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Spanking children can lead to problems later in life, study finds


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CWFC, you're posts imply that spanking is abuse. Quite frankly, if you're suggesting I abuse my kids...I have a problem.


I don't know you or have I ever seen you physically discipline your children, so I cannot make that judgement. I have however been spanked as a child and I've seen other parents do it to their children in public. From my personal observations, parents spank their kids out of anger. Rarely does it seem to correct the discipline problem. It may make the parent feel better, but I have rarely seen long term benefits from it. Now, I'm sure everyone will counter with the arguement that says "I was spanked and I turned out fine." Maybe, that is so. But for every person that turned out fine, there is one that hasn't. How you are disciplined is not by any means the sole indicator of future success. My guess is that you would have been successful regardless of the discipline methods employed by your parents. This argument of spank vs. not spank is not the most relevant argument. The more relevant topic is the overall lack of discipline in this country, lack of self control and self sacrifice, and the diminishing quality of parenting. Those are the topics that are more important.


As far as suggesting abuse goes, I would not and have not hesitated to call somebody out when they have crossed the line I physically disciplining their children in public.


Quite frankly, I don't care if you have a problem with me or my opinions.

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I don't know you or have I ever seen you physically discipline your children, so I cannot make that judgement. I have however been spanked as a child and I've seen other parents do it to their children in public. From my personal observations, parents spank their kids out of anger. Rarely does it seem to correct the discipline problem. It may make the parent feel better, but I have rarely seen long term benefits from it. Now, I'm sure everyone will counter with the arguement that says "I was spanked and I turned out fine." Maybe, that is so. But for every person that turned out fine, there is one that hasn't. How you are disciplined is not by any means the sole indicator of future success. My guess is that you would have been successful regardless of the discipline methods employed by your parents. This argument of spank vs. not spank is not the most relevant argument. The more relevant topic is the overall lack of discipline in this country, lack of self control and self sacrifice, and the diminishing quality of parenting. Those are the topics that are more important.


As far as suggesting abuse goes, I would not and have not hesitated to call somebody out when they have crossed the line I physically disciplining their children in public.


Quite frankly, I don't care if you have a problem with me or my opinions.


Again, there's a difference between spanking a child because they've truly done something wrong and abuse. Even if you fail to see that...

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For those of you without children making these generalized statements, I say be very careful. You do not know what you will do when you have children of your own. You can say "well I will never" until you are blue in the face, but it won't mean a darn thing when you are confronted with a situation. I can probably count the number of times I've swatted one of mine on the behind with my hand with two hands. Mine are generally well-behaved and respond quite well to severe looks from me. My children love me more than life, but they also have a healthy fear of Mommy and that is a good thing.


I will put them in their rooms for time out, both for me and for them. For my older ones, I will take a favored possession away, if necessary. The biggest discipline tactic for me is I'm always consistent. If I say something will happen, then it will. I never make a threat I cannot back up and my kids know it. It only takes a couple of times following through and they begin to take your word as law. I am not morally opposed to spanking, quite the contrary. I just rarely have to do it. My kids are almost always complimented by adults for their respectfulness and nice manners. I know that discipline tactics change as they get older, but my consistency never will.

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For those of you without children making these generalized statements, I say be very careful. You do not know what you will do when you have children of your own. You can say "well I will never" until you are blue in the face, but it won't mean a darn thing when you are confronted with a situation. I can probably count the number of times I've swatted one of mine on the behind with my hand with two hands. Mine are generally well-behaved and respond quite well to severe looks from me. My children love me more than life, but they also have a healthy fear of Mommy and that is a good thing.


I will put them in their rooms for time out, both for me and for them. For my older ones, I will take a favored possession away, if necessary. The biggest discipline tactic for me is I'm always consistent. If I say something will happen, then it will. I never make a threat I cannot back up and my kids know it. It only takes a couple of times following through and they begin to take your word as law. I am not morally opposed to spanking, quite the contrary. I just rarely have to do it. My kids are almost always complimented by adults for their respectfulness and nice manners. I know that discipline tactics change as they get older, but my consistency never will.




If you had to spank that crew, there'd be Tommy John in your future.

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I don't know you or have I ever seen you physically discipline your children, so I cannot make that judgement. I have however been spanked as a child and I've seen other parents do it to their children in public. From my personal observations, parents spank their kids out of anger. Rarely does it seem to correct the discipline problem. It may make the parent feel better, but I have rarely seen long term benefits from it. Now, I'm sure everyone will counter with the arguement that says "I was spanked and I turned out fine." Maybe, that is so. But for every person that turned out fine, there is one that hasn't. How you are disciplined is not by any means the sole indicator of future success. My guess is that you would have been successful regardless of the discipline methods employed by your parents. This argument of spank vs. not spank is not the most relevant argument. The more relevant topic is the overall lack of discipline in this country, lack of self control and self sacrifice, and the diminishing quality of parenting. Those are the topics that are more important.


As far as suggesting abuse goes, I would not and have not hesitated to call somebody out when they have crossed the line I physically disciplining their children in public.


Quite frankly, I don't care if you have a problem with me or my opinions.


And of course you determine where the line is at correct?

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Proverbs 13:24 says "he who spares the Rod, hates his son".


Parents are encouraged to appy the "Rod" of discipline. The rod imparts wisdom and promotes a helathy family. Discipline is rooted into love.


The word "Rod" actually means punishment not a real rod.


I read several different thoughts on this and I see that it shows us we are made the same. With different ideas that works for you. Even with my 4 sons a couple of them all I had to do is put on my "Game face".

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I support parents right to spank, I think it can be useful and it often works well as part of a loving discipline. I got spanked, a lot. I deserved every one of them, but I don't know that the spankings were very much of a deterrent for me.


I also had time outs sometimes when I got in trouble. I had to take time out from the things I wanted to do and instead spend my time, all of it, doing manual labor around the house. A couple of days of working around the house from morning to night will give you a lot of time out to think. That was much more effective on me than a useless spanking that lasted less than a minute.



But, would you have continued to work around the house from sun up to sun down for a couple of days if the fear of getting that butt busted was not present? A lot of kids these days would refuse to work around the house as punishment because they know that that deterant(physical punishment) is not and option for many new age parents. I am a new age parent but refer to old way techniques. I have spanked my children, but only had to once. Now they know the look that means "Stop Now".

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A good parent knows what will work for their kids. Each personality requires different types of discipline. Some will listen and others are more rowdy. I would prefer a spanking to using Straterra and other ADD medication. Most of these kids that use this really need someone to show they care what they do and discipline them instead of medicating them and ignoring their responsibility. Scolding works for some and others will need a spanking to show you mean business and there is a difference between spanking and beating or abuse.

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I've had my fair share of spankings and whippings when I was younger. Watch out ladies..... HERE I COME. This is about the stupidest thing I have ever heard.... My girlfriend's little brother is five years old. AND HE DRIVES ME UP THE WALL!!! But his mother lets him run around hit people, spit on people, cuss at people, throw rocks at people. All she does is yell, "STOP THAT". He laughs... sticks his tounge out at her... and runs off and does it again... But I can tell you this. He doesn't act like that AT ALL around my girlfriend and me. IMO I believe it is because she spanks him and I stick a finger in his face and we both let him know that he needs to stop right now and apologize. Do I believe we should be allowed to beat the crap out of a kid because they are acting like kids? Absolutly not. Do I believe that kids need to be disciplined? Absolutly yes. We as adults SHOULD know the difference between discipline and a flat out beating. But let me get this straight. Is this basically saying that if my girlfriend's mother continues to NOT discipline her son that he won't have sex or try to talk a girl into having sex with him untill he's married? Well I have news for everyone... If he keeps going the way he is then he won't care if a girl says no by the time he is able to have sex. Again this is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. BTW we need to find out who this "leading reseacher" is so I can send him a piece of my mind... Who knows... I might just spank him so he doesn't ever say something like this again.

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I don't know you or have I ever seen you physically discipline your children, so I cannot make that judgement. I have however been spanked as a child and I've seen other parents do it to their children in public. From my personal observations, parents spank their kids out of anger. Rarely does it seem to correct the discipline problem. It may make the parent feel better, but I have rarely seen long term benefits from it. Now, I'm sure everyone will counter with the arguement that says "I was spanked and I turned out fine." Maybe, that is so. But for every person that turned out fine, there is one that hasn't. How you are disciplined is not by any means the sole indicator of future success. My guess is that you would have been successful regardless of the discipline methods employed by your parents. This argument of spank vs. not spank is not the most relevant argument. The more relevant topic is the overall lack of discipline in this country, lack of self control and self sacrifice, and the diminishing quality of parenting. Those are the topics that are more important.


As far as suggesting abuse goes, I would not and have not hesitated to call somebody out when they have crossed the line I physically disciplining their children in public.


Quite frankly, I don't care if you have a problem with me or my opinions.


Why would you want to make it so that two people get "disciplined" that day?


Nothing aggravates me more than for someone who doesn't know me or my child to try and tell me how to raise my children.


Fair warning, if I were the guy you "called out" the wrath laid upon you would be much more than my child will ever get.

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