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McCain: It can be “tough” to be proud of USA

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I believe this is obvious knowledge. The last 8 years have been a train wreck. The country morale is at an all time low.


Too young for the Carter years to remember this man's failures, which include the failed policies of the mid-east that have given us our current situation?

Maybe you also do not remember how united the nation was after 9-11, but then the left went to work to destroy Bush so they could win the 2004 election.

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Can you be proud to be an American and still be ashamed of your country's leaders?


Every time I think about Katrina victims and the amount money spent on these 2 wars we are involved in, I am ashamed of how our country has let so many Americans down.


What has happened in New Orleans is a crime. Fema along with Bush and his advisors need to be put in prison over their LACK of efforts!


New Orleans was not the only place hit and we do not hear the whining out of those people as do out of the citizens of NO. There has been billions of public and private money spent in NO. Some of that material sold, as you stated, was going to go to waste if not used somewhere else.

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New Orleans was not the only place hit and we do not hear the whining out of those people as do out of the citizens of NO. There has been billions of public and private money spent in NO. Some of that material sold, as you stated, was going to go to waste if not used somewhere else.


The point is that there are to many people in need in, Fla., Miss and other places. Why was it NOT being used? I think I read somewhere there was 100 semi-truck loads of stuff sold.


That is criminal. The fact that stuff wasn't given to anyone effected.

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IMO they haven't invested enough resources and money in the rebuilding of the coast. Also FEMA didn't do their job. There where thousands of supplies that did not make it to the families. FEMA ended up selling those much needed supplies to different states. These states then sent the goods to prisons and other places.


Go to the Coast and you will see what I am talking about. Bush should be impeached for neglecting that area, Lord knows he paid too much attention over seas.



My girlfriend is from Waveland, MS an area that was by far the hardest hit during Katrina. I was down there a few weeks ago visiting, then we went to New Orleans.


There is still a ton of damage and you still see FEMA trailers, but the overwhelming response I got was that:

A) Katrina happened and will never be forgotten, but the area has since gotten on with their lives

B) The people in Southern Mississippi (a pre-dominately Conservative area) DO NOT condemn the government and are thankful for the assistance they received, whereas the feelings in the very Liberal City of New Orleans are much different.

C) The biggest issue facing those living in that area and getting back to their normal way of life deals more with the Real Estate market being down then anything else.

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New Orleans was not the only place hit and we do not hear the whining out of those people as do out of the citizens of NO. There has been billions of public and private money spent in NO. Some of that material sold, as you stated, was going to go to waste if not used somewhere else.


You typed this as I posted my comment.... it is night and day when you leave the city limits of New Orleans where the Uber Liberal Ray Nagin was mayor and the other areas....

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The point is that there are to many people in need in, Fla., Miss and other places. Why was it NOT being used? I think I read somewhere there was 100 semi-truck loads of stuff sold.


That is criminal. The fact that stuff wasn't given to anyone effected.


No offense but after having a close relationship with a family who had their house destroyed I honestly don't think your sentiments are founded in regards to Southern Missippi...


The biggest problems in those areas has nothing to do with goverment assistance and more to do with the Capitolistic Insurance Corporations...

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I know it is probably impossible to judge, but is this true?
Just a hunch, but I think that the morale of the inhabitants of this country as the economy sank into what was to become the Great Depression was probably a bit lower than it is today. Morale had to be a little low after a big part of our Pacific fleet was destroyed in Pearl Harbor as well.


Speaking from personal experience, it was very difficult to be optimistic while Eeyore...er I mean Jimmy Carter was in office.

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Too young for the Carter years to remember this man's failures, which include the failed policies of the mid-east that have given us our current situation?

Maybe you also do not remember how united the nation was after 9-11, but then the left went to work to destroy Bush so they could win the 2004 election.


Or maybe you forgot that the morale went south when a new front in the war was opened? Any wounds you perceive that Bush has were more self-inflicted than garnished from the other side of the aisle.

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