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"Respect for the Office"

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Can we all just make a pact that when discussing the current President we will not deflect and mention Obama and Hillary? Both Obama and Hillary are off enjoying their lives on a sandy beach or exotic island somewhere. Let's keep current with Trump. He's the only man that matters now. There is hardly a Trump thread that goes by without multiple mentions of Obama or Hillary. They're old news.


Judging by the next post, I'm guessing that's a big no.

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Can we all just make a pact that when discussing the current President we will not deflect and mention Obama and Hillary? Both Obama and Hillary are off enjoying their lives on a sandy beach or exotic island somewhere. Let's keep current with Trump. He's the only man that matters now. There is hardly a Trump thread that goes by without multiple mentions of Obama or Hillary. They're old news.


Absolutely not! Especially with Obama. 8 years of it was Bush's fault from him and you want us to give him a pass? Not happening. Also, Obama is very much behind a lot of the attempts to undermine Trump IMO.

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Absolutely not! Especially with Obama. 8 years of it was Bush's fault from him and you want us to give him a pass? Not happening. Also, Obama is very much behind a lot of the attempts to undermine Trump IMO.
Exactly... Still a few Obama rats loose in the white house...
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I wish that our current President had as much respect for the position as we do. He's making a mockery of it.


I honestly don't think he means too, which is an even greater travesty. He has absolutely no idea how this President gig works. I think he thinks it's like being the Chairman of the Board for a company or something. I don't think he ever considered he'd have to answer to anyone as President.

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In regards to mockery, I don't feel that Trump should be on social media. If he has a social media secretary, fine. The President should not be replying to critics and questions in that manner. It appears petty and gives me no confidence in his ability to handle crisis. Additionally, if he is going to use social media, make sure that his facts are air tight. He loses credibility almost every time he throws out a statistic. The position of President is ABOVE responding to the media in 250 characters or less. He comes across as caring too much about what is said about him.



I was feeling this same way, and Mrs. doomer and I were discussing. She brought up the point that by doing this, he is bypassing the media, which he doesn't trust, and going directly to the people. I hadn't thought of it this way, but it makes sense. If you can't trust the messenger, shoot him, and deliver the message yourself.


Then if that is his way of communication, tell the damn truth and be Presidential, especially if you are going to accuse the MSM of being unfair and/or making up fake news. At this point there is no benefit for them to do either. He is throwing out fake news himself, and it's not unfair to point that out.

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Can we all just make a pact that when discussing the current President we will not deflect and mention Obama and Hillary? Both Obama and Hillary are off enjoying their lives on a sandy beach or exotic island somewhere. Let's keep current with Trump. He's the only man that matters now. There is hardly a Trump thread that goes by without multiple mentions of Obama or Hillary. They're old news.


No. Not even in my more soft post election days would I agree to such.:) Two of the biggest liabilities in the history of the Liberal Left( Not all Democrats are Liberal left wingers)will never be forgotten.

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Can we all just make a pact that when discussing the current President we will not deflect and mention Obama and Hillary? Both Obama and Hillary are off enjoying their lives on a sandy beach or exotic island somewhere. Let's keep current with Trump. He's the only man that matters now. There is hardly a Trump thread that goes by without multiple mentions of Obama or Hillary. They're old news.
Those who forget history are doomed to forget it. I am going to do my part to ensure that nobody forgets the mess that Obama, Hillary, Holder, Lynch, and the rest of that rotten administration made of this country.
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Those who forget history are doomed to forget it. I am going to do my part to ensure that nobody forgets the mess that Obama, Hillary, Holder, Lynch, and the rest of that rotten administration made of this country.


Left a mess all over the world including this country. The children need to shut up, quit throwing tantrums, go to their room so the grown ups can clean up the mess.

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Why in the world should we agree to that? You guys echoed the Bush's fault rhetoric ad nauseum.


Not once came out of my posts, not once. look it up if you want, but I certainly would hope you would have better things to do. I have always been, you know what you're getting into when you run and then are elected. You own it the day you take it. If not, then you are as bad as the person you refer to.

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