacks that he says about Catholics he wouldn't be on HBO any longer.

I would love to see some documentation of the dogs/mentally retarded comparison ... I learned a long time ago that just because a right-wing news site says it's so doesn't necessarily make it true.


I've seen much of the shows that the other incidents refer to, and I'll just say this ... in some cases, the claims made about Maher's claims are stretching the truth a bit, or simply a case of some people taking his attempts at humor a little too seriously.

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I'm not sure how MSNBC billed the Imus in the morning show, but as far as I am concerned Imus's show has always contained a lot of comedy and satire. Sure they do discuss serious issues, but when you have fake phone calls where a staff member is impersonating various politicans, I think most people realize that most of what is said shouldn't be taken seriously in the Imus show.
I watched Imus in the Morning from time to time, even though I wasn't necessarily a fan of it. Believe me, the time spent on interviews with high-profile politicians and news people far outweighed the time spent on the lame comedy bits.


Maher interviews some high-profile people as well, but his show is as much about comedy as it is serious discussion.

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It's interesting; there's a thread in the general discussion forum right now about an episode of South Park. Now there is a show that has brought up the sex abuse scandal on more than one occasion. And yet, I have never had the urge to comment on how horrible it was. In thinking about it, something about Maher's delivery offended my sensibilities much more. Of course, Maher also decided to slander the spiritual leader of one billion people and say that the Pope was a Nazi which, in my mind, is the actual offense here, not his "criticism" of the Church's handling of the scandal.

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Exactly my point about a double standard. Imus' ill conceived remarks were reported by every media outlet in the country. That as much as anything led to the public outcry. And he did say it tongue in cheek afterall so shouldn't it have been overlooked as just humor?


I thought I answered you in an indirect way. :D


I grew up SBC and those are my roots. I do think they should forever be held accountable historically for what they did or did not do in terms of Civil Rights and Slavery.


When Martin Luther King spoke at Southern Seminary in the mid 60's many donors were upset and cut their giving to the school. The SBC meeting that year included resolutions chastising Southern at best and wanting funding cuts at worst.


W.A. Criswell (long time pastor of Dallas which was the largest SBC church membership wise) spoke openly in the 50's against integration as unbiblical.


Foy Valentine was the Director of the Christian Life Committee and spoke out for integration and Civil Rights in the 60's and it nearly cost him his job among SBC fundamentalists.


Do I need to go on?


History is history and there is no time limit on "bringing things up." It is always having an impact on our todays to some extent.

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Most people find Don Imus and Bill Maher equally unfunny and that is why they have such small audiences. I used to listen to Imus quite a bit on AM 1210 out of Philadelphia and I watched him on MSNBC as well. Even when Imus' interviews of "serious" guests are more "roast" than interview.


Maher and Imus both rely on heavy sarcasm to deliver political commentary and it is a stretch to call either man a comedian, IMO. Maybe Ann Coulter should start identifying herself as a comedian as well.

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I've watched Maher on numerous occasion...I've seen him belittle Christians many times, and I've seen him make several offensive statements about Jesus. Let me tell you what really struck me about this thread...never once did we get a reaction like this for offensive comments about Jesus. Yet, he says something people don't like about the pope and we get this.


What's wrong with this picture?

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Maher is just another smart aleck that think's he's cute and funny. Like a lot of comedians, he probably trying to compensate for shortcomings and inadequacies growing up. Making fun of others covers his pain I guess. I don't watch his show but having watched the clip, I'm glad I don't. The child abuse by the Catholic priests is tragic and I don't see any humor in it. And no I am not a Catholic (although I was raised Catholic).

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Most people find Don Imus and Bill Maher equally unfunny and that is why they have such small audiences. I used to listen to Imus quite a bit on AM 1210 out of Philadelphia and I watched him on MSNBC as well. Even when Imus' interviews of "serious" guests are more "roast" than interview.


Maher and Imus both rely on heavy sarcasm to deliver political commentary and it is a stretch to call either man a comedian, IMO. Maybe Ann Coulter should start identifying herself as a comedian as well.


Bill Maher is a comedian. While he may not be a very good one in your opinion, there is no denying that he is considered a comedian.


I don't really like watching his shows, or listening to him though.

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Bill Maher is a comedian. While he may not be a very good one in your opinion, there is no denying that he is considered a comedian.


I don't really like watching his shows, or listening to him though.

Apparently most people agree with my opinion of Maher. The only time he seems to get any publicity is when he says something really offensive. Otherwise, I doubt most people would ever hear his name mentioned.
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I've watched Maher on numerous occasion...I've seen him belittle Christians many times, and I've seen him make several offensive statements about Jesus. Let me tell you what really struck me about this thread...never once did we get a reaction like this for offensive comments about Jesus. Yet, he says something people don't like about the pope and we get this.


What's wrong with this picture?

If you are implying that Catholics care more about the Pope than Jesus, then you are either gravely wrong or just working off a ridiculous stereotype.


The "outrage" (which the for the record is more at the media's bias than at Maher) comes from me, only becuase it is the first I have heard any of this- I don't watch Bill Maher's show because I don't have HBO, and I wouldn't even if I did.

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^I'm not implying anything. I'm asking a serious question. He criticizes the pope and it becomes a huge issue. He's made similar comments about Jesus and little, if anything, is ever said about it. That's a fact. I'm just wondering why...

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^I'm not implying anything. I'm asking a serious question. He criticizes the pope and it becomes a huge issue. He's made similar comments about Jesus and little, if anything, is ever said about it. That's a fact. I'm just wondering why...

Well, I can't speak for the others, but I find two reasons:


1) There was a thread started about it


2) If he was criticizing Jesus, hardly anyone on this board would be defending him, and this discussion would not go on. Since some decided to defend Maher's comments, this discussion has intensified.

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