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Loss of Rights and Freedoms Thread

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I dont think its official yet but he will be granting our right back from having the Obamacare penalty fine for not conforming to the Obama Official Decree to Either do it or I will fine you. I think thats gonna be the first big thing we need to post a link to here if it happens.

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I dont think its official yet but he will be granting our right back from having the Obamacare penalty fine for not conforming to the Obama Official Decree to Either do it or I will fine you. I think thats gonna be the first big thing we need to post a link to here if it happens.


Doesn't affect me. I'm in a union. Unions already made America great. Keep me posted though. I want my rights!!!!!!

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At one time they did.


In recent years they are much of the reason many jobs went overseas.


Funny. I thought capitalism was the reason for that. Wouldn't you take your business overseas if you could make bigger profits as a result? I would. Especially if my workers understood their real worth. They won't complain overseas plus their government reaps in the benefits over there. If I owned a business I would do everything I could to make as much money as possible. Makes sense to me.

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I dont think its official yet but he will be granting our right back from having the Obamacare penalty fine for not conforming to the Obama Official Decree to Either do it or I will fine you. I think thats gonna be the first big thing we need to post a link to here if it happens.


That's not a "right". I'm not excited about gaining or worried about losing any rights under Trump. I'm not sure that any any President has taken any "rights" from us during my lifetime, and even though folks were terrified about Obama taking guns away, that never came close to happening. Losing rights has nothing to do with why I'm not a fan of Trump.

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In a town hall meeting Friday in my hometown, the State Senator said that the Right to Work law was going to help. He told about many times companies inquired about moving to Kentucky. First question they ask he said was is this state a right to work state. They said no its not. He said almost 100% of the companies said we are not coming. I was a little surprised at this, but it was discussed by both the senator and state rep at length.

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That's not a "right". I'm not excited about gaining or worried about losing any rights under Trump. I'm not sure that any any President has taken any "rights" from us during my lifetime, and even though folks were terrified about Obama taking guns away, that never came close to happening. Losing rights has nothing to do with why I'm not a fan of Trump.


I think we all know Trump is not taking or restoring rights. I think Obama did help the gun industry though in sales. :) See he did something right. Increased gun sales.

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In a town hall meeting Friday in my hometown, the State Senator said that the Right to Work law was going to help. He told about many times companies inquired about moving to Kentucky. First question they ask he said was is this state a right to work state. They said no its not. He said almost 100% of the companies said we are not coming. I was a little surprised at this, but it was discussed by both the senator and state rep at length.


That's what's they want to believe and they want you to believe it with you. None of them will be major companies bringing in hundreds of jobs. Hitachi isn't union. Toyota isn't union. Wasau Paper isn't union. There are tons of companies that aren't union in the state of KY. Companies like General Motors, Ford and Corning are union companies whether they are in KY or not. Pattern bargaining rules the day in big business. Right to Work doesn't affect any of that. Also, whether a state is Right to Work or not doesn't affect a business. They do not have to have a union at the company and the employees at that company don't have to unionize. Plenty of companies in KY are proof of that.

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