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Bishop Brossart starting a football program


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I realize that the CCMS field is probably in great demand, but a few years back before the creation of the soccer fields at Campbell County High School full slates of Campbell County High School soccer was also played on that field.


I think all of this discussion is the result of a school board member's E/Mail to many of his friends and associates to clarify that no deal had been struck and there was no contract in place or anything of the sort and that only casual conversation had taken place about the use of the field by Bishop Brossart for football.


Campbell County High School and Middle School has always been a "good neighbor" to Bishop Brossart High School, and when possible have worked to accomodate our needs. There have been inquiries that have been turned down, as recently as our Brossart/Pendleton County basketball game dilemma. The parties contacted said that they could not accomodate us BECAUSE there were school functions being held in their facilities for their student/athletes. We fully understand that and by no means feel that we have a "right" to use any public school facility. We made due with what we had and the game was played at Brossart.


When the time comes and the specifics are worked out, I'm sure the two parties will sit down and work out an agreement if possible, and if the facilities are available I would expect to see Brossart play their football games at "Bob Miller Stadium" or whatever it is called these days. If it can't be worked out then we will go elsewhere.


Even though because of their sheer size and magnitude of facilities, Campbell County Public Schools certainly do more for us than we have ever done for them, but I do remember a time when the middle school was the high school and their floor buckled due to faulty sky-lights, that Campbell County played a majority of their "home games" at Brossart.

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I realize that the CCMS field is probably in great demand, but a few years back before the creation of the soccer fields at Campbell County High School full slates of Campbell County High School soccer was also played on that field.


I think all of this discussion is the result of a school board member's E/Mail to many of his friends and associates to clarify that no deal had been struck and there was no contract in place or anything of the sort and that only casual conversation had taken place about the use of the field by Bishop Brossart for football.


Campbell County High School and Middle School has always been a "good neighbor" to Bishop Brossart High School, and when possible have worked to accomodate our needs. There have been inquiries that have been turned down, as recently as our Brossart/Pendleton County basketball game dilemma. The parties contacted said that they could not accomodate us BECAUSE there were school functions being held in their facilities for their student/athletes. We fully understand that and by no means feel that we have a "right" to use any public school facility. We made due with what we had and the game was played at Brossart.


When the time comes and the specifics are worked out, I'm sure the two parties will sit down and work out an agreement if possible, and if the facilities are available I would expect to see Brossart play their football games at "Bob Miller Stadium" or whatever it is called these days. If it can't be worked out then we will go elsewhere.


Even though because of their sheer size and magnitude of facilities, Campbell County Public Schools certainly do more for us than we have ever done for them, but I do remember a time when the middle school was the high school and their floor buckled due to faulty sky-lights, that Campbell County played a majority of their "home games" at Brossart.



Aaaah, the voice of reason. As a taxpayer, if CCHS has facilities that can be used by Brossart and CCHS refuses to do so, I will be very upset if for no other reason (and there are other reasons) that every student that attends a private school is one less student that the taxpayers have to pay for. Accordingly, I believe that the public schools should cooperate with the private schools whenever possible. If facilities are available, rent them at at a very reasonable rate to the private schools. Furthermore, if the CC school district's recent claim that they will face a rapid expansion of students in the near future that will cause major problems with space (as justification for the tax levy) is accurate and I truly believe it is, the Super should be thrilled to death that Brossart is alive and well and taking some additional pressure off of his school district. Its also good politics for the CC school district. I'm sure that they will be trying again to pass the school levy. Ticking off the catholics in the school district is, frankly, stupid. I would have to think the logic of the catholics would be: pound sand CC school district, we'll vote no to the tax levy and when it fails by a close vote that we influenced, we'll take the money that would have otherwise went to the increased taxes and give it to Brossart.


And for the last and in my opinion best reason why the CC school district should work with Brossart: its just the right and nice thing to do.

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Aaaah, the voice of reason. As a taxpayer, if CCHS has facilities that can be used by Brossart and CCHS refuses to do so, I will be very upset if for no other reason (and there are other reasons) that every student that attends a private school is one less student that the taxpayers have to pay for. Accordingly, I believe that the public schools should cooperate with the private schools whenever possible. If facilities are available, rent them at at a very reasonable rate to the private schools. Furthermore, if the CC school district's recent claim that they will face a rapid expansion of students in the near future that will cause major problems with space (as justification for the tax levy) is accurate and I truly believe it is, the Super should be thrilled to death that Brossart is alive and well and taking some additional pressure off of his school district. Its also good politics for the CC school district. I'm sure that they will be trying again to pass the school levy. Ticking off the catholics in the school district is, frankly, stupid. I would have to think the logic of the catholics would be: pound sand CC school district, we'll vote no to the tax levy and when it fails by a close vote that we influenced, we'll take the money that would have otherwise went to the increased taxes and give it to Brossart.


And for the last and in my opinion best reason why the CC school district should work with Brossart: its just the right and nice thing to do.


Well said Leatherneck!! :thumb:

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Currently, BBHS has excellent cross country, golf and soccer programs. All of these have won regional titles in the last 5 years, and continure to get better. I know the soccer team won its first regional in 2004, and won the All A Classic in 2005, and the golf team is back to back regional champs! I just don't see the sense in cannabalizing all the successful fall sports to put a football team together.

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Currently, BBHS has excellent cross country, golf and soccer programs. All of these have won regional titles in the last 5 years, and continure to get better. I know the soccer team won its first regional in 2004, and won the All A Classic in 2005, and the golf team is back to back regional champs! I just don't see the sense in cannabalizing all the successful fall sports to put a football team together.

Your right, in about four years you will see these teams go downhill. However, in a few years after that they'll be back up..

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Currently, BBHS has excellent cross country, golf and soccer programs. All of these have won regional titles in the last 5 years, and continure to get better. I know the soccer team won its first regional in 2004, and won the All A Classic in 2005, and the golf team is back to back regional champs! I just don't see the sense in cannabalizing all the successful fall sports to put a football team together.


You've just pretty much summed up the "anti-footballer's" argument!! The pro-footballers argue that this is the time in the school's development to add football, and the student growth is being held back by not offering football. You're probably right that the fall sport's teams will take a hit initially, until student growth picks up; primarilly soccer, as I doubt many golfers or even cross-country runners are potential football players.


Regardless, it's beeen voted on, passed and pending raising enough funds, will become reality!! Where they will play is obviously up in the air, but it appears they will try to take it slow by playing JV a few years, and then moving to a non-district varsity schedule. Given the dedication of the parents and administration, I've no doubt they will be ultimately successful, but it will take time to build a quality football program.


IMO--The timing will depend quite a lot on who they can hire to run the program. If they can somehow attract a "name" coach, I think they could shave a few years off the "learning curve" and move to competitiveness in a reasonable timeframe!!

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Consider this option: As it looks like BB will only play a JV schedule for a couple of years and (after the initial excitement wears down) JV games are not huge draws, It could be possible to play the season with only one or two home games. Surely, CCMS could give time on a Sat. morning, afternoon or weekday to let this happen.

The bigger question would be "Where do they practice?" CCMS, CCHS, St. Mary's?


This would give two or three more years to "find" a home field.

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I believe taking care of those that put you on the map in the first place is more important than starting a make shift football team that doesn't have a home field or the means to support a competitive football team.

You sound like a soccer fan with sour grapes to me. :rolleyes:

Doesn't have the means to support competitive football? Please. I remember BB back in the 80's and I don't recall them being a juggernaut then. Times changes. BB has all it takes to be a success in anything they do appearantly, so why not football?

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I talked to Brossart Athletic Director Mel Webster on our broadcast of the BB-StHenry basketball game last night at length about the formation of the football program, posing many of the same questions being asked on this forum.


To take a listen, click on the link below and then forward the advance bar to the 1:40:25 mark.


Brosssart Football Interview With Mel Webster

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I talked to Brossart Athletic Director Mel Webster on our broadcast of the BB-StHenry basketball game last night at length about the formation of the football program, posing many of the same questions being asked on this forum.


To take a listen, click on the link below and then forward the advance bar to the 1:40:25 mark.


Brosssart Football Interview With Mel Webster

Pretty cool interview. Sounds like there's alot going on. Deffinetly not a fly by night operation.

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Aaaah, the voice of reason. As a taxpayer, if CCHS has facilities that can be used by Brossart and CCHS refuses to do so, I will be very upset if for no other reason (and there are other reasons) that every student that attends a private school is one less student that the taxpayers have to pay for. Accordingly, I believe that the public schools should cooperate with the private schools whenever possible. If facilities are available, rent them at at a very reasonable rate to the private schools. Furthermore, if the CC school district's recent claim that they will face a rapid expansion of students in the near future that will cause major problems with space (as justification for the tax levy) is accurate and I truly believe it is, the Super should be thrilled to death that Brossart is alive and well and taking some additional pressure off of his school district. Its also good politics for the CC school district. I'm sure that they will be trying again to pass the school levy. Ticking off the catholics in the school district is, frankly, stupid. I would have to think the logic of the catholics would be: pound sand CC school district, we'll vote no to the tax levy and when it fails by a close vote that we influenced, we'll take the money that would have otherwise went to the increased taxes and give it to Brossart.


And for the last and in my opinion best reason why the CC school district should work with Brossart: its just the right and nice thing to do.



So your saying that you voted against the levy tax, to help pay for things in the CC district. And know you want to use the CC district facilities. WOW that does not make sense to me. Its CC feild, and just for the pure reason that any more playing on the feild than their is present, will leave absoluty no grass for the CC players.

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Aaaah, the voice of reason. As a taxpayer, if CCHS has facilities that can be used by Brossart and CCHS refuses to do so, I will be very upset if for no other reason (and there are other reasons) that every student that attends a private school is one less student that the taxpayers have to pay for. Accordingly, I believe that the public schools should cooperate with the private schools whenever possible. If facilities are available, rent them at at a very reasonable rate to the private schools. Furthermore, if the CC school district's recent claim that they will face a rapid expansion of students in the near future that will cause major problems with space (as justification for the tax levy) is accurate and I truly believe it is, the Super should be thrilled to death that Brossart is alive and well and taking some additional pressure off of his school district. Its also good politics for the CC school district. I'm sure that they will be trying again to pass the school levy. Ticking off the catholics in the school district is, frankly, stupid. I would have to think the logic of the catholics would be: pound sand CC school district, we'll vote no to the tax levy and when it fails by a close vote that we influenced, we'll take the money that would have otherwise went to the increased taxes and give it to Brossart.


And for the last and in my opinion best reason why the CC school district should work with Brossart: its just the right and nice thing to do.


Here's an idea... Build your own field. There is no reason CC should try to "help out" a team that will try to take its players.

By the way, from what I have read Brossart says they want to raise $40,000 to start football. I would think it would cost about $400 per kid just to suit them up. What about money for coaches, practice equipment, footballs, additional training supplies, extra helmets and equipment, etc. I think 40,000 is not going to be near enough to "do it right".

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