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Reds are Done!

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The Reds are 9-3 against the Cubs. They are 42-47 against the rest of the teams on their schedule. This team is mediocre at best. Any line-up that has a journeyman catcher batting 3rd and playing 1B and a past his prime LF, who was told a month ago that he would be sharing time, now batting 4th is done. We are fooling ourselves to think they can compete to win this division. The front office needs to have the guts to admit this team was not good enough from the beginning and start selling and preparing for next year.

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The Reds were pretty good wth the roster heading into the season. They had and still have a great rotation. If BP, Bruce, and Votto produce like they should be capable of this team would have been 15 games over going into the All Star break. But BP and Votto are now hurt, and Bruce is still playing hurt IMO. Injuries are the reason this season is the way it is, any team would struggle if they had this many issues dealing with injuries. This team was very capable of winning going into the season. To say this roster had no chance from the beginning has to be a joke.


In saying that, the organizational depth this team has is absolutely terrible. Jockety has done nothing to help cushion the blow injuries can take on a team.

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The Reds pitching staff would have given this team a chance to win 85-90 games this year, but who really thought they could hit. If a player hits about .270 to .280 in the minors would that not translate to about .250 in the majors since the pitching is better?? Career minor league averages for the following: Mesoraco .267; Cozart .270, Frazier .280, Hamilton .280 What makes anyone think they will ever hit any higher than that? More than likely they hit .250. Example Bruce career .308 hitter in minors now .254 hitter in majors. Phillips career .270 in majors, Ludwick career .262 hitter in majors and best years long gone. Pena journeyman .257 hitter in majors. There is absolutley no one other than Votto that has ever hit over .300 consistently. How can you win like that? This team was never going to win big. Good pitching will beat this team every time!!!!

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And just like the Bengals and PBS, GABP will be full this weekend for the Reds.


We're supposed to be going to the Legends game tomorrow night.


And before you ask, parking is three bucks. I don't know where you have to go to park for free.

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And just like the Bengals and PBS, GABP will be full this weekend for the Reds.


Why shouldn't it be? Reds game are a blast to go to win or lose. If fans stop going they will have no money to spend.

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I've been talkig to my buddies about going to the game Saturday, I still love the Reds and won't stop going just cause they aren't performing to expectations.


My wife and I will be there on Saturday afternoon.

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Way back in the 50's when I was a kid, there were two divisions - the American and National League.


The Reds never competed for a pennant, but we could have cared less, we were realistic about our chances. Taking the bus out to Crosley Field on Knothole Days, buying peanuts from the Peanut Man at the RIght Field entrance, drinking watered down Lemonade in green cups, and hollering at your favorite player (Wally Post #27), keeping score on a 15 cent scorecard and rooting for the Reds to win that game, that day or night was what it was all about. If they won we were happy, if not, well, we'd get 'em next time. I don't remember all of this pressure to be the best at everything - things were simpler back then.


It seems during this day and age its all about winning the division and nothing else. I blame the Cincinnati media for the high expectations every year. There is nothing else to talk about in this town so its always the Reds and Bengals, who are always going to be the next World Champs or Superbowl champs, nothing else seems to be acceptable, therefore we always feel let down.


The last time I checked, we are the 28th largest media market in the major leagues, probably fortunate to have a team. I know how the Cincinnati fans feel about the Reds, but I wonder how fans from other cities view us. Do they feel we underachieve, and when we do win or compete for a division, think we overachieve??? There is nothing wrong with wanting to be the best, it's human nature, but sometimes being realistic and enjoying the product on a day to day basis might be less stressful. Just wondering???

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I think the expectations to win the division was based on the previous seasons. Most people wanted to see this team finally take the next step, but I'm starting to realize the peak of this team was 2012.

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I think the Big Red machine solidified the city as a baseball town. When I go to visit relatives in St.Louis, they still talk about that when talking Reds. I think people outside this city and area really respect the Reds. Lance McCalister did a poll one day, it was like 60% of the city is Bengal fans, but in the same poll 95% were Reds fans. This city loves it's baseball.

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Way back in the 50's when I was a kid, there were two divisions - the American and National League.


The Reds never competed for a pennant, but we could have cared less, we were realistic about our chances. Taking the bus out to Crosley Field on Knothole Days, buying peanuts from the Peanut Man at the RIght Field entrance, drinking watered down Lemonade in green cups, and hollering at your favorite player (Wally Post #27), keeping score on a 15 cent scorecard and rooting for the Reds to win that game, that day or night was what it was all about. If they won we were happy, if not, well, we'd get 'em next time. I don't remember all of this pressure to be the best at everything - things were simpler back then.


It seems during this day and age its all about winning the division and nothing else. I blame the Cincinnati media for the high expectations every year. There is nothing else to talk about in this town so its always the Reds and Bengals, who are always going to be the next World Champs or Superbowl champs, nothing else seems to be acceptable, therefore we always feel let down.


The last time I checked, we are the 28th largest media market in the major leagues, probably fortunate to have a team. I know how the Cincinnati fans feel about the Reds, but I wonder how fans from other cities view us. Do they feel we underachieve, and when we do win or compete for a division, think we overachieve??? There is nothing wrong with wanting to be the best, it's human nature, but sometimes being realistic and enjoying the product on a day to day basis might be less stressful. Just wondering???


I agree with everything you said in this post. The problem is society as a whole wanting nothing but championships. That is just not here. I don't understand why any GM would blow a team up after an average season. You might need to try and tweak it from year to year, but to blow it up and start over just doesn't make sense to me. I don't want anyone to think i don't love the Reds or I will stop going. I am just disappointed in this years team and i do not think that Walt is the answer as GM. I think he made some big mistakes when building this team.

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I think the Big Red machine solidified the city as a baseball town. When I go to visit relatives in St.Louis, they still talk about that when talking Reds. I think people outside this city and area really respect the Reds. Lance McCalister did a poll one day, it was like 60% of the city is Bengal fans, but in the same poll 95% were Reds fans. This city loves it's baseball.


I also think one thing that made Cincinnati love the Big Red Machine was that all of those players came up through our system and they were here for a long time. Pete, Johnny, Griffey, Perez, Concepcion all came up through the minors and people could identify them because they were here a long time. What if the GM would have blew the team up because they didn't win a Championship in 1970 or 1972??

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I think the Big Red machine solidified the city as a baseball town. When I go to visit relatives in St.Louis, they still talk about that when talking Reds. I think people outside this city and area really respect the Reds. Lance McCalister did a poll one day, it was like 60% of the city is Bengal fans, but in the same poll 95% were Reds fans. This city loves it's baseball.


Forgiving Lance's poll, the most recent Scarborough release has Cincinnati with more adults rooting for the Bengals than the Reds (a trend that started a few years ago, and certainly speaks as much to the popularity of the NFL as anything). Off the top of my head, about 68% of adults in Cincinnati are Reds' fans and a little over 70% of adults are Bengals' fans. I'll get the exact numbers. Those are really high as you look at Pro Sports towns around the country. The Packers have the highest percentage of adults in their market as fans, and I'm not even sure they get to 85%.

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