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There is a funny back story to this movie, in case anyone might care:


Anyone who saw part 3 noticed all the flashbacks tying all the films together. Personally the constant flashbacks just ruined the film for me. The reason for that is because they truly wanted to end it at a trilogy, have a new series of filmmakers or writers come in and create a new Saw trilogy with different characters, etc.


Well Darren Lynn Bousman who directed parts 2 and 3 was ready to move forward with something else in his career. He was sent the script for part 4 and was so excited at what direction the writers took, he agreed to come back and direct part 4.


Part 5 and 6 have already been greenlit and the current rumor is that they may film both of them back to back. So anyone who might not be a fan of this franchise or just wants them to stop, you are in for at least 2 or more Saw movies.

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I just got back from seeing it. I don't wanna say to much because I obviously don't wanna ruin it for anyone. It was much more fast paced than some of the others and I personally thought there was more blood and gore. Crazy ending again as usual. This one goes more into the history of Jigsaw as well, including his wife.


I am going to need to watch it again...but still reccommend seeing it, but only if you are a fan of them.

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I just got back from seeing it. I don't wanna say to much because I obviously don't wanna ruin it for anyone. It was much more fast paced than some of the others and I personally thought there was more blood and gore. Crazy ending again as usual. This one goes more into the history of Jigsaw as well, including his wife.


I am going to need to watch it again...but still reccommend seeing it, but only if you are a fan of them.


Not a big scary movie fan, but I did like all the Saw movies, the third though wasn't too scary in my mind.

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I watched about half of the first one. You couldn't pay me a thousand dollars to watch anymore of the sequels. I know there are those that love these type of movies, but not me. It's not the gore....they're just bad.....imo.

I'm right there with you. I'd much rather spend my time watching a thriller than a slasher.

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