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Hillary Just Said Something I like...

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I have no clue, she didn't talk about specifics. It was just something that caught my attention, so I posted it here.


At least it started a good discussion and fired a few people up. :lol:


For the record I have the utmost respect for those that chose to work in public service positions, or at least police and fire. Frankly I don't consider government bureaucrats public servents but that's a different discussion.


I could possibly get behind a program that funds grants for people who go into law enforcement and/or fire fighting provided they agree to a certain period of service after their education. But I can't, even when it's as hypothetical as this, get behing any program that forgive debts that people assumed knowing full well that they at some point would need to repay them. And this doesn't just apply to student loans.

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So what you are saying is...


While you appreciate people who are willing to risk their lives, teach our children...


You don't want to reward them any for doing so?


I think they should have better pay, not have student loans forgiven.

When I went to college, I worked a full time job, night shift M-F, then worked another 12-16 hrs a day on Sat and Sun at a seperate job. I did this because I weighed the options of being thousands of dollars in debt after graduation, or working and paying my way as I went. My way wasn't the easy way. I didn't party in college. I had to sit out a quarter here and there to save a little extra. When I did this, I found another job to work during the time I normally would have been going to school. But now, every month when I write that check to make the payment on my wife's student loans, I'm glad I did what I did.

Everyone wants a free lunch, today. I wasn't raised like that, I don't raise my kids like that, and I resent anyone else that feels they deserve something for nothing, or in this case, feels it is ok to be bailed out of a legal binding agreement they entered in on their own accord.

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Back off people. HB heard Hillary say something that pertained to him and it caught his attention. Are any of you going to send the government rebate back? Give the kid a break.

In a way yes. My wife and I will be using it to pay our federal income tax bill this year.

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Back off people. HB heard Hillary say something that pertained to him and it caught his attention. Are any of you going to send the government rebate back? Give the kid a break.
Any idea what rebate means? He made the thread, it's all fair game IMO. He does a fine job of defending himself, I doubt he needs help.
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They get paid, that's their reward just like anybody else. If it's not enough for you, look into another line of work.


I don't want to rattle this hornet's nest, but I have to ask, what then?


If, in fact, they do as you say and look into other lines of work, what then? We have even fewer policemen, fewer firefighters, fewer teachers than we already have? And less qualified ones at that.


So you would encourage that we scrimp on teaching our future and protecting our citizens? What am I missing here?


I understand your argument about entitlement, and in fact I wholeheartedly agree that this generation feels that they are owed some debt by society. However, in this case I don't think that attracting higher level candidates to jobs that increase the "common good" falls under feeling that you are entitled to something.


I'm always interested to hear people complain that the educational system is terrible, public service workers are vastly underpaid, etc. etc., but then they apply the "not in my back yard" philosophy when asked to pay for it.


Not a personal jab at you BTW, just something that rattles my chain.......

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Let's see....would I rather, as a taxpayer, pay for a war that shouldn't have been, pay for some lazy person who hasn't hit a lick at a snake to try to take care of himself and his kids, or pay back student loans for kids that are trying to make something out of themselves?


I don't think we need to pay off all their student loans, although my brother would love it for his two boys, but a little help would be nice.


I know it's a gimme gimme society but at least these kids are trying, unlike some people I see just sit around and wait for the check to come.

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I think they should have better pay, not have student loans forgiven.

When I went to college, I worked a full time job, night shift M-F, then worked another 12-16 hrs a day on Sat and Sun at a seperate job. I did this because I weighed the options of being thousands of dollars in debt after graduation, or working and paying my way as I went. My way wasn't the easy way. I didn't party in college. I had to sit out a quarter here and there to save a little extra. When I did this, I found another job to work during the time I normally would have been going to school. But now, every month when I write that check to make the payment on my wife's student loans, I'm glad I did what I did.

Everyone wants a free lunch, today. I wasn't raised like that, I don't raise my kids like that, and I resent anyone else that feels they deserve something for nothing, or in this case, feels it is ok to be bailed out of a legal binding agreement they entered in on their own accord.


I'm not necessarily a proponent of forgiving past debt. However, I see nothing wrong with providing monetary benefit (in the form of grants, etc.) to relieve future debt.


By the argument bolded above, we wouldn't have any farms in America, it simply isn't lucrative enough in most cases. Those farmers recieve subsidies from the government to continue to grow their crops. Is that a "free lunch"? Or is it providing an invaluable service to our country?

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Whether it would happen if she's President, I do not know...


But she said that she plans on forgiving all debt (student loans) for students who go into public service jobs, like law enforcement. Seeing as how that is the field I'm really interested in going into...she might be convincing me to vote for her. Definitely makes me think. I'll have to see if I can find out more of what she's talking about.


Are these positions that aren't required to pay fed taxes? Just wondering

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It is in my eyes. What's wrong with YOU paying your own debt? Why should I or anyone else have to foot your bill? Just what's so special about you? The fact that you laugh about this is quite dispiriting honestly.


Where did I say I wouldn't pay my own debt?


Please show me where I did.


I have always known that I would have to get loans to pay for my education. That was always a fact. I am not from a rich family, and I'm not a big athletic person who can get by through sports. I wouldn't have gotten my loans if I wasn't expecting to pay them, so I would appreciate if everyone here would stop accusing me of not wanting to pay my loans. I WILL pay them. However, if someone comes in and says, "Hey Mr.Halfback20, since you are going into the public service field, if it is okay with you we'd like to pay off you're student loans." Do you think I'd say..."No thanks, everyone tells me that I should pay my own". No, I would not do that. I would say thank you, and I would move on.


No one seems to have a problem when the military pays off peoples student loans...do they? What is the difference?

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Are these positions that aren't required to pay fed taxes? Just wondering


I don't know anymore than what I posted. I can't find anymore information about it...sorry. I looked into it a little, but I've been busy all day.

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I don't want to rattle this hornet's nest, but I have to ask, what then?


If, in fact, they do as you say and look into other lines of work, what then? We have even fewer policemen, fewer firefighters, fewer teachers than we already have? And less qualified ones at that.


So you would encourage that we scrimp on teaching our future and protecting our citizens? What am I missing here?


I understand your argument about entitlement, and in fact I wholeheartedly agree that this generation feels that they are owed some debt by society. However, in this case I don't think that attracting higher level candidates to jobs that increase the "common good" falls under feeling that you are entitled to something.


I'm always interested to hear people complain that the educational system is terrible, public service workers are vastly underpaid, etc. etc., but then they apply the "not in my back yard" philosophy when asked to pay for it.


Not a personal jab at you BTW, just something that rattles my chain.......




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Let's see....would I rather, as a taxpayer, pay for a war that shouldn't have been, pay for some lazy person who hasn't hit a lick at a snake to try to take care of himself and his kids, or pay back student loans for kids that are trying to make something out of themselves?


I don't think we need to pay off all their student loans, although my brother would love it for his two boys, but a little help would be nice.


I know it's a gimme gimme society but at least these kids are trying, unlike some people I see just sit around and wait for the check to come.


Another :thumb::thumb::thumb:

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