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What a difference a year makes!


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As many if you know, my wife was diagnosed with Nodular Melanoma about a year ago. She has had 2 surgeries, a skin graft that made her stay off of her feet for 3 weeks so it would take hold, confirmation that it had spread, a lymphedectamy, 3 weeks of tubes, a week stay in the hospital due to an infection that caused cellulitis and 8 months of Interfuron treatment w 4 more to go.


The same day that she was diagnosed was the final cuts of our boys' 6th grade bball team. To add more poop to a poopie day, one twin was cut. On top of that they had played one on one in the tryout and the winning twin made the team so both were devastated. One or not making it and the other for thinking that he eliminated his brother. With all that in mind I was pretty emotional and kind of ticked at the coach for facing twins off like that. His explanation was very sincere and I agreed with it. He never would have faced them off if both were forwards or centers, but since they played different positions he felt like it was ok and would bring the best out of both of them. Sound logic in my mind and I had no complaints. He said something very special that day after our conversation that kind of made me take a step back with the craziness going on. He said that he had never experienced such an emotional cut. The one who made it didn't want to join the team without his brother. He knew then that these boys were raised with a lot of love. That made me feel great bc it kind of reaffirmed that we as a family were going to be ok as my wife battled.


Fast forward one year, both made a very high level soccer team and now both made the 7th grade bball. My wife can see the light at the end of the tunnel of her treatments and the scans are clear. We are so very blessed and I had to share it bc it is a message board and I don't like talking about this to people I know.


God is good. Thanks for sharing. Continued prayers for your wife and family.

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So very happy to hear this great news! I've been fortunate to see your beautiful family in church and around town, you are a blessed man to have such a beautiful, kind and loving wife; such good looking and well behaved boys and the most adorable little girl! They are so blessed to have such a good and devoted husband and father! So glad things are looking up for you and your family! God bless.

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My guess is you have become a better husband, father, and person. Give your bride and crazy -haired kids a hug for us.


The curls have been cut for a couple of years now to the dismay of my wife and every old lady at church who loved them. I gotta say, I miss them too.

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Last year at a football I remember seeing one of your boys and I asked him how basketball was going. He said he he didn't make it. I felt about an inch tall. I just assumed both had made it. Glad he rebounded well to make it this year.

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Last year at a football I remember seeing one of your boys and I asked him how basketball was going. He said he he didn't make it. I felt about an inch tall. I just assumed both had made it. Glad he rebounded well to make it this year.


I was very proud of his resilience and determination. All he wants to do is wear that stupid H. Teams need kids like that.

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Mex, Last year I too had a sister going through that awful cancer,melanoma. She too is on the mend. I have prayed faithfully for recovery for both. You have

a stronger family because of these tests . Stay vigilant.

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Mex, Last year I too had a sister going through that awful cancer,melanoma. She too is on the mend. I have prayed faithfully for recovery for both. You have

a stronger family because of these tests . Stay vigilant.


It is definitely under the radar. People think of melanoma and over tanning, but that isn't it. How is she doing?

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