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Trinity 14 St. Xavier 6


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Congrats to Trinity.


I, for one, never gave Trinity much of a chance to win Friday in light of September's game, and it reflected in my posts last week. So I certainly am eating my words now.


An excellent job by Coach Beatty - first, to get you kids believing they can win, and second, to execute a game plan. X scored 48 in the first game, 6 in the second. Obviously, one coaching staff made adjustments and the other fell asleep at the wheel.


Is there any reason why St. X is afraid to throw a short pass? It's always either a Hail Mary, in which the quarterback, who has a weak arm, throws it short so a wide receiver and two DB's can stand and wait for the ball to come down - or nothing. The only short pass I recall the other night was a dump over the middle to Mattingly, which led to a 20 yard gain. I could be wrong here, but that was my impression.


I think this game will be a great example in years to come that coaches will use to explain to their team that playing a team the second time around is a whole new ball game.

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Would anyone have, or know where I can get a photo of Dane Spoelker's (#55) tackle of Anderson on that 4th down play? There were of bunch of photographers in the end zone. One guy with his press band around his pants leg looks like he is getting a great shot of it. Thanks for any info!!!!


I looked and do not think I have that picture, so maybe it wasn't me after all. I forgot on the Friday night game I was having battery issues and if it was me I could have missed it because my batteries kept dying on me. Help me out and let me know roughly when in the game it was (qtr etc), it will help narrow down on where to look.


But I did find this one. It is not an action shot, but I worked with the picture a bit and like the result. The only bad note is I wasn't thinking and didn't save the full size file, but it will work well enough for posting here.




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Would anyone have, or know where I can get a photo of Dane Spoelker's (#55) tackle of Anderson on that 4th down play? There were of bunch of photographers in the end zone. One guy with his press band around his pants leg looks like he is getting a great shot of it. Thanks for any info!!!!


If you're talking about the fourth quarter play, my shot didn't come out very good, so I missed it.

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As a future HS parent I heard Glaser speak to a group of jr high students and parents...though he hardly even talked about football (which surprised me), he took several opportunities to talk down Trinity, mostly dissmissing programs and facilities. (FYI, this was a predominately StX feeder school function)


This Screen name is usually for my parents but I'm going to speak out on this one. I have never in my time before coming to St.X or during my career there, heard Glaser ever speak poorly of Trinity or any other school as a matter of fact. You can give me all the proof in the world that Glaser would say things like that and I STILL wouldn't believe you because Glaser is a man of great class and it is not in his will to ever speak down on anyone. Anyone who disagrees with this obviously has no idea who this man is or has ever met him as been said before. Glaser is one of the greatest coaches to ever come to St.X and i can't say that there will be any better in the future. To speak poorly about this man, his accomplishments, or to question his knowledge as a coach just shows a great amount of disrespect and absolutely no class at all (especially a couple days after a loss like he had). Anyone who speaks about another school poorly in front of him or asks his opinion on another school he denies to talk about this AND I KNOW THIS FROM TRUE EXPERIENCE. Glaser emphasizes the team aspect more than anything and only accepts the 110% out of anything a person does, on or off the field. He even expects the kids participating in winter sports to never quit because quitting is not an option.

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1 example of Glaser's class....During this year's football parent's meeting, Coach Glaser gave probably what all Coaches give in regards to a speech. He talked about rules and expectations and so forth. Then he shared a story about one of his X teams. Glaser told these parents about one of his proudest moments of coaching....and it wasn't the state championships, the records...or any of that...it was the following:


Glaser shared how one of the players on the team had lost a very close family member. That player missed a couple days of practice...of course. But when the rest of the team was running hills....this player...just a couple days from a terrible loss....shows up at the bottom of the hill ready to be with his team. Glaser...now all choked up and with tears in his eyes.....describes how the players on that team cheered wildly for their brother as he ran full sprint up that hill. He then describes how the players hugged this young man and how he needed to be with his brothers that day. .....I cannot begin to express the emotion and depth of this story in this post as Glaser did that day.......I cannot come close to the emotion of all the parents in that room.....I can just tell you that without a doubt.....there is no other Coach that I would trust my boy with more than Coach Glaser.....and he already has one of my boys with 3 more on the way! He is teaching way more than football....he is teaching true brotherhood and how men should act in Jesus' footsteps. Has he made mistakes? Who hasn't? I believe even Jesus trashed a church in anger.....and NO I am in no way comparing Glaser with Jesus so don't even start....just pointing out that we all have flaws.

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I read the cj's articles about the game and was suprised to see only 21,000 for the game. With this being such a great rivalry why doesn't the state final game between these two teams draw more than 21,000 when the regular season game draws 30 + every year? I understand a lot of college kids and alumni might not be able to make it back for the game but that can't make up the 12-13,000 difference in attendance.


There are numerous reasons for this. The one most common reason given is because so many people come into town to watch the game. While that is true, it don't believe it makes up the majority of the difference. I believe the reason that make up the majority of the difference in attendance is simply due to the spectacle the Trinity vs. St. X regular season game has become over the years.


If you look at the 21,000 who were at Friday night's championship game, we were the dedicated T/X fans. The ones who probably attend numerous regular season games. Those extra 12-13,000 who show up at the regular season game are there just to see the above mentioned spectacle and that game is the only game they probably attend and really care about.


I think high school graduates who post on BGP's need to keep in mind that we are the minority, we are weird (some more than others :D ) Most people when the graduate from high school generally don't care all that much about high school football anymore, especially in a large city like Louisville where there are so many other entertainment options on a Friday night. Small towns tend to follow their high school's teams. Atleast that is what my dad told me when he was growing up in Elizabethtown back when it was a quarter of the size it is today. He would explain, "what else was there to do in Elizabethtown, KY?"


Many friends of mine joke with me about still attending Trinity High School games being that I am about to turn 30 years old, asking when am I going to leave the teenage mentality and grow up. One of my best friends played for St. X for 4 years, if it wasn't for me keeping him up to date, he would probably have no idea how St. X is doing each year because in all honesty, he is like the majority of high schools graduates who look fondly upon their school but just don't pay much attendtion to it anymore unlike us BGP'ers. This is true for probably all schools alumni, they don't understand what draws people like us to still attend high school games.


However, as I mentioned above, the regular season game is more than just a game. You would have to attend a few years before you understood. The game is almost like a giant home coming for both schools. When you go to the game it is pretty much a given that you are going to see numerous other people you knew from high school, the parish grade school you attended, people from parishes you attended during you life just because so many people go to this game every single year. Numerous people from my current parish and the parish I grew up at have no affiliation to Trinity or St. X but still go to the game because of the festive atmosphere.


That is the game that draws out the 12-13,000 non-dedicated fans, the "majority" as I pointed out above. The regular season game is probably how non-football fans in Alabama (all thirty of them :D ) look at the annual Alabama vs. Auburn game. The other games throughout the season mean nothing to them but the week of the Alabama vs. Auburn game gets them all excited.

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Congrats to Trinity. It seems I know more people on here that root for Trinity so I am glad for my BGP Trinity supporters.


I wonder if the game being in Louisville has anything to do with such a large turnout for Trinity and St. X. Put the game somewhere else and I wonder if they get 20,000.


In addition, I would hope that a championship game between two schools that have a total attendance of 500-600, A game and 1000-1100, AA game would not outdraw a game that has over 2000 in the two schools combined attendance. Both schools probably have a bigger alumni base in Louisville than the rural county schools in this state has attendance. I don't think the attendance in the game is that big of a deal.

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I think high school graduates who post on BGP's need to keep in mind that we are the minority, we are weird (some more than others :D ) Most people when the graduate from high school generally don't care all that much about high school football anymore, especially in a large city like Louisville where there are so many other entertainment options on a Friday night. Small towns tend to follow their high school's teams. Atleast that is what my dad told me when he was growing up in Elizabethtown back when it was a quarter of the size it is today. He would explain, "what else was there to do in Elizabethtown, KY?"


Many friends of mine joke with me about still attending Trinity High School games being that I am about to turn 30 years old, asking when am I going to leave the teenage mentality and grow up. One of my best friends played for St. X for 4 years, if it wasn't for me keeping him up to date, he would probably have no idea how St. X is doing each year because in all honesty, he is like the majority of high schools graduates who look fondly upon their school but just don't pay much attendtion to it anymore unlike us BGP'ers. This is true for probably all schools alumni, they don't understand what draws people like us to still attend high school games.


I think you hit the nail on the head here. All my buddies and I went to Trinity. I am the only one who makes it out to games, period! All but one of us were members of pep club. I was the president and another one of the group was the treasurer. One of my other buddies designed the Pride Week T-Shirts in '00. None of them could care less about the games. I am the only one who makes sure he goes to as many games as he can, Mrs. PepRock still doesn't understand it after she and I have been together for 4 years. Those of us that are this loyal to our schools after all this time are just a different breed.


I am still heart broken that I couldn't go to the game last Friday. When I walked into the store on Friday night, I was fighting back tears because I knew I couldn't be there to support and cheer for my Rocks. Everytime a customer came back to the pharmacy I was getting inwardly (sometimes visibly, but most customers just thought it was because we were busy) agitated that they would dare interrupt my period of mourning. Thankfully I was able to listen to the game at work, I would have gone nuts not knowing what went on. Shoot I even stayed an hour after my shift ended to listen to it AND my boss and I stayed an extra 10 minutes to listen to the end of the game. I'm still sorry that I couldn't have been a part of it.I don't know how I'll handle it if I get a Department of Defense job teaching in Europe.

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Hats off to Trinity from Nashville - impressive win. Enjoy.


Looking forward to face the defending KY 4A champs in 2006! Playing the best other states have to offer certainly prepares you for the rest of the season.


You know, both years we have lost to you guys we ended up winning state. Hmmm, superstitious Trinity fans may have a hard time cheering for Trinity at next years Trinity vs. MBA game. :D


Alright, that was a joke, don't any Trinity fans have a cow over me saying this calling me a traitor.

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You know, both years we have lost to you guys we ended up winning state. Hmmm, superstitious Trinity fans may have a hard time cheering for Trinity at next years Trinity vs. MBA game. :D


Alright, that was a joke, don't any Trinity fans have a cow over me saying this calling me a traitor.



And the score was identical both times we lost to them.

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I love the Trinity series as well. Great competition, and more importantly, great class. Reading these postgame St. X-T threads is refreshing, particularly after reading a lot of bickering on the Tennessee state title game boards. Some of our fans down here could learn a thing or two by reading the good sportsmanship widely prevalent on this board.


We love the series as well, the respect between these two teams is great. Very rarely do I hear about smack talk happening on the field or other unsportmanlike activities. Just a great rivalry.

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WOW!!! This was such an emotional game for me to watch....as my son wasn't on the field...and this is the last time I'll watch a T/X game and actually know players on the field for both teams. You all played tremendously tonight...Trinity and X. It has been my utmost pleasure to have watched several players on both teams play since their days in Grade school.


X, Great season! You are tremendous competitors and intense players! You have so many things to be proud of in this season!


Rocks.....WOW!!!!! Players, you played way beyond great tonight....there just isn't a word to adequately describe the effort you put forth tonight! Coaches...it's a tough job you have...but you guys showed every game you know how to motivate this team and I am so happy for you guys as well!


To my friends who shared our deluxe accommodations tonight...GREAT time, GREAT TIME! Tootsie...I hope I didn't annoy your friends too much! Deuce, thanks for helping me keep my belongings in my pockets. :D Goherd...glad you found us! :DBert.....Bert got crazy tonight too! :dancingpa :dancingpa


I just now read this thread...Bert, you didn't go off Friday night, did you?


I ALMOST did, but I was trying to keep up my professional image... :lol: :lol:

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I just now read this thread...Bert, you didn't go off Friday night, did you?


I ALMOST did, but I was trying to keep up my professional image... :lol: :lol:



Bert was jumping up and down, and generally more animated than I ever seen! He's such a calm, laid-back sort of person, but I guess I was a bad influence! :lol:

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I have to say, that I am disappointed with some of our backers on here, not being gracious in victory. That was one of the hardest played and most physical games between these two, in quite some time. There were kids acting like kids, but alas, that is not bigger than the series.


Congrats on a tremendous season Tigers, we will see in September.


Way to go Rocks, #16....I guess Mr. Klausing has to do some painting on hs garage



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rockmom-- I'm glad you and the others were going "wild" in the luxury box... I was doing my own celebrating in the section right next to our students. I was lucky enough to be situated at the 5 yard line area where all of the late action took place. It was fantastic to slap 5s with the alums, fans and the students!! PRICELESS!! :thumb:

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