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Patrick Towles Transferring


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Do you think Drew is a considerable upgrade and that the UK QB position is now much better than it was a week ago now?


Nobody can say Barker is better than Towles based on what we've seen of him so far. Barker wasn't very good either.


Absolutely not an upgrade. This is a system problem, not a QB problem. Unfortunately in this business, the QB gets the heat. Most of my friends/associates have banged on Pat as the problem, some even said he should stay and "take it like a man"...I don't get that at all.


Pat's contract with UK was effectively terminated when the coaching staff cast a vote of no confidence and inserted Barker. That's as good as a release from obligation.


I think he lands somewhere and does ok. This is a career move for him and I wish him all the luck in the world.


As for Dawson, not so sure that contract is a good one, but maybe we should give Barker a shot and then do a contrast / compare.

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Let's be real for a moment. Stoops has to be smart enough to know that coming off a losing streak he needed to make a change at QB to put butts in the seats at CWS. After the renovation, priority one has been attendance. Stoops had to know that it wasn't the brightest move (or he'd done it a long time ago) but did it anyway. Now he's lost his senior leader and hitched the wagon to an unproven/unstable (yep, I said it) Barker to go along with the same cast of guys that couldn't block or catch. If this doesn't work out, this is it for this staff.


Brohm might look good in UK blue. Atleast we'd be exciting to watch.

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Regardless of where Patrick ends up, I wish him nothing but great success. He has a bright future in whatever he decides to do in life. However, I think Pat will need a lot of help this offseason to fix some of the problems he developed at UK. We can talk about his intangibles (size, arm, mobility, etc.) until we are blue in the face, but the fact is through 20 plus starts at UK, he showed absolutely no improvement. I realize the offensive line and receivers were not good, but his footwork and ability to read coverages has been a huge issue for quite some time. While I think if he goes to the right coach with the right system these things could be fixed to an extent, it will take a whole lot of work to fix these fundamental issues.


This is a very good assessment, in my opinion.


Patrick's development was very disappointing to me, in that, he had over 20 college starts and the game did not appear to slow down for him. He did a poor job with his pre-snap reads and his progression of receivers. If the primary read was taken away, he was very indecisive going to the second or third option.


I know we all want a pro-style quarterback and Patrick has those intangibles (height/weight, arm strength), but in retrospect, the kid is big and strong and surprisingly swift on his feet, I say let him run the football a lot more.


This season, they had him sliding on his runs. Think about that for a second....Patrick is physically bigger than probably all but three or four of the other teams defensive players at the college level. If I was a defensive back or even linebacker, I would be hesitant to put my hat on Patrick Towles. The kid naturally has always appeared to want to run the football....let him run it, as an improvised play or by design.


I wish him the best at his next school.

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Let's be real for a moment. Stoops has to be smart enough to know that coming off a losing streak he needed to make a change at QB to put butts in the seats at CWS. After the renovation, priority one has been attendance. Stoops had to know that it wasn't the brightest move (or he'd done it a long time ago) but did it anyway. Now he's lost his senior leader and hitched the wagon to an unproven/unstable (yep, I said it) Barker to go along with the same cast of guys that couldn't block or catch. If this doesn't work out, this is it for this staff.


Brohm might look good in UK blue. Atleast we'd be exciting to watch.


...on a positive note, attendance at HHS games will likely go up exponentially

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For all we know Towles is Drew Bledsoe and Drew is Tom Brady, but UK was never able to figure out if Towles was any good and they will never find out if Barker is any good if they don't give them something the work with. When you have less than 2 seconds to drop back and throw the ball every play you aren't going to be successful, couple that with receivers who aren't capable of getting open. College football is not rocket science, every good team, no matter the system they run or what conference they are in, wins because they protect the QB and they stop the other team from running the ball. UK doesn't have either of those and until they do they will NEVER be successful. How do Alabama, Ohio State, LSU, Michigan State, Oklahoma, etc. stay relevant every year? Because they recruit a whole bunch of offensive lineman and defensive lineman. Quarterbacks win games in the NFL, lineman win games in college.

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That's what I don't get, yet Drew will have a ton, ton of hype in August. He will be expected to be the savior of UK football.


And at the end of next season we'll be saying his results were due to him being 'held back' this year or 'learning the system'. End of the following season will be that he has to perform better or else. It's a vicious cycle at UK. Drew doesn't have the size and experience of Pat. I expect a ton of mistakes next year as he begins to play regularly. I just don't think he's better than Pat (and neither do the coaches, it would seem).

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14 interceptions, 9 touchdowns. Can't pin that on OL, receivers, or coaches.


Why not? How many tipped passes turned into interceptions because of bad receivers? How many interceptions were directly related to a bad O line? Lets see these stats.

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Most classless post on BGP, past, present and future.

I disagree. I realize he is a hometown, in state kid but he imo thought he was somehow entitled to the spot, was above anyone and everyone on the team.

I realize the soft in his hand may have been a little much and I will apologize for that ... only. As for the rest of the post, I'll stand by what I believe. Should you disagree then that's fine, I certainly won't call you classless over your opinion. After all, isn't that (different opinions) what this board is about ?

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I disagree. I realize he is a hometown, in state kid but he imo thought he was somehow entitled to the spot, was above anyone and everyone on the team.

I realize the soft in his hand may have been a little much and I will apologize for that ... only. As for the rest of the post, I'll stand by what I believe. Should you disagree then that's fine, I certainly won't call you classless over your opinion. After all, isn't that (different opinions) what this board is about ?


You are certainly entitled to your opinion.


Thanks for the bolded, we're good.

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