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IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups

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Mr. Miller was Deputy Commissioner of the IRS at the time of the wrong doing, so he should be and is accountable. Again, if you do not work for the IRS you have no idea how little our upper management really knows about the everyday happenings within our organization. Am I making excuses? No, but this is why I believe that it was not politically motivated at the highest levels of the organization. My guess it was a lower level wrong doing. Ultimately, it does not matter what I say here, because most of you won't believe it anyway.


Oh how little you know about what I do for a living. Miller has been "ACTING" commissioner since the start of this year and this wrong doing did not occur under his watch.

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Oh how little you know about what I do for a living. Miller has been "ACTING" commissioner since the start of this year and this wrong doing did not occur under his watch.


I may be wrong but it's my understanding he was second in command during that time. I also heard he was already leaving soon.

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I may be wrong but it's my understanding he was second in command during that time. I also heard he was already leaving soon.


He's been Deputy Commissioner since 8/2009 if I recall correctly and has been acting commissioner since November.

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The country needs more cut throats like her


Sure we do, she fits right in with the way society is today. I bet she is a undermining 2faced backstabber, just like her boss. No wonder our country doesnt trust the government.

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Sure we do, she fits right in with the way society is today. I bet she is a undermining 2faced backstabber, just like her boss. No wonder our country doesnt trust the government.
Sorta like the Rovester huh ?
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Interesting how so far only the Cincinnati office has been subject to scrutiny. Also interesting how this is in Ohio, THE state needed in 2012.


VJ fingerprints on this one.


It happened in the Cincinnati office because that's which office has the job of investigating and approving these applications. You're jumping at shadows.


While it's important to remember that targeting conservatve groups is wrong, it ISN'T wrong to investigate 501©4 groups to make sure that they're abiding by the law in their tax exempt status.

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It happened in the Cincinnati office because that's which office has the job of investigating and approving these applications. You're jumping at shadows.


While it's important to remember that targeting conservatve groups is wrong, it ISN'T wrong to investigate 501©4 groups to make sure that they're abiding by the law in their tax exempt status.


Its wrong to hold up ones for over 2 years one way and rubber stamp others in less than a month.


It sounds like the 501©4 is being misused by all sorts of PACs. I think 501©4s are supposed to carry out a social welfare type function - not just be a a political function. So agree with this.


But the stories are coming out of individual targeting as well and I do know first hand of some people who were active in some legal activities related to the administration the past years and they were audited for the first time ever during this time. This is far more than just 501©4s.

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Its wrong to hold up ones for over 2 years one way and rubber stamp others in less than a month.


It sounds like the 501©4 is being misused by all sorts of PACs. I think 501©4s are supposed to carry out a social welfare type function - not just be a a political function. So agree with this.


But the stories are coming out of individual targeting as well and I do know first hand of some people who were active in some legal activities related to the administration the past years and they were audited for the first time ever during this time. This is far more than just 501©4s.

I was audited for the first time ever, too.


And they didn't just rubberstamp liberal groups. We now know that three liberal 501©4 were denied, one retroactively.


Listen, this is the real problem:


After Citizens United, there was an explosion of these groups, because they became a really attractive way to skirt what little campaign financing law there is. The IRS was innundated by applications, and rubber stamping was exactly what they tried to avoid. They wanted a way to highlight which applications were political and which were Little Lebowski Achievers.


It was how they did it that was stupid. They saw that most of the new applications were conservative groups so they targeted those search terms.


I honestly do not believe this is nefarious. I think it is idiotic. But I say that recognizing two things: one, that I've said over and over again that I think conspiracy theories vastly overestimate the government, regardless of administration; and two, that this is obviously hitting a sweet spot for conservatives (Obama+Chicago Style Politics+Taxes+Persecution) and I'm never going to convince the majority of the posters on this site about it.

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Honestly, between the two dominant conservative narratives of the Obama administration (which cannot coexist in a sane universe):


A) Obama is a bumbling, naive community organizer (insert simpering limp wrist liberal Rush Limbaugh impression) buffoon who spends all his time on vacation and has to have a teleprompter to read his kids a bedtime story and isn't up to the job




B) Obama is a evil political mastermind community organizer (insert sinister breathing into the mic Rush Limbaugh impression) who has duped the country while hatching plots both grand and petty against all opposition, either clearing the way for the UN and the Caliphate to seize this country or for his political cronies to steal everything that isn't nailed down (his motives are unclear, but obviously evil.)


I think this fits the first much more clearly. But like I said, between it being about the IRS and the persecution angle, there's probably no way it was going to be read any other way.

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Smoke = fire. The smoke is getting thicker....


Report: IRS denied tax-exempt status to pro-lifers on behalf of Planned Parenthood | WashingtonExaminer.com

“In one case, the IRS withheld approval of an application for tax exempt status for Coalition for Life of Iowa. In a phone call to Coalition for Life of Iowa leaders on June 6, 2009, the IRS agent ‘Ms. Richards’ told the group to send a letter to the IRS with the entire board’s signatures stating that, under perjury of the law, they do not picket/protest or organize groups to picket or protest outside of Planned Parenthood,” the Thomas More Society announced today. “Once the IRS received this letter, their application would be approved.”


How does a 3rd party name come up in an approval or deniable from the a government entity that should never, ever refer to a 3rd party that is not involved with the matter at hand.

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