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    American Express
  1. Where can you find em? I've been trying to google spoilers and cant' find anything. Just a few rumors here and there.
  2. Thanks! Loved the video! Yeah I think it's obvious Coach Cal at least thinks he's gonna be eligible so I'll take that.
  3. When might there be a decision on Skal's eligibility issues? Is there a time frame on that?
  4. Apparently, some folks can look into it and see the future.
  5. Bo never did the rent a player at Wisconsin. It's probably time for Bo to retire.
  6. Elgin Cook has sent a tweet welcoming Jamal Murray as the newest commit into the Duck family for what that's worth.
  7. Just trying to fit in with the crowd.
  8. That's strange. People should've been complaining that Tubby held back his All-Americans.
  9. To each his own I guess. I'd much rather have these players' autographs than any politician, unless Abe Lincoln came back from the grave.
  10. I can't speak for all UK fans, and I'm still excited about next season regardless, but we get just a couple more players and we could be really really good. It's the fact of getting that close. Should still be a fun season.
  11. Are we really comparing Tubby and Cal?
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