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Durham's scholly yanked by UL...


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This year in particular...they could reference that they "freed" a spot for another kid...


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Yeah that looks great in recruiting. "Hey we showed no loyalty to one kid so we can free up a spot for you. Unless that is we find someone better than you. Then you can go find somewhere else."


How is telling a kid he can come play for UL and get a free education and then later telling him he can't not a lie?

Recruits are going to go to UL because they are a good program. But I think parents especially will think twice now in this state about their kid going to UL.


And I also want to say I dont think UL's staff a bunch of jerks or anything. I just think they handled this situation with little class. Obviously coaches are going to make mistakes as well and arent going to be perfect all the time.

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What I would like to see happen would be if the NCAA "told" Louisville that they were going to play in the Fiesta Bowl for the championship. Then let Louisville practice in early December for a few weeks and then have somebody in the mail room call Petrino and tell them that they changed their minds, that Louisville just didn't fit with the type of championship game that they were going for. That would be fair. That's part of life. After all, according to the Louisville defenders, college football is a business. This would be a business decision. Maybe another school would travel better or get better ratings. That would be the same thing as what they did to Brad. And I picked a mail room worker to compare the way that Petrino didn't make the call, he had somebody else do it.


Of course I know this won't happen. As bad as I disagree with a lot of what the NCAA does, even they wouldn't do something that morally wrong.

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I have a question for the Louisville defenders. Many of you claim that this sort of thing happens all the time, 50 times a year or more. So I ask you, if that is the case, why is there just one thread on here about it. It happens many times a year right? Then why just one thread? Also, if it happens so much, why did all the news stations in Lexington run a story about them pulling the offer this past week? Why did the Lexington Herald Leader have a big write-up in it this week about it? The way that they are acting, this is a rare occurance. If it happens as much as you all try to make it seem, then it would seem like nobody would give it a second thought. But that's not the way it is. So apparently it is a big deal and doesn't happen as often as you would try to have us believe.

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You are talking about kids futures... It is sad that a player talks with a school, they offer and he commits...then the school backs out of the deal! This should put up a signal to other players that put their trust in U of L...

Very true..........I don't like this situation at all. Was glad to see him at the UK game taking in the great win for UK! Hopefully he can come to UK with a bad taste in his mouth and get after it for four of five years. As for Louisville........in state recruits may want to think about this in the future!

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I was not suprised by this when I heard about it on the news considering it had that classy program of Louisville involved.:rolleyes: Makes that lose to Rutgers so much sweeter. Ill tell ya, this was one great weekend, first Louisville was defeated by those Mighty Scarlet Nights, then my Golden Eagles pulled out a tight victory in the playoffs, and UK wins another game in SEC play and becomes Bowl Eligble.:dancingpa I seen Durham at the UK-Vandy game, hopefully next time I see him it will be in a UK uniform. We would love to have you Brad!!

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