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Bill filed to allow home schooled students to play sports


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FRANKFORT – Representative Stan Lee, R-Lexington, announced Tuesday he has pre-filed legislation for the 2015 session that if passed would allow home school students to play sports for their local public school district. The proposed legislation is named after former University of Florida and NFL quarterback Tim Tebow, who was home schooled and allowed to play for his local high school team after legislation was passed in Florida in 1996. The Florida legislation later became known as the Tim Tebow bill, and has passed in roughly half of all states in the U.S.


Lee files bill to allow home school students to play sports - Floyd County Times - floydcountytimes.com

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My kids have a unique perspective on this, having been educated at home until middle school. They suspect it would be awkward to attempt to play on a high school team where relationships ebb/flow based in part on what happens during the course of the day/year inside the building. They think it wouldn't be the most welcoming environment to try to break in to but can see where an exception might be made for an especially talented athlete! They played baseball and football with various youth leagues while home-schooling but never felt left out, or less than. Their friends mostly envied them for NOT having to go to school at that age.

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I waffle back and forth on this particular topic. If it passed it would really hurt the KCSAA (Kentucky Christian School Athletic Association) that allows both; teams made up of home schooled kids to participate as Christian based teams; AND lets home schooled kids play for established Christian school teams that belong to the association. I see the arguments from both sides on this issue.

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Should the kid have to go to the schools who's district he lives in?


What about Private Schools, could my kid play for Trinity, X, Lex Cath or New Cath without me having to pay tuition?


Great question. Players could work around the transfer rule.

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Great question. Players could work around the transfer rule.


Nope. They couldn't work around the transfer rule. At least, if the KHSAA applies their rules as written they couldn't. Right now, a student can go play for any school he/she wants ... UNTIL he/she has played in a varsity game. Then the student is locked in at the school they played varsity in any sport with. The same would be true for a home schooled athlete. Once the student plays a varsity game with a school that is their school. If they try to change schools, the transfer rules kick in.

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That probably would not go over well with the tuition paying families.



When my kids were in grade school they were in a Catholic grade school. On every team, in every sport, that my kids played on, there were public school kids who belonged to the parish that played along side them. Frankly, I never even thought anything about it until I joined BGP. I honestly had no idea of the notion of kids "belonging" to a school or a district.

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