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Militia occupies federal building in Oregon


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But again, I didn't say to floor the vehicle and aim towards them. I really should have to dissect a very simple and common sense post.


Yeah I guess you should be more clear when speaking of running people over, lol.


Your all over the place in this thread so its easy to get confused on what your real stance is.

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Looking it up I found that the man who drove that car into the crowd was not arrested or cited at that time. But he was later charged with 3 misdemeanor traffic charges, including "willful" or wanton disregard for safety. The county attorney did not charge him with felonies, but did say that he was charged do to the fact that the street was not crowded with protesters and could in fact have gotten away without hitting anyone.


Simple fact here is he was aiming to hurt someone Vs fleeing for his safety.

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confused on what your real stance is.


You should be happy about that. The fact that I am on the left and mentioned possibly harming leftist protesters "IF NEEDED for a persons safety should have been a clue lol:)


I am on the left, yet I usually see things how they are and I do agree on many things that are said against protesters such as BLM and others after a police shooting. I do not agree with the Bundy's. I do not agree with the cause of the ranchers but I do see that others may have what they feel are good reasons to suppor them, and that they want no part of the Bundy's as they may in fact hurt the ranchers cause. But I do see where there are similarities of what many are saying about the Bundy's and protesters on the left.

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Not necessarily. While it is illegal to carry a firearm into a federal facility(this would be designated by signage on entry door) not all buildings are designated as federal facilities. It would then depend on state of Oregon and/or local municipality laws. Many parks allow some form of carry, even into some buildings.


To add to your response I would also imagine it would depend whether or not they actually took any weapons "inside" the building. I don't believe there is anything illegal about having a firearm outside of a federal building. So if they checked their guns at the door before entering, I imagine they would be OK. On the other hand, they are still trespassing.

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I agree with you 100% on this. You have every right to protect youself!


I completely agree that you have every right to protect yourself. But you also have to establish that there is a real threat. Idiots standing in the road would not be considered a threat in my mind. Now if they were throwing rocks, bottles, bricks, etc then it would be a different story. However I don't believe any of that ever happened.

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I completely agree that you have every right to protect yourself. But you also have to establish that there is a real threat. Idiots standing in the road would not be considered a threat in my mind. Now if they were throwing rocks, bottles, bricks, etc then it would be a different story. However I don't believe any of that ever happened.


No, thankfully it hasn't. But if there was a family lets say in Ferguson who accidently drove up and into the protesters who were being violent, or they looked to be violent and they feared that they would try to attack them and their car, I would expect them to use reasonable speed and all to attempt to get to safety.


As far as the throwing of rocks, bottles and bricks, I say again that the LEO shows great restraints, and many would say too much. If anyone is getting those objects thrown at them, all bets are off, get the hell out of there, as well as the LEO has the right to start fighting back in some way.


I really enjoyed this past hour of conversations :) But I am late, BBL. Take Care.

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No, thankfully it hasn't. But if there was a family lets say in Ferguson who accidently drove up and into the protesters who were being violent, or they looked to be violent and they feared that they would try to attack them and their car, I would expect them to use reasonable speed and all to attempt to get to safety.


As far as the throwing of rocks, bottles and bricks, I say again that the LEO shows great restraints, and many would say too much. If anyone is getting those objects thrown at them, all bets are off, get the hell out of there, as well as the LEO has the right to start fighting back in some way.


I really enjoyed this past hour of conversations :) But I am late, BBL. Take Care.


I completely agree that anyone who feels threatened has the right to defend themselves, whether it is with a firearm, knife, vehicle, grenade, etc. I was just pointing out that if I had came across the idiots that blocked I75 I would not have felt threatened just because they were blocking the road. In all likelihood I would have just turned my car around and drove on the shoulder back to the last exit and gotten off the highway. All while hoping i wouldn't be ticketed for a traffic violation. :)

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To add to your response I would also imagine it would depend whether or not they actually took any weapons "inside" the building. I don't believe there is anything illegal about having a firearm outside of a federal building. So if they checked their guns at the door before entering, I imagine they would be OK. On the other hand, they are still trespassing.


The building where Bundy and Clan are is on a remote wildlife area....probably ok to carry in that zone.


Really too bad that Bundy showed up because initially this was a very cool and well organized protest.


The building and protesters that are being shown on TV is the original protest outside the courthouse, the snow covered, flag draped sign is the Bundy Compound....not the same place or necessarily the same idealogy.

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