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Scott McClellan: "What Happened?"

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Former White House Press Secretary for the Bush Administration, Scott McClellan, released a book this week entitled "What Happened?"


"What Happened?" is a tell all book about the Bush Administration during McClellan's tenure. McClellan alleges in his book that Bush "mislead" the US about the War in Iraq. It goes on to oppose Bush in many other issues as well.


Personally, I think McClellan wanted to get paid, so he decided the best way to do that is to "bash" the president. McClellan has apparently switched from the right to the left.


From what you have heard in the media, what do you think about it?

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Former White House Press Secretary for the Bush Administration, Scott McClellan, released a book this week entitled "What Happened?"


"What Happened?" is a tell all book about the Bush Administration during McClellan's tenure. McClellan alleges in his book that Bush "mislead" the US about the War in Iraq. It goes on to oppose Bush in many other issues as well.


Personally, I think McClellan wanted to get paid, so he decided the best way to do that is to "bash" the president. McClellan has apparently switched from the right to the left.


From what you have heard in the media, what do you think about it?




Let me guess....you're partisan GOP. :lol:

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He was a former White House Press Secretary, so he's not hurting for money. He is losing a lot of friends and adding a lot of enemies. I think he wanted to voice things he saw while in the white house. We will probally never know if any of this book is true but he does not have as much to gain as you might think!

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Guest Bluto
I think he wanted to voice things he saw while in the white house.


Yet he didn't resign in protest, or even voice his concerns.



Not much of a "man of principle"....

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"What Happened?" is a tell all book about the Bush Administration during McClellan's tenure. McClellan alleges in his book that Bush "mislead" the US about the War in Iraq. It goes on to oppose Bush in many other issues as well.


The thing about this situation is that I don't think it's adding anything we didn't already know. Everyone should be well aware that the American sentiments post 911 were exploited (under the cloud of the war on terror), in order to remove a belligerent head of state.


He isn't telling us anything we don't already know.

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The funny thing on Fox News the other day was two different anchors openly speculating that McClellan's book wasn't necessarily his writing, but that of a "heavy-handed editor" ... the length the Fox boys and girls will go to help out their friends on the right.

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His observation of Rove and Libby conspiring was pure speculation. He said Rove told Libby they need to talk and went off for a private meeting. He said they never had meetings like that and concluded they were checking their stories about Plame and Wilson.

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What makes you think he's on the left now? Nothing I've heard about his book says anything about a sudden conversion to liberal politics.
:laugh: McClellan has said that he may vote for Obama, his publisher falls under the Soros umbrella of companies, and he kicked off his book promotion tour with an appearance on Countdown with Keith Olbermann. No, of course there is nothing to indicate the man has sold out to the left. :rolleyes:
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Like others, I think he only tells us what many have suspected happened in the White House leadership.


He was with Bush before the White House so his betrayal is more than just a flippant afterthought.


The only problem I have is the timing. Not in terms of the election but in terms of employment. Bush is lame duck and has less than a year in office and then McClellan will be unemployed.


I think much of what he says is true, yet his motivation is less than pure.

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It's funny how the tables can be turned in almost any situation. Flip both sides and you have people praising Dick Morris' honesty for comments he makes about Bill and Hillary while people who used to support him call him out as a disgruntled former employee and a hater. I never buy these books but will check it out from the library. I enjoy reading from both sides of the aisle, both positive and negative as the contrast in views of the same situation can be a fascinating read.

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