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Race issues


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One thing that really bugs me is that on FoxNews yesterday they were interviewing an African-American woman from Cincinnati and they asked her if race played a role in her vote, and she said it was most definitely one of the biggest factors. No one seems to see a problem with that. If I were to say I voted for McCain because he was white, I'd be considered racist. I don't get the double standard...
Fox News has Al Sharpton on now - that really bugs me. There are plenty of liberal, articulate black people that FNC would invite to speak about race without giving a racist clown like Al Sharpton face time. It is the equivalent of having somebody like David Duke to speak for all white people. Sharpton should be behind bars (or at least on trial for fraud), not being treated with respect normally reserved for decent human beings.


Every minute that a thug like Sharpton gets on TV is a minute that some deserving person is denied. One positive to come out of this campaign is that the Obama campaign did put forth some eloquent fresh faces to make their case so maybe the Reverand Al will fade into the background.

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I've said it before. There are blacks who didn't vote for President Elect Obama because he is black. I know this for a fact.


I can't see where there are more than a few of these voters. We must keep in mind that there were also a lot of ignorant white voters who didn't vote for Obama just because he's black.


However, I can walk through my office and ask 10 black people why they voted for Obama and they'll tell me because he's black. (I know this because I've asked a bunch of people that were openly celebrating yesterday, black and white.) When I counter with, "What do you think of his policies?", they babble. THIS is the problem.


Hell, Thomas Jefferson Johnson could've run for POTUS and won with the combination of some of these voters and the last 8 years...

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Why should they then? 360,000 union soldiers gave their lives to the cause of reuniting the union and hence freeing the slaves.


Hate for any reason is wrong. Racism is always wrong. Are we all prejudiced in some way? Yep. The thing we all need to stop and do is look at the issues from the other side. I completely understand the African American vote during this election cycle. It would be no different than if someone from my part of Kentucky ran for President, the vast majority of people in this area would support them because they would feel right or wrong that they had a connection to them.


HB20 by the way your post on this thread have been exceptional.


This is a great analogy and I agree HB20 you have done a great job opening my eyes to some things in this thread. I do feel like there is a double standard that goes on but I see thing a little different than I did when I started the thread.

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I am currently taking a Race and Gender in Psychology class (for my minor in PSY) and according to my teacher she would answer your questions by saying "No, because all prejudice is not equal. An African American who hates whites cannot be 'just as prejudice' as a white person that hates blacks."

I however, don't know if I exactly understand that. I understand Obama being elected and it being a very big deal for the African American community and the United States in general because of the historical nature. But, I believe my feelings are the same as yours stick1. How does this just not scream something being wrong when 98% of African Americans voted for Obama? Confuses me a little.


Your teacher is ignorant.

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I agree that this was the first legitimate African American candidate for the presidency (Jesse Jackson was not a viable candidate) and he won. I am sure that if the roles were reversed and whites had never had a candidate, more whites would have identified with McCain. It just is human nature to relate more to those we feel are more like us.


I also find it humorous looking back to hear some of the comments made about Bush (the rapper who said that 'Bush don't care about black people anyway' was the clincher), yet he had the most diverse cabinet in the history of the presidency.


We have come a long way and this is a major step. I want Obama to succeed as that would be an even better step in the right direction as well as the fact that his success is crucial to our country right now. Not just in race relations, but in society as a whole.


MJAlltheway24, ... prejudice is prejudice no matter where it comes from and is equally wrong.

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I also find it humorous looking back to hear some of the comments made about Bush (the rapper who said that 'Bush don't care about black people anyway' was the clincher), yet he had the most diverse cabinet in the history of the presidency.


I've always been amazed that no one seems to care that Bush appointed two black Secretaries of State, and that the second one was also a woman.


In fact, its been over a decade since the US had a white male SoS.

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We have come a long way and this is a major step. I want Obama to succeed as that would be an even better step in the right direction as well as the fact that his success is crucial to our country right now. Not just in race relations, but in society as a whole.


I agree that this was a big step, a huge step, and a milestone in our nation's history. However, I'm looking forward to the day, although it may never happen in my life time, where a black man can run for office and not be referred to as a "black candidate", but just a candidate.

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I have some theories, but what was their reasoning?

Some still have a Jim Crow era mindset that a black person should never be over a white person.

He's half white.
Maybe but there is another reason. Some blacks also will be against him because he accomplished something they couldn't. I've faced it in my time and so has my children.
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I think what frustrates me is when I hear people my age who make comments like..."It isn't the White House anymore...let's call it the Black House". Or things of that nature. I know it might all may be a joke, and I just bite my tongue not to look like something I am not. But, I feel like comments like that are so ignorant and is the reason that a lot of prejudice is still around. The comment automatically makes me wanna fire back and it probably wouldn't be in an intelligent manner. You know what I mean?


I am happy for the African American community…it is very cool for them to have taken this step in history, and it’s probably good for the USA. I am not really a fan of Obama because of his policies but I do feel like he could maybe do something special for this country. With that being said, this country will still be divided simply because of comments like that, and the reactions that will follow.

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I think what frustrates me is when I hear people my age who make comments like..."It isn't the White House anymore...let's call it the Black House". Or things of that nature. I know it might all may be a joke, and I just bite my tongue not to look like something I am not. But, I feel like comments like that are so ignorant and is the reason that a lot of prejudice is still around. The comment automatically makes me wanna fire back and it probably wouldn't be in an intelligent manner. You know what I mean?


I am happy for the African American community…it is very cool for them to have taken this step in history, and it’s probably good for the USA. I am not really a fan of Obama because of his policies but I do feel like he could maybe do something special for this country. With that being said, this country will still be divided simply because of comments like that, and the reactions that will follow.


I agree with this. In a new rap song, Young Jeezy says "My president is black, my Lambo's blue.." and thats the chorus of the song. This has sparked many people saying "MY PRESIDENT IS BLACK", I just wish it could be "our president" and color wouldn't be an issue. :irked:

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^ I agree. I have heard that song numerous times on the radio and a couple of friends who are black were playing it as well. I have nothing wrong with African Americans being proud of what Barack Obama has accomplished, but by continually putting it in people's faces as I feel like I have already seen in the last day and a half...it begins to wear on ya and get a little frustrating. I have the intelligence and sense to just walk away from it...but I know there are some who don't and I am afraid that could cause major issues.


And what's a lambo? lol.

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