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Cordia Lawsuit????

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I don't think Cordia can/could/would prove that.


Have other programs (not just basketball) recruited? I believe so. Yes.


But that many infractions at one time? I have ZERO belief any school, in any part of the state, in any sport, at any time, did what Cordia's been accused of.


As far as getting off easier? Lexington Catholic (a brand name) got a huge fine in the last decade or so. Highlands (a brand name) and Fairview (in a way bigger city) had to forfeit wins. The KHSAA tried to keep Scott County (a brand name) from getting Euton/Jackson (KHSAA was over-ruled). Hopkinsville and Henderson County, two of the better WKY schools, have been busted.


Did they get off easier? YES.

Did they do the same exact laundry list Cordia is being acused of? If Cordia couldn't keep from getting busted with all this, I have little-to-zero faith they can prove their situation is in ANYWAY close to the previous ones mentioned.


It's not apples and oranges.

It's apples and aardvarks.

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I don't think Cordia can/could/would prove that.


Have other programs (not just basketball) recruited? I believe so. Yes.


But that many infractions at one time? I have ZERO belief any school, in any part of the state, in any sport, at any time, did what Cordia's been accused of.


As far as getting off easier? Lexington Catholic (a brand name) got a huge fine in the last decade or so. Highlands (a brand name) and Fairview (in a way bigger city) had to forfeit wins. The KHSAA tried to keep Scott County (a brand name) from getting Euton/Jackson (KHSAA was over-ruled). Hopkinsville and Henderson County, two of the better WKY schools, have been busted.


Did they get off easier? YES.

Did they do the same exact laundry list Cordia is being acused of? If Cordia couldn't keep from getting busted with all this, I have little-to-zero faith they can prove their situation is in ANYWAY close to the previous ones mentioned.


It's not apples and oranges.

It's apples and aardvarks.



An ex-Cordia player from Texas and 3 foreign exchange students at Hazard?


Two kids from Philadelphia, a kid from New York, and kids from Sheldon Clark, Breathitt County, and Buckhorn at Perry County Central?


Those are closer to Cordia's league than teams in the kiddie pool with teams like Buckhorn who lost some of their kids to other programs but wound up with one from Owsley County.


Bylaw 7, Section 1 ends by saying "if compliant with all other KHSAA bylaws". Don't you think it's a bit naive to think that Bylaw 16 only applies to Cordia getting kids from other states but not Perry Central? Don't you think Hazard stepped it up even more by getting kids from other countries?

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An ex-Cordia player from Texas and 3 foreign exchange students at Hazard?


Two kids from Philadelphia, a kid from New York, and kids from Sheldon Clark, Breathitt County, and Buckhorn at Perry County Central?


Those are closer to Cordia's league than teams in the kiddie pool with teams like Buckhorn who lost some of their kids to other programs but wound up with one from Owsley County.


Bylaw 7, Section 1 ends by saying "if compliant with all other KHSAA bylaws". Don't you think it's a bit naive to think that Bylaw 16 only applies to Cordia getting kids from other states but not Perry Central? Don't you think Hazard stepped it up even more by getting kids from other countries?


Hazard and Perry all at the same time?

Paying (AND HELPING) moving kids?


Letting them live on campus?

An 18-year-old (from an African basketball factory) posing as a 14-year-old 8th grader?


No. Not even close.


Check the transfer lists (they're public). Perry and Hazard have and do get transfers in other sports too. Some people have transferred away.


Cordia's ONLY transfers were in boys' basketball.

Almost all from out of state.

All in a certain time frame.

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Hazard and Perry all at the same time?

Paying (AND HELPING) moving kids?


Letting them live on campus?

An 18-year-old (from an African basketball factory) posing as a 14-year-old 8th grader?


No. Not even close.


Check the transfer lists (they're public). Perry and Hazard have and do get transfers in other sports too. Some people have transferred away.


Cordia's ONLY transfers were in boys' basketball.

Almost all from out of state.

All in a certain time frame.


Paying (AND HELPING) moving kids?


What do you call a foreign exchange program? Sounds like "go to America, live with a team booster well off enough to be able to afford to take you in and let them take care of you" to me.


Do you have proof of what you accuse Keita of or are you just going with the rumor?


If Cordia is so dirty and got Hudson, what does that say about Hazard getting him later?



Perry County Central, getting two kids from Philadelphia and the best player from a State Championship team in New York? Pssshhhtttt... that's all? No big deal. Not even close, right? I guess they must have just randomly decided to move to Hazard because the city life was too fast paced for them. Listen to yourself and get real.


When the Hazard/Perry County has attracted 3 foreign players, took one of "dirty, cheating Cordia's kids", and got three transfers from New York/Philadelphia in basically the same time frame, then they're probably in on some of the things you are accusing Cordia of doing too. Even if you think they aren't, you can at least see how someone could think that about them at least. That's not even getting into Perry County Central getting Johnson or raiding smaller schools of their talent err.... I mean, the smaller school's talent just decides to move in. Puh-leaze.

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Again, I'm no lawyer, and don't presume to even approximate one.


But is it just me, or do you think that Cordia will have to defend their own actions in court rather than attempt to try other programs? Will a judge even listen to a defense consisting of "Programs A, B and C did the same stuff"?

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So if a school hires 10 new assistants, all of them having sons leaving 8th grade and ranked as the top 10 incoming freshman in the nation, then that's fine. It just violates the spirit of the rule, not the black letter law?


That seems to be something that would follow from that line of thinking.


I think it's fair to say Cunningham's transfer was far more scrutinized by the public than Justice's, but each had a Dad taking a new job as an assistant. Cunningham had transferred more and came as a senior while Justice hadn't moved around as much (or moved since), and he was an 8th grader.


Both seem like good kids who have their priorities in line and will be playing at the next level at a highly regarded academic institution, so I say good for both of them.


I was thinking that was Cunningham's brother and not his dad.

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Paying (AND HELPING) moving kids?


What do you call a foreign exchange program? Sounds like "go to America, live with a team booster well off enough to be able to afford to take you in and let them take care of you" to me.


Do you have proof of what you accuse Keita of or are you just going with the rumor?


If Cordia is so dirty and got Hudson, what does that say about Hazard getting him later?



Perry County Central, getting two kids from Philadelphia and the best player from a State Championship team in New York? Pssshhhtttt... that's all? No big deal. Not even close, right? I guess they must have just randomly decided to move to Hazard because the city life was too fast paced for them. Listen to yourself and get real.


When the Hazard/Perry County has attracted 3 foreign players, took one of "dirty, cheating Cordia's kids", and got three transfers from New York/Philadelphia in basically the same time frame, then they're probably in on some of the things you are accusing Cordia of doing too. Even if you think they aren't, you can at least see how someone could think that about them at least. That's not even getting into Perry County Central getting Johnson or raiding smaller schools of their talent err.... I mean, the smaller school's talent just decides to move in. Puh-leaze.


The paying to move kids was NOT in regards to foreign exchange. It was paying for the ones coming from Mississippi, Jersey, etc.


As far as Keita, the Dieda Academy has CONFIRMED the player on their site was the SAME who played at Cordia (and the player on their site is 18. They don't list players younger than 15).


Keita might not have been 19 like some suggested, but you can't repeat a grade and keep eligibility in that same grade.


Hudson can't be touched. If he was ineligible at Cordia, that does NOT necessarily mean he is ineligible EVERYWHERE in Kentucky. Cordia's mistake (or foolishness) was Hazard's gain.


Cordia got Frimpong and Lucien in a loophole since they came to Kentucky to be a part of 18-Foot Academy (based in Breathittt County). Once that thing was shutdown, they stayed and landed with Cordia. And I don't even think the KHSAA is going after those two.


It would NOT surprise me after all this:

1) KHSAA decides foreign exchange athletes are for one year only (thought that was already a rule). Or bans every school from getting foreign-exchange players in sports in back-to-back years (can't replace a Senegal center with one from Kenya).


2) KHSAA bans transfers from Canada. Period. Unless they have proof the whole family completely leaves Canada and cuts ties to the AAU/handlers (ahem, Bender) bringing them in.


Ndahiro (Thomas Nelson) was ineligible for a season. King (North Hardin) had to sit this season. Kasongo has had eligilibity issues ... all have connections to CanadianProspects.ca.


3) KHSAA makes a bylaw (and passed by its member schools when it comes to appeals that other schools can't be brought up. Meaning YOU must prove why YOU are innocent. Not just yell "But but but, they did it too!")


Nearly every argument coming from Cordia supporters (take off the blinders and put down the Kool-Aid) has to do with mentioning Knott or Hazard or other schools. This does NOT have to do with them. Not every punishment from the KHSAA will be the same (basically because KHSAA member schools THEMSELVES have not voted in a blanket punishment. That's their fault).


Very few are arguing Cordia is innocent. More are arguing they are the only ones caught (but others do it too).


That's a huge concern.


Even if Cordia wins the appeal or lawsuit, it still loses. Because now it is on the KHSAA radar. And now out-of-state kids (and out-of-USA kids, in some cases) will be on the radar.


I don't see how Cordia could have done everything by the book and will continue to have basketball players (let's not kid yourselves, they're not getting ANY other transfers except in boys' basketball) come in droves to a place in Kentucky (with poor academics) that you can barely find on a map.

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Cksports fan you need to get your story straight before you get on here and spout these things. First the paying to move players was not anyone from miss. Or N.J. It was for moving Chris Hudson from Texas to Kentucky.they at claiming he moved here with assistant coach Larry willams at no cost to him or his family. Larry willams was his court appointed guardian in Texas before he came here. Larry Williams was not even affiliated with cordia until he came to ky. He was not a coach at the time he moved. As far a keta is concerned the birthday on his passport is 12-22-1999. That is total bull about him being 19. He has gone through extensive screening process in his political refugee hearings. They don't just make that stuff up. I have seen his passport and Mali I'd. All this started because certain people are p.o. Because oumar would not go to school where they wanted him to. I know you won't believe this but oumar gets dozens of texts daily trying to bribe him into changing schools. One local school offered him 20,000 dollars if he would enroll and go all 4 years. He is offered money weekly by other 14th region schools. And we have texts to prove it. I can get deep into this but it is late and I am tired. I will say this cordia is guilty of some of the Minor violations(ex: one coach coaching without taking his safety class) he has since been fired,but the rest of this investigation is totally one sided. It is all hear say and they have ruled against cordia and sanctioned them without even giving them a chance at due process. There is no due process in the khsaa. The khsaa is a joke. They have taken the word of 4 individuals (2 former players and 2 former coaches) all who left on bad terms and took their word as gold. When I know for a fact they interviewed at least 6 other people that directly refuted the other 4 statements and that was not included in the investigation. That will all come out in the wash. This whole thing is not what it seems. The khsaa is mad because cordia made them look like a fool in court the last 2 years and they wanted to try to embarrass cordia by jumping the gun and issuing a statement. I may be wrong but I think cordia gets a lot of these hear say allegations overturned in court. They will have some up held but none serious enough to warrant these reduclious penalties they have incurred on them.

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P.S. frimprom and Lucien were in no way connected to the 22 foot academy in breathitt co. Emmanual owootoah and Felix were life long friends since 5 years old that's how he ended up here. Hudson was a legal move here. Him moving to hazard was the major illegal move. Hazard paid for his mother to come up here giving her a fake job and a apartment long enough to get him eligible and back to Texas she goes. There is also documentation and proof that Chris Hudson has stated he went to hazard because they promised him a car. That is the real story behind Hudson. I can tell you he met with the hazard coach at the campground at Carr fork lake while he was still enrolled at cordia to seal the deal. Now you tell me who is the big violator. I know hazard and perry are really uneasy in the wake of all this cordia mess.

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Lion pride, thank you for coming on here and addressing some of the allegations. As someone not in that area, I have no first hand knowledge of what did or did not happen and it is good to hear from all sides. It looks like this dispute is heading to court, assuming Cordia's appeal to the KHSAA Board of Control is not successful. I know that the KHSAA will hire good lawyers to represent it; I hope Cordia is in a position to likewise hire good lawyers. A judge should base his or her decision on actual evidence, not rumor or innuendo. It will be fascinating to watch as it unfolds.

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Cordia got Frimpong and Lucien in a loophole since they came to Kentucky to be a part of 18-Foot Academy (based in Breathittt County). Once that thing was shutdown, they stayed and landed with Cordia. And I don't even think the KHSAA is going after those two.



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