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Collins 37 Highlands 34 (2013 Class 4A State Championship)


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Because Collins had to score a touchdown. It is a tough call to make, but why assume that the other team is going to score. IMO a timeout should have been called prior to the last play and the defense set up to funnel everything to the outside. No receiver gets open in the middle of the field and one person spies the quarterback.


If the starting QB was still in there, I agree. Let them get in formation and then call a TO. They either have to change from their "best play" formation OR you get some time to prepare for that formation.


HOWEVER, with the backup QB in (and not having much time to be prepared since the refs did not appear to give them much time after notifying the Collins coaching staff VERY late in the TO that the starting QB needed to sit out a play), I think you play it out and make the backup beat you with less preparation -- which he did.

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It stays TIED........





This is a scary game that the Birds and Rocks are playing together.


You know good Christians will walk arm and arm together and perhaps KYs two giants will take another step together next yr...:thumb:


I now I'am planning on it and I would expect nothing less from T...

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The thing that stunk the mosty for me yesterday watching this game was this. I was watching the stream on my ipad. It kept freezingh all through the game so i would have to refresh it.


Had video for the entire game until 3rd and 4th down at the end, then the video went out and alli had was audio. So the TD i only could hear the announcers all, no video. I wish I could of seenthe play.

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and Highlands has baseball season and soccer. What is your point? Should I get on here and beg on NCC for losing in the state finals? Your jealously along with others on here speaks volumes. Love how some get on here and make one dumb statement after another. Some probably never played a game in their life, right UK, and want to get on here and talk smack about high school

kids. Real MEN if you ask me.

Jealous ? No not jealous of Highlands' success at all . Just being Mr.Obvious . The team that I root for lost in the finals too . Just pointing out rays of sunshine that do exist . In High School You put the loss behind you and move on to the next sport season and hope that it is successful .
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Congratulations to Collins. They played a whale of a game and did not fade in the 3rd & 4th Qtr. Good athletes, well coached, solid system and a program on the rise. Enjoy it. You earned it.


In reality, the Winner / Loser was decided by a single pass that was well covered. If the LB gets there a second earlier and tips the ball, is HHS "clearly the better team?" If #85 juggles it (which he clearly did not -- he grabbed hold and would not be denied), is Collins' program less on the rise?


Winning and losing matters. It is not, however, the only thing. As Teddy Roosevelt said (and many on BGP could stand to remember):


"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

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Jealous ? No not jealous of Highlands' success at all . Just being Mr.Obvious . The team that I root for lost in the finals too . Just pointing out rays of sunshine that do exist . In High School You put the loss behind you and move on to the next sport season and hope that it is successful .


Then why the shot about basketball? Highlands cannot look forward to basketball is certainly what you were insinuating with your post. I have friends at NCC who have kids that play and just find it sad when fans get on here and make insulting posts about high school kids. I will ask again, should I get on here and rag the football team and other teams when they do not win up on the hill. Answer is no, I am bigger than that and value the friendships that I have.


And yes the sun did rise in the east today and life will go on for each and every kid that partcipated in those games yesterday at WKU.

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Which is even morew of a coaching problem. If you know you don't have your best players on the field then you better be smart enough to know how to counter that by putting the players in the best positions to succeed while on the field.


All coaching.


Here's your exaggeration again. 6 state championships, 1 loss to a KY over how many years (and that cane in the state finals by the way), second most wins in the country and all of a sudden they are clueless. Funny!


It's one loss to a good team that executed a great game plan and took it to them yesterday. It's funny that one spends so much time bashing a program. It really is comical. Still think it was passing that did in the birds??? Ha ha ha Even their own fans say they ran all over them. Maybe I do know a little something. Hitting a few passes when a team is desperately trying to stop the run is not a "unstoppable passing game" that did the Birds in. They ran it down our throat!

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